Chapter 30

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Chapter Thirty

I blinked when the sunlight beamed down on my eyes. It had felt like only a few minutes in the black room with Anastasia, but the sky suggested different. Instead of musty morning light, the afternoon sun lit up the world around me. I had been lying in the middle of a green field I had never seen before. I sat up to see it was a playground on the other side of a walking path a few feet in front of me. I lifted myself to my feet and started to the road way across the field.

 When I got half away across the field my heart tensed up and squeezed in my chest. I lost all breath and fell to my knees in shock. It felt like hold on my heart with an iron fist. The grip loosed and I stayed stunned in the dirt. I was panting and my hands started shacking with panic. I had felt the grip on my heart since the dream but it had never hurt like that before. I felt free from it for a few seconds but the freedom felt wrong. Something about made me fell empty. The grip regain its power over my heart and I force myself to stand straight.

  When I looked around I realised everyone near me was staring. I took off penetrating through the wall of on lookers until I was well down the street. When I was far enough away I started to read the road signs and find my way back to the inn. “Hey, weren’t you going to stay in the inn?” Hayden’s voice came out of thin air, but sounded like angels singing to me.  I turned around behind me to see the chevelle pulling up behind me. They were both smiling and in a good mood until coal noticed the water dripping down my face. He pushed open the passenger door and I ran over not hesitating to get in the red sports car.

“What happened are you ok?” Coal asked as he moved over closer to Hayden well I pulled myself in on his other side.

“Yeah I’m fine it’s nothing.” I began to twirl my thumbs over each other. “It’s a dream world thing.” When I finish Hayden slammed on the brakes and the car jolted to a stop.

“You know what that’s enough.” Hayden’s face was beet red but he didn’t look angry. “Jenna we’re your friends and I don’t care what Richard thinks.”

“Where are you going with this?” Coal asked moving an inch away from Hayden.

“I want to know what’s going on.” Hayden said very bluntly. “Every detail on the demons that reside in your head.” He pointed to me.

“But why know Hayden?” I asked a bit shocked at the whole statement. “Why would you even care about it?”

“Because you wake up every second morning sweating and panting.” Coal said and Hayden let off a little bit of his steam. “You mutter to yourself and you have a piece of paper with scribbles on it the you won’t let out of your sight.”

“You make it sound like I crazy.” I tried to joke off but no reaction came.

“Sometimes you look crazy.” Hayden said. They both looked generally worried as if they actually believed I was falling of the rocker.

“But you didn’t seem to care when I told you.” I angrily remembered how they had reacted we I had first told them the basic layout of the chaos. 

“We did.” Coal said shamefully. “Richard told us not to bother though.”

“But that’s enough of him ordering us around.” Hayden stated proudly. “Cues you could die tomorrow for all I know.”

 It took me a minute but in the end I told them everything. From the Fearless and Fearfuls to Kelsiphone. I did the best I could to explain Pain and everything about Aiden. Last I mentioned the grip on my heart, which I still didn’t fully understand it’s whole concept.

“So this heart thing always happens right after you have a vision?” Coal asked.

“No, this was the first time.” I said and Coal gave me a worried glance before looking to the floor.

“We should have asked about this early.” Hayden stated gruffly. “Like it or not this Pain character isn’t just you and this Aiden kid’s problem. If pain succeed the world is going to fall apart.” I knew someone would say it a matter of time. I had never betting on Hayden to be the one to point out the ugly truth, but he was right.

“Anything else you want to ask?” I question quietly.

“Yes.” Coal said and his big brown eyes lit up. “How many of the Pain people do you know and which ones?” I hadn’t resurfaced the thought Pain in the real world every before then, so natural I had to think on it a little.

“Pride but she calls herself Shasta, Lantis he’s Panic and I just meet Betrayal or Anastasia.” I listed and ticked them off my fingers.

“You just meet one of them now.” Coal said stunned. I nodded and the tension level in the car rose. Soon Hayden seemed to figure there was nothing he could say to make me feel better. He started the car and we slowly made our way back to the Inn.

 The moon was well above the clouds before I remembered what the Fearless had told me. Hayden and Coal were discussing the bodies when I finally told them. “We’ll go to the Witch House tomorrow and look for anything down our ally.”

“You won’t find anything.” I said without thinking about how it would sound to them.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Coal asked shooting an angry look in my direction.

“A guide from the house told me they victims only worked there, they were killed in a place called grace church.” I decided I had told them enough about Fear and Pain for one day.

“Then we get to go church crashing tomorrow.” Hayden said slamming my laptop shut before slumping down on one of the mattress. Coal moaned and then crashed into the other bed. It only took them ten seconds flat before they were both out like a light.

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