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Jonathan scrambles to get to his and Evan's room. He can't take the flood of unpleasant memories and it's driving him insane, Delirious.

Knocking temporarily snaps him from the past. "Hey Jonathan, I hope you're alright. Me and Simone are gonna bail since we can't have an Omega in heat surrounded by Alphas." Marcel's deep voice through the closed door calms him enough to wish his friend safe travels before he's gone and Jonathan's alone with his thoughts once again.

He didn't lock the door but he also didn't account for a flustered Evan bursting into the room. It startles him from his position on their queen-sized bed but he regains enough composure to speak clearly. "Evan, what're you–" For the second time today, Jonathan is jumped by the Alpha. Evan cuddles into him on the bed derailing all of Jon's rational thoughts.

"You can't keep letting this destroy at you." Evan squeezes the Omega tighter into him and Jon can only relax into the embrace.
"I'll tell you, but only you." He gives in, and Evan smiles softly. "Why would I tell anyone else? Best friends are good at keeping secrets."

He loosens his hold but begins to run his fingers through Jon's hair in a soothing manner. The smaller male sucks in a breath before getting ready to spill his fears.
"My high school life wasn't great. Where I'm from, not many are easily accepting of male Omegas. We're considered not men in a lot of cases. So I got bullied. It was usually never physical, but sometimes words hurt more than punches. Still, I was okay because they only judged me for what I was, not who." Jon sucks in a shaky breath so Evan shifts closer and begins nuzzling his neck. Omegas find comfort in physical contact, plus Evan's scent is familiar which helps greatly.

He brushes his lips cautiously against Jon's shoulder in case he reacts horribly again like earlier. Instead the troubled male pushes his face into Evan's neck to display his gratitude.

"Then Ren showed up." Jon mumbles into Evan's neck. "He was a jerk like the others, but his words were worse. Talking about how Omegas were only meant to take it and be bred. He was disgusting." Delirious shivers before keeping himself together and continuing. "One day he went too far. He cornered me with a knife in his hand. His buddies looked like they wanted to stop him but no one made the move to. I tried to get away. I was terrified because the way he was looking at me...it was the face of someone sick and twisted. After dragging the knife across my skin enough to make me bleed, but not scar, he started trying to undress me." Evan growls quietly at his words. Jonathan must've been so terrified, no wonder he's jumpy even around his friends.

"He kept saying that since I was an Omega, I would have no qualms with him stuffing me full of pups." At those words, Evan's Alpha emerged with glowing red eyes. He lets out a threatening growl and Jonathan has no idea what to do.
"E-Evan calm down, it's in the past." The Alpha suddenly flips them so Jon is pinned beneath him on the bed. The Omega squirms hopelessly before Evan surrounds the smaller male with his body and forces his wolf to back down. "Sorry, my wolf isn't too pleased that you were hurt. Continue if you want to."

The calming maple and cinnamon scent, musky smell of Alpha and warmth is enough to turn Jon into a puddle of goo but he manages to ignore it. "He was close to marking me... that's why I reacted so badly to you earlier, he did the same thing to me. Luke found us and pulled him off before he could do any permanent physical damage. My pants were down and my shirt was ripped in half with a knife. Luke beat the shit out of him after scaring his buddies off. We tried pressing charges, but like I said where I come from male Omegas don't matter much so Ren got away with it."

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