Chapter Two

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Jessica sat in her usual corner. Giants glanced down at the prisoners, picking either the oblivious young ones, or the better looking older ones. Only a few glanced in her direction. She curled in a ball, her ears back. Yes, she's a neko too. She looked at her arms, and saw only scars. She secretly had a knife on her, which you probably can guess what she did with it. One bloody mark went over her wrist as She cried. The day the giants took her, her family died. They didn't take them, because they resisted. So instead they were brutally killed, leaving behind the fifteen year old, who became depressed soon after. A month later, her arms are decorated in red lines.
Today was like an other day, nobody even suggested getting Her. They just looked in either disappointment or pity. Until one man looked at her pitifully. He spoke with the storekeeper, causing her ears to pick up her name. Somehow, the storekeeper knew each of their names.
The man had black hair and shining blue eyes. He looked quite young to Jessica, but her age judgement was faulty. He smiled softly down at her, making Jessica awkwardly put her head in her knees.

'Why do they always stare?'

The storekeeper returned with a small cage, given to each person who bought a pet from the hellish place. As well as a small collar, used only on nekos. Despite how wrong it was. The man looked at the storekeeper and politely refused the collar. The storekeeper shrugged and went over to the small enclosement that sat on the table, the type you tend to see for puppies.
Jessica looked around for a neko that He was getting, and realized she was the only one left. She panicked as a large hand reached for her. She ran away from it, but wasn't fast enough. The sweaty hand gripped tightly onto her and threw her into a cage. She cursed as she hit the hard metal.
Words were spoken and money changed hands. She peeked through one of the holes, and saw the strange man leaving the store. Anxiety kicked in and made Jessica panic. What would happen to Her? Would this man eat her? Would he torture her? Or would he do unspeakable things to her? Not all giants found humans unattractive. Afraid to speak or fight, she simply clawed into her leg. Leaving bloody marks behind.
The prison swayed back and forth gently, causing Jessica to become very tired. She fought against sleep and lost. Her eyes shut and she fell asleep.

Jessica awoke to the prison being set down onto a flat surface. She cowered to the back of it. She heard the lock click and awaited for the door to open. Light blinded her, being that the cage wasn't very lit up. As her cat eyes quickly adjusted, she saw no one at first. Just a tabletop and a couch. Then she saw the man. She cowered into the corner as He gazed at her.

"Come on out..." The man said softly, trying not to startle her. She stayed put, Her ears back. The man tilted his head.
"Please?" He said calmly.
Knowing that he could kill Her for resisting, She quietly and nervously walked out of the cage. The man smiled gently at her.
"There we go. Much better, right?" He said. Jessica didn't respond. She protested when he pinched her sides and lifted her up. He set Her on his hand carefully. Her leg burned from where she had cut it as the wind rushed past it. She bit her lip to keep from crying. She regained her balance on the fleshy uneven surface she was on. She looked away from the man's brown eyes. She looked at her shoes and held her tail. The man was sitting on his couch, so he didn't worry about dropping her.

"Can you speak?" He asked. Jessica nodded, but didn't look at him, while she stayed silent.
"Jessica, look at me." He said quietly. Naturally, Her name made Her turn his way. She knew that the storekeeper told the man her name, but most giants change their "pet" humans name. She shuddered at the fact that she was to become a pet.

"I will not hurt you. I promise." The man said gently with a kind smile.

"Lies..." Jessica muttered looking back at her shoes.

"Hmm?" The man asked, obviously hearing her. She was startled by the fact that he heard her. She began to slightly shake. She knew giants didn't react well with being insulted, or being lied to.

"I said, lies..." Jessica said quietly, her eyes never leaving Her feet.

"Lies?" The man asked. He didn't seem mad, but he looked a tad hurt.
"I'm not lying." He said. Jessica swallowed a lump of nothing in her throat and stoked her tail nervously. She felt his eyes set on her scars. She was wearing a t-shirt and shorts, so obviously they weren't the least bit hidden. She avoided the desire to see his expression. She felt his stare look at each bloody mark, including the new healed one.

"Your arms and legs..." He whispered pitifully.
"What did you do to them?" He asked. Jessica glanced at the twenty some scars and still avoided the man's gaze. She was startled when a finger gently lifted her chin. She now was looking into the pitiful blue eyes of the stranger.
"Answer me." He slightly ordered.

"I-I d-don't want to t-talk about it..." Jessica managed to stutter.

"When will you?" The man asked.

"N-never. I d-don't even know your n-name!" Jessica pointed out. The man realized that he never spoke his name.

"Whoops, I guess I forgot to mention my name. I'm James. James Ember." He said, a bit red with embarrassment.
"Are you hungry?" He asked. Jessica shook her head, but her stomach gave away her lie. She ate once a day at the pet store, and ate very little. James saw how skinny she was, even for a human. He stood up, with Jessica still on his palm. Which caused gravity to make her fall on her ass. She cursed as she landed on Her tail.

"Oh God, sorry!" James apologized quickly. Jessica stayed silent and stayed sitting. James carefully walked into his kitchen and set Jessica down onto a counter. When He turned his back, she ran. She climbed down handles and crashed onto the floor with a thud. She ran away and underneath a cabinet. James noticed the thud, and saw that she was gone.

"Jessica?" He said out loud. Jessica stayed quiet. Until she saw a mouse staring at her. She hissed at it and was returned with an angry squek. Followed by running away screaming. The furry beast bit into her leg and drew blood. Suddenly a book slammed onto the mouse with a disturbing crack. Jessica looked up to see James, his eyes wide and scared. Seeing how much force he created just by slamming a book made Jessica start limping away. She cursed as her bitten leg burned. When She saw James kneeling to get her, she ran. Despite the pain in her leg. She ran until she fell and acknowledged the pain fully. Tears streamed out of her face and made her curse out all the words she knew.

"Fuckshitbitchassdamndickass fuck! SHITFUCK!" She screamed, causing James's eyebrows to raise at how many cursewords this human was spitting out. Then she fainted from all the pain.

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