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Jonathan is still a little nervous even after plopping down on the couch closest to Luke. Maybe he's nervous because Evan gave him a questionable look earlier, or maybe it's the Asian in general with his bulk muscles, caramel skin, and bright smile. Vanoss is a huge Alpha, the largest in their group which also makes his scent even more potent. That one embrace from him made Jon's head spin; the smell of cinnamon with a hint of maple muddling his thoughts.

Delirious feels like Evan's attractiveness shoots up even more in person.

"Heyyyyyy! I'm not so short looking anymore, am I?" Lui squeaks out while hinting at Jon's height and snapping him from his thoughts.
"Woah woah woah. I'm still taller than you, monkey." The other short American retorts causing a few guys to chuckle.
"Oh really? Wanna go?" The man-child challenges, and Delirious is out of his spot and standing chest to chest with Lui.
"See? I'm clearly taller!" Jonathan boasts but jumps when a hand is placed on his head.
"Stop moving so I can measure." Evan's smooth voice is right beside him as his long, slender fingers brush between Lui and Jon.

Jonathan gets a nice feeling from the brief contact when Evan does his breathless chuckle.
"Del is actually taller than Lui, but not by much." He concludes while Jon is fist bumping the ceiling.
"That's right bitch!" He boasts while Lui chuckles and raises his hands in defeat before sitting back down.

The blue-eyed male gets a whiff of the other Omega's fresh morning dew aroma. It reassures him that someone else is in the same position as him, and also goes through a 7-day long Heat Week once a year like he does, having no control over it. There's also the other minor heats sprinkled in-between that are controlled, but Jonathan has yet to experience his first Heat Week. Heat Week starts at different ages for different people. It's a way of saying that an Omega is fully ready to find a mate. It's uncommon but not weird for an Omega to have their first Heat Week later on in life like Jonathan. Not only that, but Heat Week is a thing that happens around the same time for every Omega regardless of age, gender, race etc.

Another reason why he's taking big risks being here. For all he knows his Heat Week could start early.
Delirious is sitting back down in a chair and taking part of the gossip his friends spout. Everyone laughs when Tyler is wheezing his funny and hysterical laugh, and talks about the next week full of E3 and hanging out officially as a whole group now that H2O Delirious is present.

The whole scene makes Jonathan's inner wolf swell with pride; he's never felt so safe and content in his life, surrounded by friends that he considers family not to mention many protective Alphas.

If anyone noticed what kind of wolf he was, they didn't question it and Jon is grateful for that. He also has Cartoonz constantly by his side which drowns out his scent. Although Jon believes the close proximity is a little overkill, he's been told that his smell is stronger than most Omegas which means he draws more unwanted attention to himself. Add that and the fact that he still hasn't mated yet and you have the perfect Omega to breed.

Omegas being labelled for 'just' breeding is what angers Delirious greatly. It sounds like he's supposed to be some sex toy and make babies to satisfy somebody else's needs. One of the few things keeping him from fully believing that is the way Marcel treats Simone; like she's a gem and is worth everything to him.

His thoughts drift back to Evan and his caring personality. Whoever catches that Alpha's attention must be absolutely stunning considering how powerful he is.
"Earth to Jonathan!" Hands wave in front of his face. "Pay attention, because everyone is leaving to go to sleep. It's late and we have a long day tomorrow." Luke scolds him for zoning out. Jonathan takes a look around the room and sure enough, everyone is gone except for himself, Luke, and Evan.

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