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Jonathan wakes up in a daze; the distant buzz of a crowd indicating that he's still somewhere in the building, yet his body feels constricted and his head pounds.

He peels open his eyes to take in the scene of what looks like an old storage room that's probably located in a less-used section of the convention. The smell of an Alpha and 2 Betas alerts him, and his eyes finally land on 3 men across the room from him, 2 playing cards and one reading a newspaper. Although he already believes that they're Packers his panic seems to be put at bay, allowing him to remain calm, at least for now.

The Alpha reading looks up at him before smirking at his bound hands and ankles.
"So the Omega is finally awake." He sneers while Jon realizes he has no idea how long he's been out for.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Delirious snarls causing all eyes on him.
"Wow, feisty! Maybe he really is a virgin like you said." One of the Betas chortles, his words making bile rise up from Jonathan's stomach.

"Well that's what I'm about to find out. Why do you think we were waiting for him to wake up? Regardless whether he's a virgin or not, he looks perfect for breeding. That other Omega was marked." The Alpha retorts. Jon growls low in his throat at the mention of Simone, and it startles his captors. The growl is feral; sounding almost like an Alpha's and the Alpha unsheathes his claws before slapping him, creating scratches on his cheek that gush blood.
"Apparently this Omega needs to learn his place." The Alpha hisses before kneeling towards Del and reaching out to unbuckle his pant belt.

Jon goes on the defensive, baring and snapping his teeth at the Packer. He's surprised that he hasn't freaked out yet–especially when this man is getting uncomfortably close to his manhood.

His kidnapper does not seem fazed by his empty threats however, and the click of his belt buckle indicates that the situation has just gotten 10 times worse than it already is.
"Maybe I don't mind ravishing a feisty, little Omega." The Alpha presents him with a sickly grin and Jonathan just wants to throw up.
"Stay the hell away from me you bastard!" He bites back and struggles against the bonds holding him down.

The other Betas are whistling and urging the Alpha who looks like he's found a new plaything. The sliding of jeans against his thighs is what really makes Jon's fear crawl up his spine and cloud his mind, and he his getting really close to having a panic attack.

Until the slam of a door opening and a thundering growl emits from behind the Betas. It happens in mere seconds. The Betas getting torn to shreds with sharp claws to the point where they've passed out from the beating.

Just as the Alpha on him gets up to face the intruder, the strong yet rage-filled smell of cinnamon and maple whirls around Jonathan. His body seems to immediately relax, all tension and fear dissipating and being left with the overwhelming urge to just huddle up and cry with relief.

He hears Evan snarl ferociously at his remaining captor before he lunges at him with sharp teeth and claws. Evan is not just the biggest Alpha in their group, he's also one of the biggest Alphas Jonathan has ever seen, and his kidnapper stands absolutely no chance in the first place.

Evan easily tears through him, Alpha eyes blazing a sinister glowing red. He breathes heavily before locking eyes with Jonathan. His eyes melt back into their chocolate brown but his claws remain as he approaches the bound Omega and claws through the ropes limiting his movement. The dam seems to finally break for Jon, as his realization of how close he was to getting violated sinks in.

Evan searches his friend's face as he frees him, retracting his claws. Jonathan's visibly shaken, eyes wide with fear, gashes on his one cheek, and his pants are drawn down to his lower thighs. If I had taken any longer...

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