Chapter Three

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Jessica awoke to laying in James's hand. He smiled weakly at her. A bottle of rubbing alcohol was on the table in front of him, along with a few cotton swabs. Jessica painfully sat up. Her leg was bloody, and it made her want to gag. She knew one thing, though. She failed to escape and the giant could easily kill her for it. She whimpered at the sudden pain in her leg increasing as James lifted her up more. He looked directly at her with his brown shining and pitiful eyes.

"Jessica, why did you run off?" He asked, as if it was a surprise to him that a human didn't want to stay. Jessica remained silent.
"Fine. Don't answer me." He said with a sigh. The he set her on his left leg, since he was sitting on the couch once again. She protested, but couldn't stand.
James picked up a cotton swab and dipped one slightly in the rubbing alcohol. He glanced at Jessica, who's eyes darted to anywhere but his.

"This is going to be quite painful, and I don't mean to hurt you. Its just that the mousebite needs to be cleaned out." James said, a bit nervously.
Jessica stayed silent as usual, until the swab touched her wound. She squealed in the burning pain. Which, of course, was twice the amount a giant would feel.

"Stop!" She pleaded. James winced at her screams.

"I'm sorry, but I can't until they're clean. You can die from the mouse bite, Jessica." James explained. He continued to clean her wound.

"I'd rather die than live here!" Jessica yelled out. James stopped abruptly, and Jessica felt panic set in. That was just asking for trouble.

"You'd rather die, then be here?" James asked.
"Even though I've only been kind to you this whole time, despite you giving me the silent treatment?" He added, his voice showing his impatience.

"I-I just-" Jessica stammered.

"No, forget it. You don't realize what I could possibly do to you if I wanted. I could smash you like a bug, or eat you as if you were a tasty treat." James said, his voice tinged with anger. Jessica flinched at his response. He lifed her up and hung her over his mouth. Jessica began to cry as She hung over him. Little did she know that he wasn't serious.
Seeing at how scared and hurt Jessica was, James was hit with guilt and regret immediately. He quickly and carefully set her on his hand once more. She curled up in her knees and clawed her leg. He was astonished at how many scars were on her tiny and fragile body. As well as the fact that she just added more in front of him. He tried to gently lift her arm, but she only moved away.

"Don't touch me, you monster!" She exclaimed, not looking at him. Tears streamed off her face. James felt hurt from her comment. That was The first time she confidently spoke to him.

"I was only trying to examine your arm." He quietly said.

"Why? So you could see if you can bite it off!" Jessica hissed.

"No! I was looking at the scars you've made on yourself." He told her. Jessica shrunk back. She hated the scars.

"Don't worry about them..." She said quietly.

"Jessica, I'm going to worry. No one should be doing that to themselves." James said.

"No one should be eaten either, but you don't care." Jessica said coldly.

"I wasn't going go eat you, I was just...I was a bit frustarated, okay." James said.

"I'd hate to see you angry then." Jessica said, mostly to herself. James began to silently wrap Jessica's leg, despite the fact that Jessica protested by pushing away. Eventually, her leg was fully wrapped.

"There, isn't that better?" James said, keeping his patience in check. It took an hour to get Jessica to let him even touch her fragile little leg.
James pinched the tiny neko's sides and lifted her up. As he took her to the kitchen once more, he kept his eye on her.

"No running away, this time." He told her. She flipped him off. At least she was comfortable enough to do that. Even if it wasn't nice.
James found some chocolate and broke off a piece. He set Jessica down onto the counter, and set the piece in front of her. She sniffed it and immediately her mouth watered.

Jessica bit into the sweet and creamy milk chocolate and Her hunger immediately increased. James laughed as she quickly ate the chocolate. Her face was covered in it, and she looked bashfully at James.

"Thank you..." She said quietly.

"No problem, Jessica. Now, let's get you cleaned up." He said, as he picked up a slightly damp paper towel. He began to gently wipe her face, until she moved away.

"I'm not a child!" She exclaimed. She ripped a piece of the paper towel off and wiped her mouth herself. Then she licked the top of her hand, just like a cat. James smiled. Jessica stopped and glanced at him.
"What?" She asked.

"You're such a cute human, no offense." James said. Jessica's face blushed red.

"One, I'm a neko. Two, I AM NOT CUTE!" Jessica said with irritation.

"Alright,alright. No need to get all angry at me." James said calmly. Jessica rolled her eyes.

"Besides, all giants think about us humans is that we're insignificant and worthless." Jessica said with hatred tinging her voice. James's smile faded.

"Not all giants are the same." He said defensively.

"Oh yeah? It seems that all of them want dominance over us. You certainly do." Jessica said coldly.

"I don't want dominance!" James argued.

"Liar!" Jessica spat, daring to possibly anger the giant man.

"I'm not a liar! If I wanted to kill you, you'd already be dead." James pointed out.

"Some of your kind like to play with their prey before eating them. You might be like that." Jessica said angrily. A tinge of fear exposed itself in her voice. Small tears formed in her eyes.
"Why does your kind want to kill us off so much? What did we ever do to you?..." Jessica said in a shaky voice. James felt bad for Her, as she trembled in her stance.

"Giants were hunted by your kind first." He told her. Jessica looked at him.

"What?" She asked.

"Ever heard of Jack and the beanstalk? Well, Jack didn't just steal from the giant, he killed him. He poisoned his mead. Then he got an army together and killed another giant, then another, and so forth. That army no longer exists, but we still do." James explained, with little emotion. Jessica couldn't believe that the humans attacked first. A knock at the door startled them both. Poor little Jessica had no idea what was coming next.

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