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A/N Again, must I say anything? There is a song I was thinking of that you can play if you must. (---> picture by someone on Instagram named h2ovanoss_ ? I might've spelt their name wrong but their art is my favourite by far :3)
Cake batter continues to drip off the Omega as he stares at Evan. The Alpha is becoming flushed and quite twitchy, as if needing to do something; Jonathan has a pretty good idea of what that 'something' is. The nice thing about ruts is that once an Alpha mates and comes, their rut is satisfied completely.

With heats, it always varies between once or several times, plus Heat Week which is seven days regardless of the circumstances. Some heats the Omega only needs to come once, while others the Omega takes two days to simmer down. Heats are evil.

"I'm sorry, I think my Alpha has reached his breaking point, he wants to mark you desperately now." Vanoss whines pitifully, a slight lisp now since his teeth have begun to elongate. "I want marking you to be special though."

"Evan," Delirious begins seriously, "I don't mind you marking me now. This is special enough for me, I mean, I triggered your rut for fucks sake!" Evan manages a relieved smile before needing to press is nose into the smaller male's neck to relieve some of the pressure building inside of him.

"Please tell me you're on suppressants or something?" Evan mutters into the pale flesh. Basically suppressants are like birth control. When an Omega is triggered into heat, that is the best time to be impregnated. Suppressants not only stop that from happening but also prevent heats altogether from occurring.

"Yes Evan, I'm good. What are you waiting for?" Jonathan reaches down to rub his well-endowed boyfriend and leans up to his ear. He lets his breath brush across the sensitive skin. "Didn't you say you were desperate to mark me?"

Evan's eyes flash and a low growl rumbles from him, his member swelling at the friction provided by his lover. "Careful little one, or you might sign up for something you didn't ask for." A bit of his Alpha seeps into the words. Delirious simply flutters his long, dark eyelashes. He takes some of the sweet concoction from his face with his finger and pops it into his mouth. He savours the subtle flavour before pouting at it.

"I feel bad that I totally wrecked this cake." Evan, having watched his every action is at his limit. "Fuck this!" He growls before picking up his vanilla smelling lover bridal style, and carrying towards the master bedroom.

"Evan! I'm going to make the bed messy!" Delirious squirms and Vanoss gives him a sly look. "We are about to mess up the bed in more ways than one anyways, so I don't care." A rosy blush dusts Jon's cheeks, but otherwise he is silent.

Evan practically slams the door open in a desperate attempt to speed up the process of having Jon under him and writhing in ecstasy. He's beginning to have a hard time reigning in his Alpha, who really wants his mark on the Omega. Mate! Hurry! Ours!

His gums begin to ache from the growth of his teeth. As he places Jon on the covers, Evan runs his tongue over the sharpening teeth. "I don't think I can stay in control much longer, Jonathan."

Jon glances cautiously from the bed at the man before him who's steadily losing control to instinct. He was already Evan's, so he could care less what happens. In the end, both of them will get what they want.

"What are you waiting for then, Evan? I'm all yours, Alpha." Jon taunts, although it may not be the smartest thing he's ever done. He doesn't regret it though.

Unfortunate Omega (H2OVanoss)Where stories live. Discover now