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Luke grumbles as he groggily opens his eyes and squints at the bright light filtering between the closed curtains. "Jon, close the curtains for me will ya?"

A moment of silence ensues before Cartoonz is abruptly sitting up and glancing at the empty twin bed beside him. Where on earth is he?! He questions himself before scramming out of bed and pulling on an array of clothes.

The bearded man bursts out into the hall only to come face-to-face with Lui and Daithi.
"Woah Luke, what was that for?!" Lui squeaks in surprise.
"Yeah man, it's to early in te mornin' to be causing jump scares." Nogla adds.

Luke gives him a look. "It's almost 10:30am and that's not exactly early, besides, I'm missing a friend." Lui suddenly perks up with interest, a mischievous smile plastering his face. "If you're looking for Delirious, I can show you where he's at."

"You know?" The other man inquires with surprise. "Then tell me."
"I'll just show you." The smaller male trots towards another room, which happens to be Evan's. He easily produces a key and unlocks the door without incident. Luke shoots a questionable look his way as to why he even has a key to their room, but the little male dismisses it.

As gently as possible, Lui turns the door handle and opens the entrance before quietly entering the room. Daithi and Cartoonz follow, only to be greeted by a sight for sore eyes.

Jonathan is pressed up as close as possible to Evan, his blue teddy bear tucked between them. What makes the image even more adorable is Vanoss' protective arm slung over Delirious' waist, hugging him close.

The two are breathing in sync, completely tangled in each other's limbs.

It takes Luke a moment to figure out why Jon has wandered into Evan's room before he remembers the blue eyed male has nightmares of that day every once and a while, and always wakes up in tears while shivering.

Jon used to always go to Luke, but maybe Evan being the one who saved him the first day here was a better comfort in his broken state. The thoughts put a frown on Luke's face for a split second before he shakes his head to rid himself of darker memories from his high school days.

He rests a finger on his lips to signal the others not to wake up the exhausted duo, earning a series of agreeing nods. The group immediately vacates the room, closing the door behind them with a click and beginning to make their way down for a late breakfast or early brunch.
He feels so relaxed right now, like a weight is being lifted from his shoulders. The nightmares in the middle of the night are a distant memory when the aura of being protected, soothed and cared for is draped over him like a blanket.

Evan stirs beside him before groaning quietly and clinging tighter to Jonathan's body. The smaller giggles at the larger male before attempting to squirm and wake him up when he sees the clock strike quarter after eleven.
"Evan, we need to get up, it's almost eleven thirty." Delirious whines and the Asian turns to face him, pouting before sighing heavily.

He sits up before glancing back at Jonathan, a serious look overtaking his sharp features. "Are you going to tell me what your nightmare was about?" He inquires softly, not wanting to upset the older man.

Jon twiddles with his thumbs nervously. "I don't want to say any details, but it was about my past. You know, bullying and stuff." "It was clearly more than bullying, Jonathan." Evan presses sternly, but when Jon remains unmovable he quits.

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