Chapter 3

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Chapter Three

  I open my door and jumped in beside him. “What do you mean you’re not a fed?” I half screamed.

  “I’m a hunter.” He said starting the truck and beginning to pull out of the parking lot.

   “A hunter?” I couldn’t believe I had fallen for his whole I’m a Federal agent act. “Well what do you’re hunting buddies call you then, what’s before Walker?”

   “Walker is a fake identity.” He said. His eyes hadn’t left the road at all since we got in the car. “My Name is Richard Barns.”

   “I’m going to call the police.” I threatened. Then he faced me as we drove under a sign that said tens miles to down town Chicago.

   “If you do that you’ll lose your arm and be sent back to your foster family.” That was low I thought. But it was also true. I didn’t want to go back even if it meant hanging out with a hunter.

   I hadn’t realised how dark it really was in till we got to stretch of road with no street lamps. The radio in the truck said eight fifty five pm. I leaned back in the seat and for ten minutes just relaxed. Richard seemed to be enjoying the silence as well.

  “So whats your real name Clair?” He finally asked.

  “What makes you think my name isn’t Clair.” I didn’t fully trust him with my name, but now a day I hardly trusted anyone.

  “I know a fake identity when I see one.” I couldn’t think of a better come back. He had pulled off a very good act, better than the one I had been using.

“Jenna Florence.” I said. “What do you hunt?”

  “Monsters, for example right now you’re on your way to help me kill a werewolf.” He wasn’t serious I thought. Facing him, he looked pretty serious. I decided was officially in a truck with a crazy person.

   “I don’t believe in monsters.” I said believing that would have ended the conversation.

   “You will.” Richard said turning on the radio and driving a tad faster.

    We drove for and half an hour later until we were well into Chicago. He parked the sierra in a random parking lot in front of a path that hugged a stretch of community lots.

“Why are we here?” I finally broke the long eerie silence.

     “I told you to kill a werewolf.” He didn’t even bother to look at me. Richard then stepped out of the truck slamming the door with no explanation of why he was going. I couldn’t believe he wanted me to think that was true. How long was he going to keep this up? I heard the trunk of the sierra fall open and then Richards’s boots walking across the steel floor. He opened the aluminum tool box at the front on the trunk and shifted some stuff around then shut everything and walked back to the driver’s door. When he got back in the trunk he had a rifle in his hands. I held my breath. I was going to die, I repeated in my head. He was going to kill me and will I never would know why.

“So I’m looking for huge hairy wolf man.” I said half expecting him to shoot me after that. But he only put the gun in his lap and pulled a picture of a man out of his jacket’s pocket.

“This is William Trevor.” He said waving the picture in my face. “He is a brand new werewolf and we are here to kill him.” The man in the picture looked like a fancy businesses man with his dark chocolate eyes and sandy brown hair. He was simple and defiantly not a werewolf.

‘“What do you mean by brand new?” I asked.

“He doesn’t have a pack so he is trying to build one.” Richard said leaning to grasp a case of silver bullets for the grove box. I was confused; he was a normal looking man probably with a normal life. How could he be a werewolf? “He comes by here every day and the killings start ten minutes after.” He randomly stated. “I saw him kill yesterday but he got away.” The gun clicked as he loaded it.

  We waited for three hours after that with not a soul to walk down the path. I asked a few more questions but they all seemed unbelievable. I was told you kill a vampire by cutting off its head and Shape Shifters have to shed their skin before they change into another form. I didn’t know why I was still there, I should have ran and call the police. The rifle was a bit intimidating though. “We better go look for him.” Richard said starting to get out of the truck.

“I’ll stay here thanks.” I said pretty sure something bad was going to happen. He would take me into a back ally, kill me and then burn my body. Not how I wanted to go.

“Have you seen any horror movies?” He questioned.

“Yes lots.” I enjoyed horror, it’s had been the only thing that helped me escape the foster home’s other teens other than the screaming loud music I had listened to. The home only had Horror anyway, which no one but me even touched. They would act like they thought it was cursed.

      “So what happens to the girl that stays behind alone?” I didn’t answer him. That person normally was the first to die in the movie. We both opened our doors and he led the way to the back of the truck. He opened the back and stepped back a few steps. “You first.” He head gestured toward the truck and I began to climb in. Richard followed and started to unlock the metal tool box again. When it was open I glanced inside. It must have been three inches deep and only had a screw driver, a hammer and a lose piece of rope in it. It wasn’t big enough for a Rifle but I swore he had, had it in there. Then he grasped the rope and pulls the bottom right out to uncover the rest of the four by six trunk. In that part there were hundreds of guns. Also spell books and herbs that looked to be about satin worship. Richard pulled out a small colt and loaded it with a few silver bullets he had in his pocket.

“Here.” He held out the gun. I never had shot anything in my life, not even darts. I wish I could have said no but for I wanted to take the gun. I almost felt like I wanted to kill a werewolf. Which was impossible? I ended up ripping it hungrily from his grasp. Richard started to walk down the path and I followed closely. A cold breeze made me shiver. Everything was pointing out how wrong this was. The only thing that kept me going down the path was knowing that if I was lucky I could shot first.

  Then I saw it. I couldn’t call it anything else, it was too bizarre. It was the man in the picture, but it also wasn’t. It was rapidly ripping through an innocent man’s chest with only its teeth and hands. It looked more like a rapid wolf, pit bull thing on steroids. That ate human flesh. Basically a werewolf. It looked up at me and Richard as we got closer. It held half of the dead man’s heart in his hands. The other half seemed to be on its face. When it was ten feet away from us I randomly aimed and the bullet sailed through its heart. It fell to its knees but was still alive. Then Richard shot and hit its heart as well. Then it changed. It wasn’t it anymore it was William Trevor. He’s face twisted with pain and fear. He dropped the half eaten heart and fell on to his face.

   What did I just kill, a man, a monster or both? I was more confused on how I had managed to kill it. That had been a very good shot for someone who has never even held a nerf gun. I walked over to the corpse on instinct. Richard followed me and leaned over the werewolf. “Nice shot.” He said lifting out of a crouch.

“I’ve never even shot a gun.” I confessed. For some reason Richard seemed a bit confused and pissed off. If anyone should feel like that it should have been me. But I felt fine. But that was a lie. I only had convinced myself to act fine. I felt horrible, I just killed someone, monsters were real and I had a feeling that wouldn’t be the last time I’d shot a werewolf.

“Your reacting to well to all of this.” Richard said and gave a cheap loaded pistol to the ripped open body and a knife to William. I had no idea where he even got the weapons. He was probably trying to make their deaths look like they murdered each other so the rest of the world wouldn’t think it was something weird.

“What you want me to scream and cry!” I spat. “Cues if feel like I could.” I almost started to cry. It was a lot to take in for one day.

  “No I rather you not.” He spoke with no sympathy in his voice. “We’ll be late my partners are waiting.” Then he began to walk back to sierra. At that point I had a choice. I could run and pick up where I left off before the dream or I could go with Richard, who was already out of sight. I knew that if I followed him everything would change, every second of my life would be at risk. But I also wouldn’t be lonely and always eating alone in a diner.

The choice became clear and I ran down the path toward the sierra.

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