Chapter 28

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

  “Is Hayden dead?” Coal asked between panting breathes as Mitchell fell into the sand. I slid myself over to the edge and looked over to see Hayden’s mangled body dangling half in the river water.

“I don’t know.” I said to Coal who was holding his shoulder trying to keep the blood in his body. The trees began to rustle and Richard came running out of the trees with Emily close behind him.

“I heard Coal screaming.” He stopped and looked around at the massacre scene. “What happened, where’s Hayden?” He asked and I pointed over the edge. Richard ran up beside me and looked down at the gruesome sight. “The hell with these vampires.” Richard growled and began to slide slowly down the small incline towards Hayden. I followed him carefully picking my way down the hillside.

 “Is he dead?” I asked as we got to the bottom of the hill. Richard ducked down and put two of his fingers on Hayden’s muddy neck.  

“No he still has a heartbeat.” Richard said as he lifted Hayden out of the water and went to climb back up the incline. “We have to call the paramedics.”

“I thought you didn’t mess with the society’s services?” I asked lodging my toe in between two rocks.

“I might be able to pull the bullet out of Coal shoulder.” Richard said. “But I can’t mend bones.” Hayden moaned with his head swaying side to side lazily. Back at the top of the hill Coal was rocking back and forth on his feet still holding his shoulder. Emily was sitting beside him rubbing his back. Richard walked past them back into the trees without even mentioning to Coal if Hayden was alive.

“Is he?” Coal said softly as I came and helped him to his feet.

“No he’s still breathing.” I said and Coal face was painted with relief. Coal leaned on my shoulder as we walked back to the warehouse. Emily followed behind us with her arms crossed and her head down.

“How long does it take for city services to show up?” Richard asked Emily when we got back to the front of the building. He had lifted Hayden into the back of the truck and laid him with his back against on of the sides.

“About ten minutes.” She answered and whipped the blood from a cut on her cheek.

“You know you’re going to have to lie to them.” Richard said. “And the rest of your town or their going to think you’re crazy.” Emily nodded.

As promise ten minutes later the ambulance was speeding down the gravel road towards us. They strapped Hayden to a stretcher and wrapped Coal’s shoulder up with bandages. When they were both inside the vehicle one of the paramedics came over to us.

“Would anyone you like to ride with us to the medical center?” He asked kindly. “If not I’m going to advise you to drive straight police department.” He finished and looked over at Emily who had been missing for over a week.

“I’ll come with you.” I said, thinking about how Coal wouldn’t want to wait for Hayden by himself.

“Call me when you want me to pick you up then.” Richard said and guided Emily to the side of the sierra. I followed the paramedic back to the flashing red and blue lights. I sat down beside Coal and stared out the tinted window and we drove down the gravel road. I looked into the broken windows of the warehouse now abandon as it should have always been.

“This going to hurt.” The doctor said to Coal as we sat in one of the private room. The Doctor had insisted he take the bullet out of his shoulder and let him go right away. He always wanted me to stay with Coal well them worked on Hayden with zero interruptions.

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