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If feels like a giant weight has been lifted from Jonathan's shoulders. Who knew revealing deadly secrets to your best friend could feel so good? It's like Ren doesn't even matter anymore since big bad Evan is there to kick his ass. Jon almost feels like if Ren showed up now he could easily beat the living shit out of him since he doesn't feel so scared anymore.
The following morning Evan woke up first this time, and decided to let Jonathan have his beauty sleep. The Alpha could only see tuffs of brown hair sticking out from what looks to be like a wrapped up Jonathan burrito. It's like Delirious finds new ways to look sinfully adorable which to Evan, is totally not fair. How is he ever going keep himself from completely devouring his best friend, because last he checked best friends don't molest best friends.

He shakes his head at the indecent thoughts he's forming before quietly exiting the bedroom. The time is around 10 am and everyone but Jonathan is awake downstairs scavenging for food in the kitchen.

"Oh what I wouldn't give for H2O Delirious' famous breakfast!" Nogla's pouts dramatically while a few guys chuckle.
"No kidding, where is the man anyways? He was up before all of us yesterday." Brian notes just as Evan finally enters the room. "He's still sleeping, and I would leave him be. The guy's had to deal with quite a bit already and deserves the rest."
"You screwed him so much he's still passed out?!" Tyler jokes and Evan chokes on his spit. "God no!! That's clearly not what I meant."
"Well that's what it sounded like." Craig smirks and Vanoss can only shake his head at the pair while grabbing at some Nesquik cereal (if you know what it is, I love you).
"And by the way, not everyone fucks every night like you guys Mini." Evan retorts and the glasses male blushes furiously while a few of the guys clap their hands slowly.
"Well played Evan, well played." Brock smirks and Evan takes a bow before pouring some milk into his bowl of cereal. He stirs the mixture around until some of the chocolate flavour has seeped into the milk before taking a heaping spoonful.

Evan's super hungry so he makes delighted noises as he eats his breakfast. "Please stop having sex with your cereal Evan." Brian comments but Evan is too happy to care even as Tyler spits out milk from laughing. It must be because he feels a whole lot closer to his North Carolinian best friend, but he's okay with that.

Lui glances at the clock which now reads noon. Everyone is chilling in the living room watching TV but Delirious still hasn't woken up yet so he figures now is an appropriate time. "Hey guys, I'm gonna go wake up Jonathan before he sleeps the entire day." Everyone nods with a bit of acknowledgment but they seem very interested in what's going on the screen. Lui just shakes his head at the bunch of idiots before making his way upstairs to the bedrooms.

When he stops in front of the H2OVanoss room, the first thing he notices is the slight groans coming from the other side of the door. What on Earth– his confusion increases when he spots what looks like towels or blankets jammed in the space between the bottom of the door and the floor. What is he getting himself into?
When Jonathan wakes up, the first thing he notices is that he's alone. Evan must've woken up before him and gone down for a free-for-all breakfast. He chuckles at the thought, but notices he's sweating a lot, and he means a lot. In fact, the room feels a little warmer than usual.

He checks the time, and seeing as it's 11:40 am, he should really get up and eat something. Removing the covers does wonders for him because he temporarily cools down enough to sit up and grab a change of clothes. That's about as far as he gets though because on the way to the bathroom, a wave of heat washes over him at full force. A fever maybe? But as long as he can remember, Jon isn't one to get a fever.

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