Chapter 14

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Chapter Fourteen

    We drove for almost eight hours to Lancaster. It must have seemed weird for Hayden and Coal. As coal had stated before they had never went anywhere without Richard before. Hayden had said he was pretty much raised in the system of Safe houses that Richard and his parents had placed them all around the country. So generally he knew where this one was. We drove right into the heart of the city but soon pulled on to a rode called ridge road leading us to a suburban area. The houses were beautiful and all placed in trees that made it look like they were in a forest. Hayden took a left on a rode called woodland road. He stopped and pulled into the second house on the left. It was surrounded in lovely oak trees that had branched that reached onto the roof.

  “Home sweet home.” Hayden said and got out of the car.

  “Have you ever been here?” I asked Coal and leaned into the front seat before he could open his door.

  “I’ve been to safe houses in the past.” Coal stated and opened the door. “But not this one.” I followed him out and walked into the front yard. It was like a dream. The gravel road leading up to the house was surrounded by an amazingly open front yard. There was a tire swing hanging from a strong looking branch on the right side on the lawn. It made me wonder if Hayden would have used it or if that’s why it was there. At the front door Hayden used a key to get in which was odd. As the door opened a huge dust cloud swept into our faces.

  There was a broken staircase to the right indicating the top floor was off limits. There was a huge living room that was covering what looked to be most of the house. There were Shelves and tables scatter everywhere and in the middle of it all was a small arraignment of couch and a TV. Hidden behind the stair case was a Small kitchen. I was hoping the fridge was empty being that the place hadn’t been used in what seemed years. The wall that hides the Kitchen from plain sight had a door on it. When I opened it there was just a stair case that led to darkness.

“What’s down here?” I asked Hayden not daring to explore it on my own.

“Probably a skeleton and a bunch of faded Devil’s Traps.” He said casually. These boys heads were so deep in all this monsters crap they didn’t seem care I was new to all of this.

“What’s a Devil’s Trap?” I asked and slammed the basement door.

“It traps demons in one spot; it’s more of a circle with a star in the middle.” Coal said. “To normal people it looks satanic.”

 “Demons are real too?” I said but didn’t expect an answer and I never got one. I found another door on the opposite side of the room. When I opened it the sight was more inviting. It was a clean bathroom looking to be never used before. The one thing that made the house different than any other apart from the dust was the books. Hundreds of leather cracked covers were spread out all over the shelves, tables and floors. I picked one up with a cross drawn on the front. Opening it the title read Revaluations. I wondered if it was the same Revaluations from the bible. Closing the book and searching though a few others they all seemed to be about myths and legends.

 I heard a click come from the kitchen and watched Coal had opened the fridge to find it empty. I held back a sigh of relief that fruit flies were also included in nothing. “I guess we’ll go shopping after were done hauling in the weapons.” Coal said.

“I can just go now.” I said. I could use some time away from them to just think things over for a while. Hayden looked down at his keys. He had that looked on his face that he thought I would burn his car to the ground if he let me use it. Finally he threw me the keys from across the room which I almost didn’t catch.

  “Push the big wooden box from under the back seat out of the car before you leave.” He called as I was at the front door. It took me longer to shove the wooden box out of the chevelle. When I finally hit the gravel road I had six splinters in in my hands. The chevelle roared awaked and when I tried to back it up it jolted like any standard would. It made me wonder why Hayden loved the car so much.

  As I pulled off of ridge road back to the chaos of the city I felt a small engraving in the string wheel as me hand brushed past it. Leaning forward it read the word Jane. The craftsmanship was messed and I could only make out the letters slightly. Remember what Richard had said Hayden’s parents’ names were making me think that this may have been Hayden’s dad’s car.

  Not paying attention to the road I looked up right before I crashed head on to a little boy that was standing in the middle of the road. I jumped out of the car to find I had hit nothing. Looking around I caught sight of her. Same markings, same pale one toned eyes. She had a wicked grin across her face right before vanishing into thin air. I would have screamed in frustration but I was too shocked by the resent hallucination. I hated that every time I had I finally had time to think about something without any relation to Aiden’s room one of them was just there.

  I drove the rest of the way to the store slowly and didn’t take my eyes off the road for one second. I managed to get a bunch of stuff and shack of the fearful while in the store as while. But standing at the checkout it started all over again. The light blacked out that only I seemed to notice. Soon everything faded and I was alone and then I wasn’t.

   A tall man with a trench coat and a huge silver knife stood in front of me. In the dark the way I saw a huge spot light shine down one him. Horrified I fell backwards. But just like last time as soon as it started it was over. The casher was leaning over me with his hand on my back. I felt like a total fool. “Hey are you ok?” He asked and I pushed myself to me feet. He looked like the guy who dropped out of school to work here. Then I saw her again running out with those pricing eyes and wicked smile. If only I could have chased after her and put her out of my misery.

  “I’m fine thanks.” I took my bags and stormed out of the store. I began to look around the parking lot. I couldn’t find the car. Hayden was going to kill me. I looked across the street and in an open parking space was where the car sat. I was pretty sure I hadn’t parked it there. I ran across the road towards the chevelle making sure I couldn’t get hit. When I opened the door a piece of paper was neatly folded and placed on the driver’s seat.

“Hey Hay didn’t think I’d ever see you again you no wear to go.” It read but I was pretty sure this person had known Hayden from the past. The note was clearly not for me which was a relief. I threw the paper in the back intending to give it to Hayden. When I went to put the key in the slot I was suddenly pulled out of the car and pined to the pavement.

  My attacker had spiked up red hair and blue, brown eyes that were angrily sweeping my face. “Who are you?” I growled but sounded stupid being I was on the ground.

“Doesn’t matter,” He snarled back. “Who are you to be driving around my friend’s stolen car?” First impressions were everything, heather once said. I was guess I wasn’t letting off a very good one with this guy.

“I didn’t steal his car.” I screamed back.

“Well I know you didn’t buy it yourself it has the same engraving of his girlfriend’s name in the steering wheel.” He said trying to be all smart. I laughed thinking about how that was his Mom’s name not his girlfriend’s. I doubted Hayden had ever even had a girlfriend. “What’s so funny.” He questioned.

“I’m pretty sure that’s not Hayden’s girlfriend’s name.” I said not expecting that he would let me go after that. But he did I stood up and brushed off my jeans. The guy held out his hand but there was no way I was going to shack it.

“I’m Caleb.” He said and dropped his arm back to his side. “Who you be.” He talked like a gangster but his looked more like a hopeless geek to me. I wondered if I should tell him who is was. Hayden had told him who he was and they boys were giving off the vibe not many people knew that much about including their names.

“Clair, I’m a friend of Hayden’s.” I said going with not to trust.

“Well Clair friend of Hayden’s, give him that note and tell him Caleb Goodwin is in Lancaster.” He smiled and tipped his hat and took of across the road almost getting hit by a truck. I couldn’t believe what a disaster I had gotten into well going out for food. 

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