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Jonathan still can't believe he was stupid enough to get caught up in the moment and agree to come to E3 this year. While the crowds are already enough to drive him away, he can't help but be more anxious about meeting his long-time friends. What if he doesn't meet their standards? What if he's not what they expected him to be?

To make the Omega worry even more, his heat is supposed to happen unbearably close to that time, and if anybody besides an Omega gets a whiff of the pheromones he's gonna be giving off, Jon is screwed. Even without the heat, Omegas attract others with their scent regardless. Jonathan hates this because it makes him seem like a female; it's very rare for males to be Omegas.

If he does choose to go to E3 (of course none of his fans will know and he will be on the sidelines watching his friends), his top priority will be making sure no one knows he's an Omega, meaning he has to find a way to cover up the potent scent he's giving off.
"Delirious," Cartoonz scolds him using his gamer tag, "you're an idiot for diving right into this." Luke finishes as he watches his Omega friend pace in his living room.
"I know, but what's done is done and if I back out now, the guys will never let me hear the end of it." Jonathan groans back in despair. He has no idea what to do, he's so screwed. Luke lets out a sigh before heading over to his brother from another mother and patting the shorter male on the shoulder.
"I'm going too, so I'll be there to help you out. I'll try to stay close to you and make sure my scent is overpowering yours."

Luke is an Alpha, which really helps Jon's situation because he's less likely to be courted if he's close to a dominant figure, plus an Alpha's scent is just as strong as an Omega's–stronger even. After all, they need it to mark their territory or mate.

The main reason why Jonathan's Omega scent has had minimal effect on Luke is probably because the two have been together for as long as they can remember. Cartoonz is used to Delirious' scent and also treats him more like a brother than a potential mate. Jonathan is extremely fortunate for this fact. An Alpha scent can have the same affect on an Omega, but Luke and Jon's situation works vice versa, where Jon isn't affected by his dominant smell.
So here Jonathan is, boarding a plane to Boston and twiddling his thumbs; a nervous habit of his.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine and they won't find out about how much of a girl you are." Luke jokes to lighten the mood as the plane lifts off, and Jonathan's stomach churns.
"That's not all that I'm worried about. I mean, I look funny and probably won't be what they expect." Jon stresses while the Alpha beside him snorts.
"You definitely are super short, probably shorter than Lui. Other than that though I think they just won't expect you to be so scrawny looking. You look like a girl." The Omega gasps and swats at his companion.
"You bitch! Stop calling me a girl you know I hate that!"
"Well it is true." Cartoonz giggles while smirking at his smaller companion.

Delirious is adorable, there's no doubt about that. He's barely over 5 ft. 7', and has one of those baby faces. If that isn't convincing enough, he brought the blue teddy bear Evan gave him for his birthday.

Jon and Evan are close despite this being the first meeting between the two. Something just brought them together like the north and south poles of a magnet. Despite their contrasting personalities they seem to understand each other in ways that no one knows. Jonathan would even go as far to say that more often than not he's found himself attracted to the buff Asian, but who wouldn't? It's nothing serious anyway; not yet that is.

The lurching of the flying vehicle jostles Jon awake from his light doze and startles Luke from his daze. Cartoonz glances over to his mysterious friend.
"Well H2O Delirious, welcome to Boston."
"Evan would you stop bouncing off the walls!" Tyler complains as he follows the giddy Canadian to his hotel room. All of the guys had agreed to the same hotel for the week so that they would be close and would be able to hang out lots. Tyler had been the first to arrive, followed by Evan.

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