Chapter 27

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

  “Am I going to turn into one of them or bleed to death?” I asked Hayden as we turned around the corner walking toward the blueberry orchard. “Because I was bit by one of them.” My neck had been bothering me ever since Addison was killed. Coal, who had been walking beside me, stifled a laugh that I heard anyway. Richard had gone scouting in front of us just in case.

“No you won’t turn.” He said and smiled. “You have to actually drink their blood to be turned into one of them.”

“Do they shove it down your throat or something?” I asked thinking about how anyone would willingly become a blood thirsty monster.

“Basically.” Hayden said twirling his silver machete in his hand. “But you might bleed to death.” His grin stayed planted and I rolled my eyes knowing he was joking. When we got to the back of the building Richard was standing at the edge of the huge orchard.

“You said they took a girl in there?” Richard said as when came up to his side.

“That’s right; she looked like she was my age.” Coal said and Richards’s eyes narrowed as if he could see something off in the distance other than blueberry trees. “Can you see something?” Coal asked.

“Shut it I’m trying to listen.” Richard hushed him. We all stood quickly with only the sound of rustling leaves until the breeze picked up a few minutes later. With it came the sound of voices from the east and just as Richard picked up on it as well he bolted into the forest with all the rest of us on his tail.

 Twigs and branches hung low in the overgrown forest as we ran head on straight through it. In a matter of high speed seconds we reached a hollow. The group of vampire had Emily tied down to a chair and were trying to force a spoon full of blood down her mouth.

Her dainty face was covered in the thick red liquid and wet tears. It was a scene that reminded me of the time I meet Aiden. Richard walked forward trying to be a quiet as possibly until Coal behind him snapped a twig that alerted the Vampires. Nick lunged to us with his fangs showing. He tried to bit Coal but Hayden was faster with his silver knife slicing off Nick’s head that fell to the ground. The rest of the vampires stood in shock for a moment before taking off into the orchards behind Mitchell.

“Don’t hurt my!” Emily screamed as I walked over to her.

“I won’t, I promise.” I said softly as I started to unloop the ropes that tightly burned into her wrists. She pulled her hands to her lap as the ropes dropped to the ground and rubbed her rope burns.

“Thank you.” She said panting and tears still streamed down her face. Some of her pink strikes in her hair were stuck to her soaked skin. She was so pale she looked to be in shock. “I want to go home.” She said and held her head in her palms.

“We need to go after them.” Hayden said to Richard pointing down the path of trees the pack has escaped through.

“Then you three go.” Richard growled. “I stay here her and make sure none of them sneak up behind you.” When Richard finished Hayden bolted down the path after them. I stood still holding my breath until Coal came up behind me and pushed me towards the path. I clenched the handle of my gun and took off into the trees. For five minutes I chased after Hayden until I could see him or Coal anymore. I tried to take in deep breathe but it only resulted in more panting. Strom clouds began to gather over top of my head as I walked quietly down the empty path.

The wind began to make the branches of the bush like trees whip back and forth. I nervously turned corners until I started to hear leaves catching behind me. “Hayden? Coal?” I called out softly but got no answer. I stopped in my tracks but the noises didn’t.

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