Chapter 20

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Chapter Twenty

  Coal hadn’t just awoken me and Hayden but soon after the crash Richard came into our room. I wondered how he even had a key.  The clock that hung on the wall read nine thirty. It had only seemed like half an hour when I drifted out of the musty room. “Well morning sleeping beauties.” Richard said as Coal yawned and Hayden rubbed his eyes. “Well get ready I found something but I won’t bother to tell you till you’re finished in here.” He then slammed the door behind him and disappeared across the parking lot.

 It took us all about an hour to all shower and get everything else done for the morning. Well waiting for Richard to return all I could think of was food. I hadn’t eaten since we were researching for the Prophetstown ghost. Coal and I sat silently well we waited for Hayden to come back with Richard. It took longer than we expected but when they came in with a plate full of syrup covered pancakes I didn’t care how long they had taken.

 “So what did you wish to tell us?” Coal asked and happily shovelled in a mouth full of pancake.

“Four more people were killed last night.” Richard said.

“Were they all found in the same part of town?” I asked remembering what I had looked up last night. “The other bodies weren’t.”

“How did you know that?” Richard questioned and he fork hovered in the air for a few seconds. “I only looked that up last night.”

“You’re not the only one who was studying then.” I stated and everyone else just shrugged the matter off their shoulders.

“Ok so yes this time they were all found in the same spot.” Richard said. “They were actually a couple of teenagers on a double date.”

“So what are we all doing on this fine day, in this fine town?” Hayden asked and leaned back on the couch. Richard sat beside him, while Coal and I were on the floor in front of the coffee table.

“Coal’s going to the crime scene, I’ll go talk to a few families of the victims and you and Jenna will go to the morgue.” Richard ordered. My heart sank and I felt like I was going to be sick. I had never been to a morgue before but just the thought of all the dead bodies in freezers made me what to throw up.

“How am I supposed to act like I belong at a crime scene alone?” I looked over at Coal who was a white as me and a bit pissed off.

“The cops take about an hour break from ten fifteen till eleven thirty and shut the whole place down.” Richard stated. “You’ll go then.”

“They have some type of guard system don’t they?” Coal just sounded generally worried.

“They have security cameras but you can blow them out.” Richard said calmly ignoring Coal’s fear all together. “You’ve done it before.”

“Where is the morgue?” Hayden asked and held out the G.P.S on his phone. No one ever tried to really questioned Richard’s directions. I thought that was all a bit one sided.

“It’s in the Washington Regional medical center.” Richard said and finished off the last of the pancakes. “Ok let’s get a move on.” He got up and we all slowly followed. Hayden suddenly stopped me and pulled me back into the room.

“What?” I asked and turned to face him.

“If you’re playing a cop you have to look the part.” Hayden said looking at my purple T-shirt and boot cut jeans with diamonds on the pockets. My hair was brushed only lightly and was kind of flying away, but I didn’t look that bad.

“What’s so bad with what I’m wearing?” I hissed back.

“You look like a teenager, where as your badge says your twenty six.” Hayden said holding up a F.B.I badge and I almost didn’t believe what I was seeing. It had my driver’s license picture on it and the name written on it was Samantha Marcos.

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