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"I figured you would hang with Evan longer." Cartoonz states over the phone call with Jonathan. He had to leave first after Marcel since he was behind on videos, but heard that Lui and David were now also getting it on. Why are all of his friends crooked? Oh wait, he doesn't want the answer to that.

"Yeah, me an' Evan are going to stay at his place for a bit before I come back. We'll need to be long distance for a little longer until everything is sorted out. I'll see you soon." Jonathan explains before the two exchange farewells. Luke is pretty sure though that Jon will come back with a major limp and a more than obvious mark on his neck. Evan is way more possessive than the bearded man originally assumed.
Jonathan sighs happily when he enters Vanoss' house. The Alpha's smell permeates the air and cloaks him like a soothing blanket.

On the other hand, Vanoss almost releases a pleased rumble as he watches the Omega admire his nest; this is where he's hoping to convince Delirious to stay permanently, although the Canadian doesn't care as long as he gets to be with Jon. However at the moment, Jon looks more like a prey being seduced into a predator's den.

Evan can't wait to mark him completely, the urge to do so becoming more and more powerful. It almost startles him, and he's hoping it's not because he may go into rut soon, or something has triggered it. Ruts are like the Alpha version of a heat. They happen sporadically though, and are harder to predict. An Alpha usually has a rut almost every couple of months, but it also depends on how sexually active or fertile the Alpha is. Since a rut is nature's way of saying "go screw something and give it babies", an unmated Alpha around any unmated potential mates is highly likely to go into rut.

This could be both good and bad for Evan. Ruts practically intensify an Alpha's instincts, making them more aggressive, protective, possessive, and unstable. Without a doubt, if Evan went into rut with Jon here, he would be unable to stop himself from devouring and marking the Omega. The only problem is that Evan wants to have a clear mind when marking his partner.

"Evan, are you alright?" Jon pulls him from his worries and he ruffles the older man's hair. "Just overthinking. Once we unpack we should come up with Brian's perfect dare." Jon's blue eyes brighten even more as a mischievous smirk graces his face. "I can already picture his reaction." Jon proceeds to giggle evilly, making Evan smile and affectionately peck his cheek. The skin flushes a little before Jon turns his head so Evan can't see.
After getting all his things settled in Evan's room, Jonathan heads to the recording room where Evan is hitting up all their friends (except for Brock) so they can make Brian do his dare.

When he reaches the doorway, he can hear Vanoss letting out one of his breathless laughs before continuing to talk. A grin spreads across his face before he enters the room. Evan doesn't notice him enter, allowing Jon the opportunity to scare him.

Jon has forgotten though that Evan smelt him the moment he reached the doorway, so when he feels the other creep up Evan quickly swivels around, startling the Omega as he brings him onto his lap.

"Nice try." He states while nuzzling Jon's neck and relishing in his creamy vanilla scent. He feels his gums throb with the need to bite and claim, but pushes the feeling down. Evan is positive his friends don't want to witness him violating and devouring Delirious. Delirious is delicious though.

"Oi, lover boys, we need to get down to business!" Craig shouts causing the two in question to jump. Jon pouts but snuggles in Evan's lap, nuzzling his head under Evan's chin. The Alpha sends him an appreciative rumble while changing his attention to his friends on the computer screen. Luke is the only one that couldn't make it, but everyone but Brock has been informed of Brian's impending dare.

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