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(I think everyone knows what's about to happen so don't be surprised)

"You know, I've already seen your dick long enough and would greatly appreciate it if you could maybe I don't know, cover up?" Mini grumbles while trying not to stare at his friend's exposed body.
"Whoops, sorry." Jonathan apologizes half-heartedly before pulling the covers over his lower half. There is no way he is putting on those now ruined boxers now.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. You aren't sorry." Craig grumbles under his breath.
Lui has absolutely no game plan, he's just gonna go all in. He can vaguely remember that he probably smells majorly, but that's the least of his worries.

The guys are now playing Mario Kart, clearly infatuated with the game as they take turns and bets on who's going to win. Tyler isn't playing at the moment and he catches Lui loitering around so he approaches the smallest male of the group. He's been a little grumpy since Craig left and doesn't appreciate Lui coming down alone.

"Here to take another person?" He hates that he sounds a little pissed off that he's missing his mate since he doesn't mean to be so mad at Lui. It seems that the monkey understands though because he offers a reassuring smile.
"Cool down Wildkitty, you'll get Mini Ladd back soon. I was hoping you could give me Evan first though since I have something I need to discuss with him?"

Wildcat gives an appreciative smile that Lui doesn't take his mood to heart before slapping his hand on Evan's back causing the gamer to crash is in-game kart. "Hey man, not cool!" The Alpha growls at him turning around. He spots Lui and Tyler gestures to follow him.
"Hey guys, I've got something up so Wildcat will cover for me." Vanoss announces and Tyler quickly takes over while the other follows Lui into the kitchen.

As they settle down a scrumptious smell hits Evan's nose. It smells so good and it's coming from the Omega in front of him leaving the Alpha confused.
"Hey Evan, do you care for Jonathan?" Lui immediately asks shaking the other male's thoughts. It's a rather blunt question but Evan answers regardless. "Of course I do, he's my best friend."
"I mean more than a friend, and don't lie to me." Vanoss swallows in attempt to wet his now dry throat.
"Yeah, I guess I do. Don't tell him though please? I don't want to ruin what he have."

Lui snorts at him. It seems those two are alike in many ways. "That's funny, it seems that he said the same thing." Evan's eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "What do you mean?"
"Oh come on Evan, stop acting so clueless. It's clear you both care deeply about each other, much more than friends. So just admit it." Lui demands with hard eyes and Evan can only look down.
"I love him. I don't know when it happened, all I know is that I can't help being drawn to him like a moth to a flame." Evan admits quietly and Lui's face stretches into such a big smile it hurts. "Final-fuckin-ly! This makes things way easier now."

Evan glances at the smaller male curiously. What the hell is he talking about? And there's still the question of why he smells so amazing. "Lui, what's going on? You've been acting so weird all day." Lui glances around to make sure absolutely no one knows what he's about to say. "First thing I want to say is don't lose control and pummel Mini. He was only helping us." Evan gives him an incredulous look. "Okay?"

Lui lowers his voice to a whisper before continuing. "I would also prefer if you don't mark my friend just yet. Promise me? You will not mark Jonathan." Evan's even more lost as he voices his agreement.
"You can do that shit any other time when Delirious can actually think straight. Unfortunately though, he may or may not be in heat." Lui pitches in quietly and the reaction is instantaneous. Evan's eyes burn Alpha red and his teeth sharpen, nudging his lips.
"What do you mean, my Omega is in heat?" He growls lowly under his breath and Lui looks at him nervously while nodding. Clearly Evan has already lost control of his wolf, great.

Unfortunate Omega (H2OVanoss)Where stories live. Discover now