Chapter Twelve

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        As the night rolled by, Max couldn't find sleep. He always dreamt of being on his own, and being a free human, but it was harder than he thought. One, he wanted to find his own place to sleep. But everywhere was either cold or too uncomfortable. He didn't want to go back and use the bed James had gotten him. Although James was really nice for a human, as nice as Emma and her father was, Max didn't want to risk being harmed again.
            He was tired by the time he found himself back to James's and the others room. He climbed a ladder, what ladder he did not know, and ended up on James's bed. Jessica was snuggled against the large giant's neck peacefully sleeping. Max noticed Maria sleeping on James's bed as well. She couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, and was curious to see why Jessica liked sleeping next to a giant. Thus leading to her sleeping by his neck beside her.
          Max scoffed.

"Girls. Always wanting to mooch off other people's beds." He muttered. He then looked at Tyler, who was quietly sleeping in his own bed. The sight of sleep made Max even more tired. And the night was cold, which did not help him. Quietly but exasperatedly sighing, Max took a spot on the far left of James's pillow, curled up, and slept.
           When morning came, James felt Jessica still snuggled against his neck. Then he realized Maria was as well. He then looked and saw Max laying on his back on the left of his pillow. The small Neko boy was sprawled as he slumbered away. James would have to leave for his job this morning, but he didn't want to leave the four at home. It was like worrying about a cat or dog and whether they'd piss on your favorite chair. He knew that even Maria had a mischievous side, and when mixed with Max and Jessica, it would only cause drama.
          He gently poked each of them, making them all whine.

"Five more minutes...." Jessica groaned.

"I'm making bacon." James said with a small smirk. Jessica jumped up.


"No." James laughed as he felt the small girl's hand hit him playfully. It felt like someone poked him with their pinky though.

"You're so mean!" Jessica said with a smile. Maria yawned and stretched out her arms and legs like a cat. Then she stood up.

"Morning, James." She said perkily.

"Morning, Maria." James replied, picking her and Jessica up so he could sit up. "I love how all three of you nekos decided to climb onto my bed and just make yourselves cozy." He joked. Maria's cheeks reddened.

"I wanted to see why Jessica liked sleeping by you. Now I know why." She admitted. Max had just began to wake up, yawning and stretched. Then his cheeks reddened when he noticed all three of them looking at him.

"Well good morning." James joked. "Sleep well?"

"Shut up. Your house has no good sleeping spots. I only slept there because I was tired." Max said bitterly. James laughed.

"Yeah, alright. I've got some time before I have to go to work. So how about I make some bacon?" Jessica's ears perked up, giving James her answer.

"What's bacon?" Maria asked. She didn't remember anything from her life before the giant apocalypse like most. So all human foods were new to her.

"It's meat from a pig's ass." Max joked as he stood.

"No it is not." James said reassuringly, making Maria sigh. "But it is meat from a pig. It's greasy, fatty, and delicious." He smirked while helping the Three onto his shoulders as he stood. He gently poked Tyler, who clearly didn't want to awaken yet.

"I swear, Maria, if you can't sleep bother James." He mumbled, pulling the covers over himself. James rolled his eyes and took the blankets off.

"Come on sleeping ugly. Time to awaken from your slumber and have breakfast." He joked. Tyler looked up, and was startled by James looking down at him. Still not used to his size.

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