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Now, I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this but it appears that I'm forced to anyways.

Because of circumstances, I'm now going to have to physically explain plagiarism. In EVERY ONE OF MY BOOKS.

Why? I'm finding some of my works, WORD FOR WORD, in different stories. For instance, someone has different characters but they use my writing in their story, only changing the names to suit their book.

I WILL NOT TOLERATE IT! I will not point fingers at who has been doing these things, but I have been giving out warnings to people who I find have either been using my story (ideas) or actually taking sentences, paragraphs, a WHOLE DAMN SMUT SCENE from my books.

I'm done giving out these warnings though.

If you are someone who has done this in the past, be it to me or any other hardworking authors, STOP!! It is plagiarism, which is ILLEGAL. Plagiarism is the act of claiming someone else's ideas as your own. The point of the copyright act is that what you make, you get claim over. It protects your work from being stolen, but sometimes people just don't get it.

There is NO EXCUSE for plagiarism, copying is the worst thing you could do. If you aren't confident in your writing skills, get help or don't write. I'm sorry this sounds harsh but hear where I'm coming from.

I put hours into my writing to make every chapter and book the best I can make it. I love it when people compliment or give me tips to improve etc. It shows they care and that they've taken time out of their lives to read my works. I'm honoured that people would go out of their way to help me out, and so blessed to have such wonderful readers, followers, and fans who are always positive and keep my comment sections clean (not counting swears XD). I've NEVER had to delete any comments, that's how amazing you guys have been.

Now, someone has taken a piece of my own art and pasted it in their book. This person is now getting that positive feedback and funny comments. Especially, if they have not yet seen the original.

That person is living a lie off of mine or someone else's hard work. They are one of the lowest of the low, and won't even put the work in to earn their own credit.


I thanked her already but I'm going to thank her again. TheCreativeRose noticed almost right away that someone was doing this, she immediately knew without having to check that this person was taking my words and claiming them as their own. I would've never known had she not done that.

However, on my own I found another person stealing my story ideas, that isn't any better than stealing my words. PLEASE again, if you see any of the dirty stuff happening let the author know so they can deal with it accordingly. I felt like crap when I saw people taking my stuff, it's like someone stole your soul and abused it. Writing is art and art is expressing yourself, not someone else.

On special occasions, you might ask an author if you can use their ideas (not words) and they may grant you permission. If so, that's great, but ASK PERMISSION. I have actually been given permission to post LifesTidalwave 's one shots since she didn't want to keep them and she was amazing, allowing me to do that since I love her work. If you want to see those one shots, just check my profile. They aren't mine, but I'm allowed to post them.

THAT, is the proper way to do things. Ask permission, get permission (if not, that's the author's preference so don't pressure them), then go for it.

NEVER COPY someone word for word, that's not you. Do you boo, don't do someone else.

Besides, wouldn't you feel unhappy getting compliments for something you didn't do?
I know you guys were expecting a chapter but I had to do this first, I'm still really pissed off. I am almost done 15 though, so don't be too unhappy. If you're still reading, thank you for being the best readers ever, I owe all of this to you guys, since I wouldn't have this book at 60k+ reads without you, you're insane!
With Love,

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