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Evan purrs lowly as Jonathan snuggles sleepily into his chest. The couple is situated on one of the living room's love seats, Jon snug on Evan's lap and clinging to him.

Evan reaches to thread his fingers into the Omega's hair, causing the other to hum happily.

"Well, we were going to bid you guys farewell but you look a little distracted." Moo glares playfully at the new couple. They are so cute it's making him sick.

The guys ended up staying longer so they would have the chance to say goodbye to Vanoss and Delirious before leaving. Moo and Mini were supposed to leave in the morning, while Wildcat and Terroriser were leaving in the evening. Nogla, Vanoss, and Delirious are staying one more night and leaving the next day.

"Sorry, Del isn't much of a morning person and we are both exhausted." Vanoss responds sheepishly.
"Yeah, from fucking too hard." Tyler snickers and Craig smacks his head. "That's so vulgar Ty!"
"Oh shush, you know you like it." He retorts, wrapping his arms around Mini's waist from behind and nibbling on his mark. Craig bites back a noise at the little shocks that light his nerves from the action. He pants quietly as his limbs turn to jello and slumps into Tyler's embrace. "No fair! Using my mark is ruthless." He whines weakly, but Wildcat grins happily at his reaction, satisfied.

"Don't have sex when we are trying to leave." Brock demands causing both males to blush. "I'll be taking this and leaving now, talk to you guys later." He grabs Mini by his shirt collar and pulls him towards the door with their luggage before waving and shutting the door.

Brian pouts at the fact that Brock got away before he could give him a hug.
"Don't worry, there's always next time." Tyler assures while patting his shoulder.

"Can you guys shut up, I'm trying to sleep." Jon suddenly grumbles drawing their attention to the drowsy Omega.
"You've slept plenty." Lui muses earning a huff in return.
"Ignore them." Evan states, massaging Jon's head and cooing at him. He sighs, melting into the touch and begins drifting off. Evan nuzzles his head with Jonathan's.

Lui smiles softly at the pair.
"Stop being so cute, you're going to make me throw up it's so disgusting." Tyler groans and Vanoss sends him a piercing glare that could make him pee himself. "Shut up Tyler, he deserves some rest." The Canadian hisses lowly.

"Now now, we have little time left, let's not use it for fighting." David scolds. "I'm going to make us some lunch."
"I'll help ya." Brian quips and the two disappear into the kitchen.

Lui allows a slight frown to cross his face. Great, he's stuck with Wildcat since Evan and Jon are practically one sleeping entity on the couch.
"Let's play some GTA V, since there isn't much we can do with two people." Tyler declares shaking Lui from his thoughts. He nods his head in agreement. "Alright."

As Lui plops down on the plush couch, he feels a little warm. Maybe it's just because the air conditioning isn't on high, he reasons.
Him and Tyler get into a really intense one on one sniper match that causes his palms to sweat and his heart race.
"Come out little monkey." Wildcat taunts in a wicked voice but Lui is already sneaking up on him with his character. Both men are playing on their laptops so it's too late for Tyler as Lui shoots him straight in the skull, killing his player and immediately winning the match.

"Damnit Lui!" Tyler complains loudly while Lui starts laughing his ass off. "That's what you get piggy." He waggles his finger in Tyler's face and almost gets bitten when Wildcat playfully snaps his jaw at him.
"Hey watch it you sore loser!" Lui squeaks in his childish voice and Tyler chuckles at his response. Their shenanigans startle Evan and Jon from their nap.

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