Chapter 16

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Chapter Sixteen

  When god made the world he worked intensely for six long hard days. After he had made all the animals, plants and vast landscapes He took a day for rest. It would be the only one he’d have in hundreds of thousands of years.

  For a long time God work constantly trying to make the ultimate race. The race the world both change the world and destroy it only so they could fix it. A race that would build him temples and churches and worship him endlessly. Finally God got his wished and created Man and Woman. For a couple hundred years everything was perfect and the world held balance.

God also had his angels. One Archangel in particular hated the human race. He believed they were destroying the world and wanted them gone forever. This angel had the name of Lucifer. Lucifer went to god with his concerns and God was furious. Lucifer being a well-respected angel had followers that backed him up when god’s army first came knocking on his door. When God declared war in Heaven all who followed him fled and Lucifer was banished to Hell by his own brother the Archangel Michael. 

In Hell Lucifer, angrily plan and ripped his way to becoming the king. He feed of the anguish of human souls and would rise to earth and make all kinds a misery and torcher. Lucifer study the humans carefully and noted there weaknesses and what would lead them to destroy each other.

  He let lose the start of plan one. He created murderous and hateful thought. He made Pride, Jealousy and Lies. They made Mankind thieves and killers. Lucifer named them the sins. Humans took more notice of the king of hell, they called him Diablo and Satan but most commonly He was the Devil. Being an angel he also made Hope, knowing she wouldn’t be much of a road block for the real sins though.

  After Lucifer created the Sins God sent out some of his best angels to trap and lock the sins away including Hope. When they were all locked away god gave the jar to a young girl named Pandora. So fulfilled by the light of hope though, she ended up dropping the jar and letting the sins free. God believed that the human race could handle the sins and still love and live by the word of god.

 Mankind ended up proving God wrong and everything just got worse. So God decide to punish Man. God gave the Human’s Fear. He made Monsters like vampires and werewolves. He created pagan gods the some people would worship out of fear. He would send sinful anger spirits back to earth to haunt and walk the land again. He gave each human individual fears such as being scared of the dark. He created spells and rituals. He also made Casters to cast them for centuries.

 Soon some of these things would get out of hand start slaughtering men. God then created warriors. They were normal men with fighting blood. They were known as heroes and saviours. There were famous ones like Hercules and Perseus. But most of them were unnamed. These warriors created thing like the stack that would killed a vampire and counter curses. They even figured that burning the remains of a spirit would burn away the spirit as well.

 Then Image paused out of nowhere and the loud voice was silenced. I had that feeling you’d get when someone was watching you. “Sweetie those people them there was just talking bout.”  I heard Shasta’s accent say from beside me. “They’re not even human no more.” Turning to face her she was in the seat right next to me. I went to ask her what she meant but my vocal cords were cut. All the sound I made was an awful squawking noise like burning rubber. “Shut it it’s starting again.” Shasta said and the image began to roll again.

 God created the land of purgatory for the spirits of the monsters to go to. The world was peaceful. But what God and his angels didn’t know was Lucifer was cooking a bigger more evil plan in the mist of the silence. He grasped hold of a little girl soul. After he dragged it to hell he twisted and torched it till there was nothing left but black smoke. Her name was Lilith and Lucifer named her the first Demon. He also created the seven sinful souls, Azazel the keeper of sins and hundreds of other demons that were wicked souls so ripped and torn they forgot what it was like to be human.

  When Demons hit earth the world was blown into a hurricane of chaos. They used anyone the saw fit to be there hosts and would do as they please, killing and destroying everything slowly. Some split of and created groups with different purposes. For example cross road demons sold souls for whatever the seller wished for.

 God went to the army of Fear in a state of fury. He commanded them to focus on only killed demons until they succeed. Fear quickly went back to work. They wrote books and created summoning’s and words to drive them back to hell.

    Angry that some of mankind began to worship these pests he punished them again. Only this time it was worse off for them. He made Pain. He let lose Fate who would kill off people in accidents before there time to die of old age. He mad disease and illness and gave man feelings of loss, worry and depression. Along with The feeling he made more warriors. This time half angel and half human. He only made eight and they all had a different feeling to govern. Pain consisted of Loss, Hate, Betrayal, Greed, Panic, Guilt, Pride and their leader Hurt.

The movie stopped again as Shasta spoke. “That’s me, I’m Pride, but we like to be called other things.” She threw her head back and let out a small laugh. “Cause who’d what be called some thin like Betrayal right.” When she finished specking the image restarted.

   Lucifer’s plan had only gotten started though. He knew god would punish man after the worst of the demons. But what he had punished them with was a wish come true to Lucifer. He sent his best demons to go and convince Pain that god didn’t need or want them. In the end Lucifer ended up with Pain on his side. After they left God they didn’t use pain to just punish people but to truly drive them mad. Lucifer then ordered them to lock up Fear and hide them away from the world. What really happened to Fear was only known by Fear itself.

   God sent his best Archangels to put Pain in its place and once they had stepped back and started to lay low God went missing. Off to live among his creations he would tell the angels before he left.

   Humans hardly hear from Pain any more. A few wars and naturel disasters but nothing major. With Fear gone Mankind started to say Monsters and magic were myths and legends. Now the only people that believe in them are the ones that hunt them.

  The voice and picture dimed and the lights burned back alive. “Bet you wish to more about all this bull.” Shasta said and pushed my chest in well pointing towards me. I nodded knowing talked didn’t work very well. “Well I an’t going tell yeu. And just to say I’m the least you have to worry about with Pain. My family is a bit of a handful they hate all you humans to the core. Whereas I’m Pride which isn’t all bad to you humans.” I had more questions than I had ever had in my life. I found this to be the worst possible time to have cut up vocal cords. I heard a door open and slam and some guy walked into the theatre.

“Who’s this sis?” It was guys with his yellow blond with brown highlights head a short cut. He was taller The Shasta but only by a little. He was dressed more like a biker then Shasta had been though. I had an overwhelming feeling of panic wash over me.

“Oh just someone trying to break our little prisoner out of jail.” Shasta said and hit my knee.

“I figure you just showed her who we are.” He walked into the aisle in front of Shasta and me and took a seat right in front of me.

“Got that right.” She said. I was hyperventilating now and probably looked stupid. “Well go on induce yourself.” She waved her hand to the man.

  “Lantis, but in that film they call me Panic.” He had a very British accent witch I didn’t think went with the biker look. I finally understood why I was so terrified all of a sudden though. Lantis must have been giving of some type of aroma. I began to worry Shasta was a bitch but she was the least Pain had to offer by the looks of it. Panic was going scare someone but guilt and betrayal made people jump off bridges. All they had to do was stand next to you. This was bad. “So who are you, an angel or just someone Shasta wanted to play with?” Lantis grinned and finally took notice that I was in the room.

“Oh don’t bother Lantis, I cut her cords.” He gave Shasta and angry look. “Calm, I’ll give them back. She’s the girl with the sun.” Lantis looked confused.

“But didn’t we deal with that three years ago.” He asked and I became unknown again.

“Yes but that damn angel tricked us so we had to retry.” Shasta sighed and leaned back. “Oh and you don’t need to be here anymore.” Her fingers touched my head again and I was flung back into reality. 

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