Chapter 18

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Chapter Eighteen

    When Caleb woke up Hayden drove him back to where he lived. I had found directions to Fayetteville, while Richard and Coal packed up the house. No one had said a word to me since we left the basement. Lying was a full out betrayal in the eyes of these boys and I never intended to do it again. When the house was cleared out and I had found directions Richard started his truck. “You get to wait here for Hayden” He said to me. Soon the truck was long gone and I was alone with the millions of books.

  Out of nowhere someone began to knock loudly on the door. I didn’t answer it. It wasn’t Hayden he would have just walked in. The sunlight that filled the room disappeared behind sudden storm clouds. The front door swung open and freezing wind flooded in. Any other light that was in the room was now gone. The black holes that were men with white eyes stood in every corner. They had appeared in the blink of an eye. I sank to the floor and they formed a circle around me. When they were all only a few feet away from me on every side they were spilt apart to let in a new comer.

  The man with the silver razors stood over me without his trench coat. He crouched down with his face only a few feet away from my face. His eyes were pale but I could see right through them unlike in the room. It was another hallucination and I knew that.

  I knew I couldn’t win if I couldn’t control my emotions. I reached out and tried to paint the vivid green eyes that Aiden had on his face. I started to notice that no matter how close he was to my face I couldn’t feel his breathe. When I could finally see what I wanted to it wasn’t right. The eyes were filled with fear. I could feel his warm breathe out of nowhere. The razor man melted away like face paint and now I was sitting in front of what I believed to be the real Aiden.

  The demons around me disappeared and I was sitting in a forest. Sun beamed through the leaves and I could hear songbirds in the branches. Aiden was still holding his knees in front of me. I couldn’t figure out where I was. All I wished was I hadn’t blacked out in reality again. If Hayden found me I would probably wake up in a hospital bed. Aiden got up and looked around the hollow. He looked down at me. He seemed to not know if I was real or not. I didn’t think he was really there either though.

“I’m just going to go out there and say it but is any of this real.” He asked. I didn’t think so. I could still feel wood floors and smell the dust flying around me. “Or god forbid I’m dreaming.”

“Other than us I don’t think so.” I said. Hoping I wasn’t talking to myself and he was really there.

“Damn demons are always messing with my head.” Aiden said and didn’t look at me.

“Was a demon just in your room with you?” I asked wondering if something was repeating itself.

“Yeah.” He said with crossed arms, standing over top of me.

“So was I.” I said. “I think something brought us here.” Right after I said that a shorter man with a brown leather jacket and jeans come into focus. He looked like a cowboy version of Lantis or Shasta. He had long brown hair and amber eyes like a cats.

“Your spot on there ummm.” He said to me waiting for me to fill in the last part of the sentence.

“Jenna.” I stated getting off the ground. I would have sworn I had seen him before.

  “Yeah and you must be Aiden.” He gestured to Aiden who was standing beside me now. I didn’t think I was dreaming any more. “Pain has kept you in top shape now haven’t they, never seen them this quiet before you know.” Aiden looked confused. I thought Shasta would have shown him the same thing as me. It made me wonder what she did show him. “Anyways I’m Kelly.” He pointed to my ankle where the sun tattoo was. That’s where I’d seen him he was the tattoo artist I had. But he wasn’t an artist at all by the looks of it.

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