Chapter 15

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Chapter Fifteen

  I drove slowly back to the safe house without and interference. I pulled up to the house when I was at the door I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. The blaring music was bad before but now I could hear the singing.

“Born to be wild.” Hayden and Coal sang in unison and I walked down the small hall way into the living room. When Coal saw me he bolted over to the stereo and turned it off quickly.

  “Coal, that song is art.” Hayden said getting up off the couch following me into the kitchen. “I don’t think Jenna would have minded it.” He grinned and started digging through the bag the second I put on the table.

  “Hayden.” Coal said in a low voice. “I pretty sure she would have minded.” I was really starting to realise for the first time these were just normal teenagers with extremely messed up lives. I wondered what Hayden’s life would have been like if his parents weren’t hunters. He would have lived in a house like this one, only cleaner. He would have had more friends like the Caleb guy and he wouldn’t believe in nightmares. Coal on the other hand wouldn’t have had that. In some way I found me and Coal to be lucky to escape the hell hole most people called foster care.

“Whatever.” Hayden answered Coal and turned the music back on. Coal rolled his eyes and came over to my side of the room.

   “You want to see the basement?” He asked as I watched Hayden start singing again. I bobbed my head up and down and we took off down the stairs. When Coal flipped on the breaker switch the underground room was nothing like I expected. It looked like a wizard’s lair. More old books were scattered around the room. At the bottom of the stairs and in the middle of the room were what looked to be two devil’s traps. A big table on the right wall was littered with different herbs and liquids. It was nothing like Hayden had said it would be.

“What you think?” Coal asked.

“It’s amazing.” I answered which is exactly what it was. I thought everything in this world was dark and broken and so far everything had been. Everything I had seen so far had been so messed up. To me this Safe house was like a firefly in a dark cave.

“Come on.” Coal said as he turned out the lights and jogged back up the stairs. When we were above ground again Hayden had stop singing. I put my hand in my back pocket and took out the note that Caleb had left in the chevelle.

“A friend of yours thought I was stealing your car and wanted me to give this to you.” I passed the note to him and he read it eagerly.

“Was his name Caleb?” He asked and dropped the note on the coffee table in front of the couch. I nodded and sat down on the couch in front of him. He then quickly took out his phone and after punching in a number he put the phone on speaker and laid it on the Coffee table. Coal came and sat beside me as the cell rang out filling the room with the noise.

“Who is this, cause this is Caleb.” The Caleb’s voice said when the ringing stopped.

“I see you found my car.” Hayden answered smiling.

“Hey, glad you found it.” He said saying the word you as if he was pointing to Hayden. “There was this chick named Clair driving it earlier.” Coal shove me and mouthed the words is that you? I nodded.

“Her names actually Jenna.” Hayden told Caleb. I was sure now Hayden trusted this guy. “So what you doing in Lancaster again, didn’t you promise never to come back?”

“Yeah and you promised to never let another girl that wasn’t your mom drive your car.” Caleb’s voice was angry now, But not mad enough to yell. “Unless she’s your girlfriend?” Caleb said curiously. My eyebrows lifted and Coal looked to be stifling back a laugh.

“Dude no.” Hayden said his face red with embarrassment. “And I guess both of us break promises.”  I suddenly blacked out. I felt my upper body fall forward and there was nothing I could do about it. I woke up in a hall way. It looked like one that held the max security units in an abandon prison. I could hear screaming coming from a couple rooms. But most of them were empty. Only one had a name tag on it. The tag read White, which I didn’t really understand at first. But soon I figured it was a last name. I pushed open the door which was surprisingly unlocked.

  I should have thought about how there could be actually evil in the cell. But I was too curious to care. When I got a good look of what the room looked like I realised it was Aiden’s room. I turned back and the door had melted away. Aiden was standing in front of me looking straight through me. I waving my arms in front of his face but he didn’t seem to pay attention. Every time I figured out one problem in this room another one arose. Frustrated that everything was pushing my buttons to day I screamed.

“Aiden!” I had stopped waving. “Would you snap out of it?” He shook his head like he was trying to get water out of his ears and then finally saw me.

“Hi, Jenna.” Aiden said looking me over. I crossed my arms and sat down on the mattress.

“Well what was wrong with you?” I mumbled. His face looked to be confused and a tad scared.

 “Are you sure you’re not a demon because you act like one.” He said in a shaky voice that boys had when girls were freaking them out. I smiled and uncrossed my arms.

“I pretty sure you jerk, just have been having a hard day in reality.” I said in a sweeter tone. “We teenage girls are allowed to have days where we’re total witches you know.”

  “You should cherish every waking moment.” He said. “You could end up here.” I just sat quietly. Looking up at him it was just more proof that all the people stuck in the supernatural cyclone were just people. Hayden bleeds when his pushed out windows, Aiden makes stupid jokes and Coal asks way too many questions. I wondered why we out of all people had to deal like adults and everyone else were still children. “You like your mad at the world.” Aiden said breaking the silence.

“How could you tell?” I asked.

“You have no idea how many times I’ve been mad at the world for bringing me here.” He said.

“You’ll get out of here one day.” I said trying to be reassuring. Then it hit me. “Do you know where you are in the waking world?” I remembered the night at the graveyard and wondering if he was buried.

“No I don’t even know if I’m still alive to everyone I knew.” He said sadly and then his tone got angrier. “I told you I don’t remember anything.”

“Well that could be a bit of a setback.” I stated.

“But if you can find me in reality.” I knew where he was going with this.

  “You might be able to see the stars again.” I said and the enthusiastic level in the room rose. Out of nowhere the light in the room stopped working all together. A dark black fog filled the room and I lifted to my feet. There was a girl with vibrant long ginger hair stood in front of me and Aiden. She wore a black leather jacket and tight red skinny jeans. Her knee high boots were black like her jacket and had those annoying strings that hung off the back of them. She flipped her hair back walked so she was standing in front of me.

 She looked me and Aiden over and held this sinister grin. “Well I just couldn’t handle watching how you two thought breaking him out would be so easy.” She remarked in a very southern American accent. “It’s your soul that’s trapped dreary.” She said looked eye to eye with Aiden. “But I’m not here to deal with you.” She place here index and middle fingers on Aiden’s forehead and he hit the floor. Before I could move she spoke again. “Clam yourself sweetheart. I’m Shasta oh and don’t bother I already know you.” She said before I could answer her. “And you know I think you’ve had enough of each other so you can ask your friend if his ok next time.” I couldn’t figure out what she meant by that until she touched my head and I sank to the floor.

  I found myself in an empty movie theatre. I was sitting in the middle seat of the middle row strapped to the seat so I couldn’t run.  The lights in the theatre dimmed and then a movie began on the screen.

“Here’s how it began.” A loud booming voice said and then it started rolling.

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