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Jonathan is so mad with himself. Not only did he look weak in front of his friends again, he also almost let his Omega instincts take complete control of him. He submitted to Evan and God knows how his friends will tease him about it.

Apparently they had seen some of the fight unfold, just not the gruesome details of why it started in the first place.
No one has said a word since the gang has returned but how can they? The atmosphere is tense and Jon just can't meet the worried gazes of his friends in fear that he will simply look weak once again.

He won't let Evan anywhere near him; he doesn't want to because if he does he believes his petty crush will turn into something more if it hasn't already, and there's no way the Omega's letting that happen.

Evan doesn't make it easy for him either being the persistent bastard he is. The Alpha has been trying his best to comfort and be as close to Jon as possible, but as much as the smaller male wants that he just can't.

It's why Jon was quick to grab his things from the hotel to avoid confrontation with anybody, even from his best friend that knows everything. Jonathan Denis is strong. He doesn't need help from anyone and if they pity him since he's an Omega, he'll prove them wrong. Omegas are just as dangerous and the only reason he freaked out so much is because Ren supplies him with all his nightmares; he's the reason Jon is nervous of any Alphas that are complete strangers to him.
Lui ended up borrowing a van from an old friend that could fit everyone in it. Where does he even meet these people? The ride is about half a day so Jon is stuck in a car with one other Omega and a bunch of nervous Alphas.

Everyone but Lui is walking eggshells around the male because the others are too afraid to upset him or spook him. Infuriating.

Only hushed conversations go on in the vehicle and it's just some of the guys splitting up and speaking in their own groups.
Delirious is almost at his breaking point when they arrive at a convenience store for some snacks to keep them alive until the end of the trip. That is if Delirious doesn't kill them first for being idiots.

Jon buys his goods and proceeds to put them in the van before heading around the back of the store to relieve himself. He feels like his bladder is going to explode.

He sighs contently before exiting the bathroom and looking around. Suddenly he wishes his friends weren't avoiding him when he spots one of the storekeepers stalking towards him. He knew he should've listened to Luke when the man told him to watch himself since his Cartoonz' senses were tingling. Well shoot, that storekeeper really is sketchy.

"Can I help you?" He quirks an eyebrow to mask how nervous this guy is making him feel. Without a doubt he's an Alpha but when more people suddenly appear, approximately 5 more, it's 6 on 1 and Jonathan knows that these guys won't back down.

"Well, I thought I'd smelt a male Omega and so I brought my buddies along to investigate." It really wasn't a good day for Delirious.

"So what, you just wanted to admire me?" Jon sneers. Really, these people need to come up with new tactics.

"Actually, more like we wanted to have some fun. Never played with a male Omega before." The storekeeper smirks and Jon's face twists in disgust.

"Then come play with me, I dare you."
"Alright is everyone set?" Evan questions as he gets ready to be the next driver. Until he notices the absence of an Omega. "Where's Delirious?"

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