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Everyone was settled in and had a good night's sleep. Of course, because his friends are assholes Jonathan got stuck rooming with Evan but as long as he fortifies his walls, there's no way he's letting the Alpha affect him.

Since he was so tired of E3 after the numerous chain of unfortunate events, Jon spent no time investigating Lui's cabin deciding it would be best if he waited until morning.
Him and Evan also share a bed (surprise surprise) so it's not so startling when Jonathan finds himself in a tangle with an Alpha when he wakes up. Although honestly it is testing his tolerance.

He manages to quietly and skillfully slip away from the covers without waking up his best friend; a pillow's been added in his place.

He creeps downstairs and travels across hardwood floors before making it to the kitchen feeling like a starving beast. No one else is up yet so Delirious figures he might as well start breakfast. He navigates Lui's kitchen, getting a feel for where everything is and decides on making his special crêpes because he's amazing and everyone knows it.

Deciding on the only the best ingredients: chocolate, whipped cream and strawberries, the Omega can't resist helping himself to the chocolate sauce as he flips crêpe batter and slices up strawberries.

His ears perk when he hears a quiet yawn and some shuffling feet enter the kitchen. He doesn't glance behind him though, too preoccupied in finishing breakfast.
"Oh my god, you didn't." Lui's happy noise causes Jon to let out a quiet chuckle at his reaction. "I definitely did. That's okay, right? After all this is your place."

Delirious looks over his shoulder seeking an answer from him. Lui smiles at him with sleepy eyes and bedhead. "You made crêpes... there is never a problem with crêpes." He uses his child-like voice to amuse Jon and the blue eyed male lets out a giggle before focussing back on the task at hand.

With the power of Murphy's Law, suddenly everyone is waking up and filing into the kitchen, save for Craig and Tyler but everyone has a good idea why. It's a good thing Jonathan started cooking early because everyone is ready to die of hunger when he announces breakfast is ready.

As he begins to serve everyone, others are already digging in. "Oh my god Jon, you are an angel. Can I take you home with me?" Marcel moans around a forkful and gets batted at by his mate.
"Last I checked, I'm your Omega." Simone pouts and Marcel chuckles before patting her head. "I was joking sweetheart." Someone fake gags before everyone is laughing.

When Delirious finally gets the chance to sit down with a full plate, Cartoonz interrupts his goal with a shoulder tap. "Mmh?" He hums and turns to face his childhood friend. He's startled when a warm wet tongue laps across his cheek causing him to squeak. Cartoonz offers a sly smirk. "You had chocolate on your face, messy as always I see."

A low growl sends shivers up Jon's spine and he turns to see a not-so-happy Evan getting up from his spot. Delirious glances around the now silent room, eyes pleading anyone to help him out but like he's said numerous times before: his friends are assholes.

Luke watches with a smug look as Evan loses his cool. He knows he might be pushing a little, but come on. Those two have been skirting around each other for years, it's about time someone give them a nudge in the right direction.

"Luke, was that really necessary?" Jon complains to break the silence and hopefully pacify the steadily approaching Alpha. He tries to act casual as he goes to take his seat in between Luke and David but is still highly aware of the Alpha closing in.

Just as Jonathan goes to sit thinking he's home free, arms wrap around his waist and he huffs out a noise as he's carried around the table and promptly seated in Evan's lap with both his and Evan's plates in front of them. "Evan," he starts with a hint of annoyance, "you can't eat like this so let me go." He then proceeds to groan when Evan pays no mind to his demand, so the Omega goes to sit up on his own before being abruptly pulled down again. He lets out a frustrated whine when a piece of his special crêpe is placed into his mouth via a fork. He has to admit that he did a good job with breakfast because the taste leaves him momentarily forgetting the awkward position he's in.

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