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How Lui is supposed to convince Mini is beyond him, but regardless Delirious needs help so Lui pushes his doubts aside for the sake of his suffering friend.

He's a little bummed out that he isn't spending his time with Nogla though, considering he has a really big thing for the tall Alpha. Oh well though, bros before hoes or in this case, Omegas before Alphas.
Everyone has gotten into a really intense game of Life when Lui shows up once again in the living room. He walks in just as he hears petty complaints. "Noooo! I've already popped out five babies do I really need another one?!" Lui giggles under his breath when he listens to Nogla's dorky whines. He makes sure to keep a distance from the others in case Jonathan's heat scent is still clinging to his clothing.

"Oh Lui, you're back! Sorry we started a game without you but we didn't know when you'd be available." Moo smiles sheepishly and Lui waves him off with a smile. "Actually, I need to speak to Craig in private if that's alright?" He turns to look at Craig who's planted firmly in Tyler's lap, the Alpha's head resting on his. It seems like the two have teamed up against the others.

"Yeah, I don't mind. Tyler just needs to let go of me." Craig turns to raise an eyebrow at his mate, who grumbles under his breath before reluctantly unwrapping his arms from the Delta's waist. Mini gives him an apologetic smile before sitting up. Tyler manages to give his butt a firm squeeze as he moves away and the shorter male squeaks in surprise before turning firetruck red. Everyone laughs at the reaction earning the middle finger in return before Lui finally gets some alone time with the male.

"You're not gonna like this, but I really need your help." Lui begins and Craig gives him a curious look. "I really need someone other than an Omega to help Delirious right now. Your scent should be able to dull the affects a bit."
"Waaaaiiit, what affects?" Mini's face has become wary, and Lui looks around to make sure no one's nearby before lowering his voice. "Delirious is in heat."

All Craig can do is widen his eyes in surprise. Wait, if Delirious is in heat why does he have to help? He has a mate who will definitely not appreciate this. Well, at least this explains why Lui smells like vanilla bean ice cream.

"I don't know Lui, depends on what I have to do. I do have a mate after all and if I come back smelling like a vanilla ice cream factory he won't be impressed." Craig furrows his brows. He really wants to help Jon but it just might be too risky.
"Listen, all I need you to do is be there or let Jon scent you. If you're up to it use the knotting dildo to help him. As for the smell, I might have some cologne that gets rid of such a strong smell. Please Mini? The poor guy has had a brutal week so far and now Simone has triggered his heat. He looks so pathetic."

When Craig sighs Lui knows he's won. "If Tyler finds out pin it on me, just me. I was the one that suggested it to Jonathan too and he doesn't deserve any crap from Tyler as it is."

Lui manages to solidify Craig's compliance easily before dragging the boy back into the living room. "Listen guys, I need Craig's help with something involving Jonathan since I can't do it by myself and he's the closest thing to an Omega here besides me. Sorry about making you lose a teammate Wildcat." Tyler simply shrugs at Lui although the Omega can still see his slight pout. Mini smiles at the cute display before going in and pecking the Alpha on the lips. "I'll try not to be long so be good." Tyler makes grabby hands for one more kiss and Craig can't help but playfully rolling his eyes before giving Tyler what he wants.
(I think it's safe to say that anyone who isn't a fan of smut or descriptive 'sexual' matters should probably leave, most likely for the most of this story even because since I'm clearly going to hell I'm not going to remember to put up these warnings)
"I warn you in advance, even for you the smell will be pretty strong." Lui states as he begins to push open the door. He shoves Craig in quickly before shutting the barrier again and adding the towels.
"Sweet Jesus!" Craig pinches his nose in attempt to stop the sweet smell from making his thoughts jumble. He takes in the sight of a very flushed and panting Jonathan attempting to ease off the intense heat.

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