Chapter 24

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Chapter Twenty-Four

   Back in the motel room I listened to Hayden and Coal chattered for a few minutes before my head rolled to the side and I drifted off into a dream world. I floated for a few seconds before my mind latched on to the dusty bloodstained room. When it was clear I just stood in the middle of the room and drank in the smell. Aiden sat on the bed with his hand crammed down the side that was closely pressed by the wall.

“What are you doing?” I asked and crossed my bare arms across my chest.

“I am looking for something that’s impotent.” He said refusing to turn around and continued digging.

“What this?” I said pulling the crumpled up page out of my jeans pocket. I had hardly even remembered that it was there. Aiden quickly pulled his arms out from behind the mattress and leaped off the bed. Standing in front of me he snatched it from my hand.

“I’ve been looking everywhere for this thing and you of all people have it.” He joked and unfolded it in his hands.

“The one and only.” I said and then started laughing. He laughed with me and any tension that was in the room’s aroma before has vanished for a couple seconds. He then took my arm and pulled me over to the bed. He pushed lightly on my shoulders and sat me down. I had decided to keep the time line to myself for a while he didn’t need another dark thought anymore then I needed my foster parents.

“We need to get to work.” He said and held the page that was now only folded in half. He lifted the fold open and for a few anticipated seconds we waited. Aiden flipped the page over but nothing happened. “Why isn’t it working?” He said and I could see his temper raising. I just shrugged and he threw the page at me. Then he kicked the leg on the metal bed frame and I stood up.

“You need to hold yourself together or you’re going to lose it.” I said and place the page gently on the bed.

“Who told you to say that?” He snickered. “The angel, you have no idea what is happening with me.” He was mad, to him hope was suddenly lost and there was nothing he had left going for him.

“You have no idea who you’re talking to do you.” I hissed, angry that not only because he was mad to but of how wrong he had been. “Didn’t you read the newspaper when you were real?” Knowing he didn’t even remember where he lived I knew I was pushing it too far.

“Who are you then Jenna or should I just cross my arms and sit in the corner with my head down and wait for you to disappear.” He growled. I took a deep breath and sucked in all my nerves. Without telling him the truth we wouldn’t get anywhere soon.

“I haven’t lived in a foster home my whole life.” I said crashing down the wall I had so carefully built. “Till I was nine I lived with my parents and my brother, I been told.”

“What does, I’ve been told mean?” He said cutting me off still over charged.

“When I was nine I got in a plane crash, it killed both my parents and damaged my brain, leaning me to forget everything about myself.” I paused and heaved in the musty air.

“Does that mean you don’t even remember your family at all?” Aiden said in a low quiet voice that was filled with shock.

“No I remember my brother but not as well as I should.” I twirled my hair in between my fingers and nervously tried to stop vibrating. “His name was Tyler and he was the one who went through the pain of bringing me back to sanity.” I hated talking about my months of horror that I had tried so hard to make into just an ugly nightmare. “I had screamed and cried constantly and I threw fits for a really long time before Tyler could even get me to answer him when he was talking to me.”

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