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Many may be curious. Where is part 4? 4 has been unpublished because it is centred around MiniCat, a ship involving Mini Ladd who I refuse to promote and support, so for now it will remain unpublished as it does not affect the story. Apologies for the inconvenience!
When he wakes up, Jonathan is warm and content. The smell of cinnamon and maple swirls around him and a warm body is pressed against his while an arm is slung across his waist.

Jon finally opens his eyes and they flicker to the Canadian beside him. Evan is on his back and sprawled across the bed while he is curled up against his side. When they ended up like this Delirious doesn't know, but it's not like he cares.

He spares one last glance at the beautiful Alpha before him until he remembers that they are somehow cuddling, and while he doesn't mind, Evan might.

After much debate, the Omega raises himself up and gets ready to leave the bed until an arm tightens around his waist and pulls him back down. "Evan." He whines because he doesn't want to give in to his desires.

The Asian grumbles something incoherent but Jonathan catches the word 'stay'. It makes his heart pound in his chest and his face warm.

Evan is in paradise; the sheets are silky, he's warm and the aroma of cream and vanilla sends a flow of relaxation through his body. That is until the warmth begins to leave him and he protests, tightening his grip and pulling back his personal heater.

"The warmth is comfortable and I'm not ready to get up so stay." He demands in a quiet slur and only a few words are actually clear. The response he gets is more whining but Evan would rather have Jon close by since he is being paranoid after the whole Packer incident.

Delirious squirms a little more beside him until a huff signals his defeat. The Alpha rumbles in approval before pulling his body pillow closer and settling down for some more shuteye, even though he has to get up soon anyway since the convention is no where near done.
Obnoxious knocking eventually breaks the mood that had set in, and Evan has to let out an annoyed groan before finally releasing Jonathan to grab the door.

He notes how the scratches from the previous day have vanished from Jon's face thanks to an Omega's quick healing, and he's grateful for it.

Jonathan is doing a victory dance inside of his head because the close contact with Vanoss had his skin tingling wherever he was against him, and the Omega just wanted to kiss the man right there. Evan really will make this trip bittersweet.

When Vanoss opens the door, he's greeted by Brian. The Alpha wastes no time barging in and looking around. The actions sprout confusion between the owl and clown.

"What are you looking for?" Evan's voice is husky and thick with sleep. The lower tones fuel Jonathan's want.
"Just checking. You know, making sure you guys didn't get together behind our backs." His blunt response activates an embarrassed Jon. "W-what?!" The older of the three stutters with a red face.

Evan melts at how adorable he's being, but tries not to be too obvious about it.
"Stop being weird Terroriser. Get out so we can get ready." He shoos the Irish man out the door before shutting it and letting out a relieved sigh. He doesn't need the guys getting any ideas, and if they harass Jon too much the poor guy might break.

How on earth did they come to that conclusion?! Delirious thinks to himself as he wills himself to calm down and get dressed. Before Evan can protest he's in the bathroom changing into a graphic tee and some fitting navy jeans along with some blue Vans.

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