Chapter 19

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Chapter Nineteen

   When we were just outside Fayetteville I couldn’t help but notice the strangest thing. There was a small warehouse the looked to be abandon with boarded up windows and holes in the roof and walls. But there were trucks and cars parked all around it like a silent party was going on inside. It was as if everyone was sleeping inside the house. I just turned my head and thought nothing of it. It was just a weird lot that was all.

  It was eleven by the time I spotted the sierra parked in front of a motel called Regency 7. The room was in the middle of the longer building on the lot. When the car was finally in park we both stumbled out of the car. Hayden took anything we needed out of the trunk and I knocked on the door praying that Coal or Richard would answer. Coal opened the door and walked into the room.

“Hi.” I said as I passed him. I tensed waiting of the anger in his response.

“Hey.” He answered and I let myself relax. He seemed to have dropped the subject and was intending on moving on.

  Richard was sitting on at a small round table at the end of the room beside a small couch and coffee table. Beside the couch the wall extended out where the bathroom would be and to twin beds with red and yellow quilts cover the rest of most the room. A flat screen TV was in front of the beds but other than that there was nothing really important about the room.

  Hayden kicked open the unlocked door and dropped the bags in front of the two big window beside the door where all Coal and Richard’s stuff was lying. The agreement about the sleeping arrangement was short and ended with me on the couch Hayden and Coal with beds and Richard leaving to go pay for another room.  Five minutes later the room was black and Richard was probably fast asleep in the room next to us. The boys were both snoring but no matter how tried I was I couldn’t close my eyes.

    I decided to look up more on the Vampires just too passed time. I must have read the articles over thirty six times before I realised sometime. Every victim was found in all different sections of the town. They were too far away from each other. No one not even vampire could have moved that fast in one night. I also found something the boys had missed. There were three missing persons reports all filled a day after the killings.

  I looked back father into the local newspaper as well and found that weeks before there had been another massed killing almost exactly the same. Seven people found dead and two missing persons reports the next day. I couldn’t find any cycle though like Gloria the ghost had, had with the six years. This was a simultaneous act that happened rapidly and out of nowhere every time.

    Looking into other newspapers of surrounding towns this had happened in most of them several times as well. When I finally looked over at the clock it was four am. I could hardly keep my eyes open anymore and was forced to shut off my laptop and lay down on the couch. Almost the very second my head touched the fabric I was dead asleep.

   I kind of knew I would be in the room if I feel asleep. I didn’t want to see Pain again after Kelly had made it so clear that they knew our every move. But I did want to see Aiden again. For some reason it was becoming a longing, something I could bear to live without. “Hey.” Aiden said when he saw me. He acted like he had just opened his door to let me in instead of me just appearing there in front him. “Now that you’re here I think we should get started.” He said.

“On what?” I asked having a pretty good idea what he was talking about any way though.

“Well now that it’s a critical that I’m not stuck in here anymore.” He stated smiling. I made me smile back.

“Why are you so happy?” I said trying not to laugh.

  “It’s nice to feel important and it’s always nice to see you.” He said. I felt my whole face go red and felt like such a geek. It did feel nice to be the light in someone’s day. But to me it felt even better to be his light.

“Ok well let’s swap stories first.” I said referring to the separate visions we had been having lately. “You first.”

 “Well the one the Shasta gave me was the memory of my friend David barring me.” He said shiver at the very thought of it. “Then she was there with me and she told me that in order to break out I needed to find my soul and it’s in the last place I was awake.”

“Shouldn’t be so hard.” I said with little hope it was even that easy.

“I have no memory of pretty much anything Jenna; it’s going to be a bit harder than you think.” He said panting and I tilted my head down. “Ok well the second vision that Kelly gave me showed a union soldier.”

“So where ever you were last had something to do with union soldiers.” I stated and Aiden nodded.

“Your turn.” He said giving my permission to speak. I told him in the shortest way I could about the movie. I also stated how Shasta had told me the extra things about Pain.

“She also called me Fear, but I don’t really understand any of that.” I finished. “Ok so where do we start?” I asked.

“With the soldiers, do you know anything about the union?” Ha asked as if he didn’t have a clue.

“You went to school, they teach this kind of stuff.” I stated. “Didn’t you?”

“I think so.” He said in a confused voice. He really didn’t have a clue about himself at all.

“Ok than we are not starting with that or even going to uses clue we don’t fully understand.” I took over. “We are getting your memory back before we do anything.”

“How?” He growled and kicked one of the metal legs of the bed. I walked over and placed my hands on his shoulders.

“Like this.” I lightly pushed him down so he was sitting on the bed. I let my hands guide his fingers to his temples and moved them in circles. He laughed and closed his eyes.

“This isn’t doing anything.” He smiled. I let go of his wrists and he dropped his hand to his lap. When he lifted his eyes open for a second I couldn’t stop staring. I pulled my eyes away from his and he sighed. “Got any other ideas.” I shrugged and then it came to me.

“Wait didn’t you say that little girl came whenever you remembered something?” I asked.

“Yeah but I haven’t seen her in forever.” He shook his head. “And how can she really do anything for us.”

“Like this.” I stood taller and walked over to where she was last time. I threw my fist through the dry wall and found it. It was a note and I knew it was there from the time I had saw her on the tire swing. The whole fact that spirits can talk to you through thoughts was true. I ignored it at first but now I remembered it clearly now. The whispery voice had said help in the walls. This must have been what she meant. I unfolded the old cracking note for what seemed the first time in hundreds of years.

“What is it?” Aiden asked not bothering getting off the bed. I passed him the odd crayon drawing of a small; farmhouse and cow. When he touched the paper he began to scream. When he let go he looked drained and then shocked. “It worked.” He said.

“What worked?” I asked and picked the note off the ground.

“I remembered something.” He sat up again. “My mom, she died of a car crash and my Dad who was really depressed until he died in a house fire.” Flipping over the note the picture of the house was gone. Now there was ancient writing tightly printed on the sheet. I couldn’t understand it but I think I understood what it meant.

  “Aiden, this is where they’ve stored your memories.” I said and held up the sheet. “And by the looks of it only you can read them.” I refolded the page and stuffed it in my cameo coat pocket. He lightly nodded looking both in shock and drained of energy he had before.

  I then began to fade again and white light was shine through the cracks of the walls. “Please don’t go.” Aiden said gripping on to my arm with the last bit of energy he had.

“I don’t want to, but I’ll be back.” I said and the felt my arms slip out of his hand as I was reawakened. When I blinked my eyes open in the motel room I saw Coal lying on the floor and a fallen chair right behind him. He had hit the floor only seconds ago. I took my hand out of my sweater and found something I wouldn’t have expected. The page of memories was still there. I had taken it out of the room and hadn’t even noticed. 

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