Chapter Eleven

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Maria perked her ears as she looked at Tyler. Then it hit her what he was going to do.

"Oh my god, he's going to jump!" She exclaimed. James was confused at first, then he saw Tyler. Max and Jessica soon saw him as well.

"Tyler stop!" Jessica called. Tyler had tears running down his cheeks as he neared the edge. Then he turned and fell. James wasted no time in going around the counter, and catching him in his heads. Tyler's eyes sprang open, only to see James looking back down at him.

"Oh god." He breathed. James shook his head pitifully, and lifted Tyler up to the counter. Then he set him down. Jessica stayed her distance as she looked at him with worry.

"Why would you try to do that?" She asked. Tyler looked at her with shame.

"While I was held in the prison cell, they played my memories on a screen. The ones about my old owner and how I became a giant." He said quietly. "She was the reason I felt such hatred towards Jessica."

"Who is 'she', Tyler?" James asked curiously. Tyler took a deep breath, and told about what happened.

~Tyler's story~

Taken during the giant attack, Tyler found himself in the hands of a giantess. A girl who's name was Jessi and looked a lot like Jessica. She played with him, doing unspeakable things to him. Tyler was both molested and abused by the girl. And it wasn't until a month after his escape he found growth berries, berries that could make a borrower a giant. They're rare, and not easy to find. But he found one without knowing and become a giant. Then, mentally, his hatred for Jessi was directed to Jessica, who he knew before the giant outbreak. When he was finally arrested, the human protection force took his size away. And while he awaited his fate in the cell, his guard played his memories onto the screen. The ones where the girl would do the unspeakable, the ones where she'd beat him, and then the moments where Tyler had taken Jessica. It was clear that he was mentally unstable, but by showing the memories, it snapped his mind back to its normal self. And then the guilt began. It increased when the guard threw him into James's house, as a sentence to death or a second chance.


Tyler looked at his feet as Jessica took in the information. James couldn't help but pity Tyler. But also remember that he knocked him out.

"Did you think I'd kill you?" James asked. Tyler looked up at the now towering James and stuttered.

"Y-yes..." He managed to say.

"I would never kill a person. But I cannot say that you won't have to pay for what you've done." Jessica looked up at James abruptly.

"You're not going to hurt him are you?" She asked.

"Why do all of you believe I'd hurt you?" James asked testily. "No, I'm not going to hurt him." He finally answered.

"Th-then what are you going to do with me?" Tyler asked fearfully. James was much larger than he thought he'd be up close. And it was freaking him out.

"I'm not going to do anything with you, Tyler." James said calmly. "Stop freaking out."

"B-but you said I'd have to pay for what I've done."

"And you will. But not in pain, Tyler." James said. "It's up to Jessica about what you'd have to do in order to repay her." Jessica's ears perked up as she was eating cheesy pepperoni filling from the pizza roll. James couldn't help but laugh at the cheesy mess she was.

"Could you rip a piece of napkin for me?" Jessica asked bashfully. James ripped a tiny piece of paper towel off the sheet and handed it to her.

"I'm guessing you like it then, Jess?" He joked. Jessica glared at him while wiping her hands and face. "Now what is it you'd like Tyler to do in order to repay you."

"Nothing." Jessica said, crumpling up the napkin. "I think he's been through enough." She added calmly. James looked at her skeptically.

"You sure?" He asked. Jessica nodded and walked up to Tyler. Then in a quick movement slapped him.

"I meant nothing but that." She said with a smirk. Tyler rubbed his cheek, biting his tongue.

"Yeah. I deserved that." He admitted. Jessica pointed to the cut pizza rolls.

"Go eat. You're clearly not leaving anytime." She said. Tyler looked at her skeptically.

"Did you poison it or something?"

"Gods, I offer you food and you accuse me of poisoning it." Jessica said. "Don't touch the last one." She said seriously. Then laughed, making Tyler laugh too. James sighed watching the two, and popped a pizza roll into his mouth. Was it weird having three human teenagers as friends? A little bit. But so was the whole giants thing, so James didn't mind.
After eating, James carefully had the four on his shoulders as he walked upstairs. He then set them onto the desk.

"Your stuff is in there, Max. Share with Tyler. There's plenty in there." James told the Neko boy who was sniffing the dresser. The two guys then looked at clothes and picked who got who.

"Wait, there's only three beds." Maria said. "Where will Tyler sleep?" She asked.

"He can have my bed." Jessica said. "I don't mind bunking with James." She added. James rolled his eyes.

"Well thanks for asking if I was okay with it." He joked.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Are you okay with me sleeping on your pillow?" Jessica asked with a mocking tone.


"Good. Then it's settled. Tyler can have my bed, and I'll bunk with James." Jessica smiled innocently at James, who just shook his head with a smile.

"It's gotten pretty late. Maybe we should all just go to sleep already, yeah?" He said.

"Could you help me down?" Max asked bashfully. James pointed to the long ladder that was now taped to the desk.

"Now you four can get on and off easily. I even put one connected to my bed for Jessica." James said. "Some Neko she is. Can't climb worth shit."

"Hey!" Jessica clawed at him. "I'll climb your face!" She joked. James laughed and picked her up.

"Sure you will, little kitty. Now time for bed. Unlike some of you, I do have to work." He said. Max had already left, while Tyler and Maria got into their beds. James went into the bathroom and threw on a t-shirt and sweatpants. Jessica couldn't help but laugh.

"Look who's acting like a girl during the weekend. Sweatpants and all." She joked. James rolled his eyes, and carefully laid in his bed. Jessica curled up into a ball right next to his neck, stealing warmth from his body heat. A small purring noise began from where she was.

"Are you purring?" James asked incredulously. The purring came to a abrupt stop, followed by a small silence.

"...Nope. Must be your imagination." Jessica lied, her face red. James laughed and pulled the cord to turn the lamp off.

"Good night, you freaking cat." He joked. Jessica just scoffed and snuggled against his neck. When James gently pat Jessica's head between her ears, the purring occurred again as she nuzzled her head against him. It was both weird and cute to James. Like puppy dog cute. Or should I say, kitty cat cute. 😹

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