Chapter Six

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Jessica listened as James sold her to a nearby pet shop.

"I don't want the ungrateful bitch, anymore." James said coldly. The cage moved abruptly as it was handed over. Then a girl's voice was heard.

"Sir, I'm sure she's a wonderful little human. But if you really want to sell her, I'll buy. Let me see her first." The girl said. James opened the cage and tipped it over, so Jessica came tumbling out. James refused to look at her.

"She's adorable! Are you sure you want to sell her?" The girl asked. Jessica glanced up at the girl. She had long brown hair and green eyes. She looked like she was a teenager.

"Of course I am! She's a complete bitch, and she fucking self harms herself! She's nothing to me." James answered. Jessica couldn't help how much pain she felt from his words. She bit her lip to keep herself from crying. Her ears went back, and her tail wrapped around her left leg. Anger mixed with betrayal, and fear mixed with sadness. She decided to let angry win.

"I hate you!" Jessica yelled. The two giants were startled by her outburst. James glared at her.

"See? She's an ungrateful bitch." James pointed out.

"And you're a two-faced asshole!" Jessica yelled.

"Look who's talking, you went from being happy, to 'I hate you.'" James argued.

"You went from caring to 'I never want to see you again!'" Jessica hissed.

"Enough!" The brown haired girl ordered.
"I'll take her off your hands for the amount you paid for her in the first place. Just stop arguing in my shop!" She told James. James took the money and left without another word. The girl looked down at Jessica, who clawed her arm painfully.

"Oh my God, don't do that to yourself!" The girl exclaimed.

"Why, you'll eat me if I do?" Jessica snapped.

"No, that's gross!" The girl exclaimed. Jessica was surprised by her comment.

"Then why can't I do this?" Jessica asked, showing her scars.

"It's wrong for anyone to do that to themselves. Especially a girl your age. What are you, thirteen?" The girl said.

"I'll be fourteen next week, but like you care." Jessica said coldly.
"I do care. What's your name, little neko?" She asked.

"Jessica, not that it matters." Jessica answered.

"Why doesn't it matter?" The girl asked.

"Whoever will buy me, is just going to change it." Jessica said.

"I don't know about that. I'm Emma, by the way. Emma Savara. I just turned seventeen." The girl said.

"I don't care." Jessica hissed. Emma pinched Jessica's sides and lifted her up.

"Acting all angry doesn't get you sold." Emma said. Her green eyes poured into Jessica's blue eyes.

"Who said I'm acting?" Jessica told her.

"Jessica, I know how you're feeling. Your scared and alone, and that man who you thought you could trust just betrayed you. You're not angry, your lonely." Emma said. Jessica's heart sank at James's name. He left her...after everything. Jessica fell silent.

"Now, let's find a spot for you." Emma said.
She took her to a small enclosed glass case. It looked a one room apartment with a glass front. There was a bed, couch and some actual books. All human-sized of course. Emma opened it up with her key and set Jessica inside. Jessica watched as the glass door shut and locked inside.

"I'll be back later with some food. Feel free to use the little windows to talk to your neighbors." Emma told Jessica before leaving. Jessica went onto the bed and laid down. She began crying.
When her eyes were closed, She didn't notice someone her size crawl through the little window on the left side of the enclosed area. Or the person who came in the other side. When she opened her eyes, she saw two boys looking at her. One had blood red sideways hair and green eyes. The other had black hair and brown eyes. Both of them were her age. Jessica gasped in surprise.

"Who the hell are you two?" She asked.

"I'm Maxwell, but call me Max." The black haired one said.

"I'm Oliver." The red haired one said.

"I'm Jessica." Jessica said. She saw that Max was a neko too.

"Welcome to a pet shop." Oliver said.

"I've been in one before." Jessica told him.

"Then why are crying?" Oliver asked.

"Ignore him, he's an idiot." Max said, sending a glare at Oliver. Oliver glared back. The two of them obviously didn't like each other.

"I plan to." Jessica told Max. Oliver huffed and left after that.

"Damn idiot. I never liked him." Max told her.

"I have a bad feeling about him." Jessica said. Max nodded in agreement. Jessica finally noticed that Max had no shirt on. He had a six pack too.
"Jesus! Why don't you have a shirt on!" Jessica exclaimed. Max's face went red.

"When I came here, I had no shirt. The giantess who brought me here took it." Max said, embarrassed.

"Oh." Jessica said.

"Yeah...Anyway, I better go back. Emma should be back with food, and she doesn't know we can fit through the windows." Max said before leaving.
As if on cue, Emma came with a big tray that had smaller trays with a human-sized plates of food and a cup of water on each. She gave a tray to each person. Emma stopped at Jessica's last.

"Hey there, Jess." Emma said, putting a tray in front of Jessica. Jessica refused, but her stomach growled. She ate the plate of food and drank the water. Then she backed away. Emma watched her the whole time.

"Do you have to stare at me?" Jessica asked.

"Sorry, Its just you're so adorable!" She said with a smile.

"So I've heard." Jessica told her.

"Are you still sad?" Emma asked.

"Meh." Jessica said.

"I feel like he'll be back." Emma said.

"What?" Jessica asked.

"I think he will be back. I don't know if it'll be to take you back, or to find a new pet. Just that he will be back." Emma explained. Jessica's heart leaped at the thought of him returning. She really wanted to return to him.

"I doubt He will take me back." she said.
"Damn, I sound as if we were dating!" Jessica exclaimed realizing how she sounded. Emma giggled.

"I don't know either, but someone will definently take you home." She said cheerfully. Jessica's eyes widened at the thought of Tyler returning.

"I hope not!" she muttered as Emma left.

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