Chapter 26

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Chapter Twenty-Six

 When I finally blinked my eyes open I could see sunlight coming through the windows instead of the moon’s glow. I had been slumped down on the floor hunched over so I wasn’t lying down. I went to get to my feet but was stopped by steel hand chuffs that were tightly chained to my left wrist. On the other end of the chefs was an iron grated drain hole. Coal was on the other side on the drain with his back against my spine. He was still unconscious and there was a huge bruise above his right eye indicating he was hit by the bat as well.

  The room was empty apart from Coal, Emily and me. I could hear talking coming from behind a door that was on the wall behind Emily. My head started pounding and I could feel my muscles start to ach from sitting in such a strange position all night. The door than flew open and a familiar face came out.

“Natalia.” I called out feebly. “Are you ok, what happened to those boys?” I asked and listened to her heels click across the floor towards me and Coal.

“Shut your trap missy.” She hissed and then leaned down so I could smell the liquor and blood on her breathe. “How does it feel to be trapped, you hunter scum.” I watched as she rolled a tooth pick across her blood stain teeth.

“What’s going on?” I asked seeing spots and still feeling dazed. “You don’t look like your being harmed.”

“That’s because this is a trap sweet heart and you fell for it.” She stood back and began to pace in front of me like a solider. “You don’t know how long we’ve been waiting to catch a hunter or two.” She looked over at Coal and pulled the tooth pick from her teeth and wiped them over with her tongue.

“Who is we?” I asked and looked back over at the door which was tightly shut again.

“Oh you know us.” She grinned and I saw fangs fall through her gums and over top of her teeth.   

“Vampires.” I whispered and the clouds over my mind started to clear. I began to feel Coal waking up behind me and the sound of the chuffs hitting the metal bars told me he was aware of his surroundings. 

  More vampires came out after Natalia and started to circle around us. I recognised the one who had hit me with the bat and two others looked like the boys Cayce had described, but the one was new. “These are my friends.” Natalia said as they closed in beside her. “Nick,” She said pointing to the baseball bat boy. “Max,” her fingers moved over to the short boy with messy black hair. “Addison.”  Natalia pushed in front of Nick and dug her nail into the blond haired boys shoulder.

“And I’m Kathleen.” The girl with long black hair said how was right beside Natalia. She looked to be Filipino and her big brown eyes wickedly stared through her thick lenses.

“So now that you know us who’s your partner in crime over here?” Max said as he walked over and lifted Coal’s chin off his chest. Coal pulled his head away from Max and started coughing loudly. “No need to waste your energy, but after I kill you it won’t matter.” Max’s British tone sound sinister and evil as Nick pulled him away from Coal before he could rip his ear off.  

“Why are you keeping us alive if you’re just going to kill us?” Coal said through a raspy voice before breaking out in another coughing fit.

“We’re waiting to see if there are anymore of you.” Kathleen remarked and all the others looked over towards the door.

“There’s just us.” I growled thinking about what Hayden and Richard were going to think when they found only an empty motel room when they got back from where ever they had been.

“Don’t think so sweet heart.” Natalia said. “What about that agent or was he really an agent?” The room explode in cackling laughter which was soon silenced by the booming slam of another door beside the one the rest of them had emerged out off. In the outline of the now open door stood another vampire. He was much taller then the rest with spiked black hair and blue and black framed glasses.

“Mitchell so glad you could join us.” Nick said and put he’s pale white hands into his jeans pockets. Mitchell didn’t answer Nick as he walked over towards us. He stopped behind Natalia who leaned into him and he wrapped his long gangly arms around her shoulders.

“I think he’s their leader.” Coal whispered leaning back so his shoulder blades was up against mine. “The one who made the rest of them have a taste for blood.” I turned my head to see his eyes signifying that I understood what he was pointing out. I watched as Mitchell whispered something to Natalia and then left out the big front doors.

“M wants to finish with the Emily girl before we start with these two.” Natalia said to the rest of the vampires and they all of their attention turned to her words.

“What about those two.” Kathleen stated glancing over at us. “They’re not stupid; they could find a way out if they’re not being watched.” The rest of the vampires nodded in agreement.

“That’s why Addison is going to not participate in turning her into one of us.” After Natalia finished I felt sick to my stomach. I couldn’t process the thought of how vampires infected normal people to become one of the horrible creatures they were. Addison face dropped and he sulked in his spot as the rest of them started to break Emily free from her chains. The girl woke up as Max and Nick started to pick her up. She jolted backwards and hit her head on the pole when she saw the two boys. When she regained her balance she started to scream.

“Get away from me!” She yelled and slammed the back of her palm into Max’s face. Max slowly moved he’s head back and when he was eye to eye with Emily again he lifted his fist and he’s knuckles hit her so hard she started crying. Kathleen and Nick then gripped her wrists and dragged her out of the building kicking and screaming. The big metal doors slammed shut and the building went silent. A frigid breeze had howled into the walls making Coal shiver uncontrollably.

“You cold?” Addison said as he watched us from one of the big wooden crates to the left of us. “I’m never cold; the blood boiling in my body keeps me from ever being cold.” He smiled started to kick the dusty covered broads underneath his legs with his heels.

“Did they turn you like their turning that girl?” I asked after the amount of the noise Addison had been creating started to splinter my ear drums.

“No,” He shook his head. “Natalia turned right when she found me, Mitchell was extremely cross about it, but he loves Natalia too much to stay mad at her.” He opened his mouth and began to pick at his fangs with his finger nails. “You don’t know how hungry I am all the time.” He said flipping the last topic quickly. “It’s like I have never killed ever before and it gets worse and worse every time.” He dropped off the crate and began to surge up to us. “I don’t really love this nest anyway; I could start my own with its own rules.” He ran his fingers through Coal dark brown hair. Coal jolted away and the chuffs rattled making the steel drain ring out like chimes.

“Are you going to eat us?” I snarled.

“Oh god no I’m going to drain you of all your blood.” Addison snickered and moved so his fangs were two inches away from my face. “That’s what Vampires do isn’t it.” He lunged for my neck and I felt all my hair stand up. His fangs drilled into my neck and Coal tensed trying to push Addison away from me.

  I heard a loud clanking noise but couldn’t see where it was coming from as my vision blocked by Addison’s yellow blond head. There was a loud sound of boots hitting the black dirt floor and Addison lifted his teeth away from my neck. He hissed through his bloody cover fangs. A shining silver blade hit Addison’s neck and he severed head fell into my lap.

“Try not to let a vampire bit you.” I looked up holding my neck and shacking to see Richard standing over me. His sword like weapon was dripping from the fresh blood of the dead vampire. As Addison’s body fell to the floor Hayden come up from behind Richard.

“How you two doing?” He asked pulling a lock pick out of his pocket as his crouched down between me and Coal.

“Better now that I guess.” Coal said as his chuffs slid off his wrist and hung down into the drain. Hayden then quickly unlocked me and I instantly jumped backwards having Addison’s head roll off my thighs. Coal pushed himself to his feet and Hayden held out his hand for me. I gripped his wrist tightly and was hoisted to my feet. My legs felt like Jell-O from sitting on the rough floor all night and the pain started to seep out of my neck’s wound. Richard passed me my gun full of golden bullets and Coal his blade that he had gotten from the top of one of the huge crates.

“Thanks.” Coal said looking over his knife for any blemishes. “Let’s go kill some Vampires.”

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