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Jonathan jolts up from the sudden wave of shivers coursing through him. He whines lowly when he feels slick gushing out of him. Seriously, he just woke up!

His breathing begins to stutter and he almost cries at the white flash of heat slashing through him, rendering his mind a fogging mess of desperation. He absentmindedly notices another presence on the bed and calls out blindly. "E-Evan?!"

A gravelly low noise cuts through as the body beside him stirs. Jonathan's member is so hard it could hammer nails and he can't take the building pressure anymore, flipping over on his stomach to rub and gain delicious friction from the bedspread. He whimpers weakly at the sensation, unable to even remotely dull the boiling heat.

A small intake of air sounds out beside him before a pair of hands flip his body back over causing him to squeak in protest. His vision is unfocussed and he barely makes out Evan's hulking form, anguished tears clinging to his eyelashes.

"Shh, shhh." Evan soothes, pulling the debauched Omega to him. "I've got you, gonna make it all better for you sweetie." Evan doesn't waste time this time around, is already naked body joining with Jonathan's causing the bleary-eyed male to let out a long, drawn out and high pitched noise. The Alpha has his Omega sitting in his lap and bouncing on his sex.

Evan shivers in delight at the soft mewls and gasps coming from Jon. He keeps a leisurely pace, dragging Jonathan up and down on his lap; grazing the other's prostate with every thrust.

"E-Evan, fas–ter!" Delirious moans brokenly and Vanoss lets out a soft laugh. "So cute." In the midst of everything Jon manages to pout and flush even brighter than his Heat before the expression is wiped off by Evan's insistent pounding.

Jon shouts out loudly when Evan roughly shoves his full-blown knot into his body and grinds it against his prostate. He wants to say that Evan was playing dirty but all he could do was cling to the other as another amazing orgasm rushes through him, making his eyelids flutter and his lips open in a perfect "o".

"You're so pretty, and absolutely gorgeous when you cum on my cock with that blissed out look." Evan purrs as Jonathan comes down from his high. He blushes at the Alpha's words but being stuck together means he has to endure so much praise it makes him want to die of embarrassment. He's a modest man, after all.

Delirious just sighs happily while resting his chin on Evan's shoulder. He wants to melt into a puddle of goo when the owl begins to thread his fingertips in his hair and massage his scalp. Although his heat is certainly not over yet, Jonathan believes he's never felt so content, safe, loved. He feels like he's floating above and beyond, soaking up every bit of it.

But all good things must come to an end, so Jon's stomach grumbles loudly in protest. Oh yeah, I guess we didn't eat at all before this went down. Evan chuckles lightly at the noise, before turning his head and pulling Jonathan's in so he can inhale large amounts of the other's Heat scent.

"I'll go get us some food to re-energize, any special requests?" Evan whispers softly and Jonathan snuggles in closer, forgetting their connection. He squeaks in surprise and Evan lets out a hum when his manhood rubs the Omega's tender insides. "I think my knot has gone down enough. I actually almost forgot we were still locked." Evan rubs the back of his neck sheepishly before pulling himself out, feeling a little too pleased about the torrent of his release leaking out of the smaller male's backside.

"U-ummm," the teddy bear lover shivers at the feeling of fluids running down his thighs, "I was hoping you could get me some flan?" Evan knows it will be a bit of a challenge to find some of the European dessert but he would do anything for the little one. "Sure thing. I'm gonna leave and block the door now, so don't open it for anyone but me okay? You should go and wash up in the bathroom while you're still calm."

Unfortunate Omega (H2OVanoss)Where stories live. Discover now