Chapter Four

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After James opened the door, Jessica heard a loud and booming thud. She saw him fall onto the ground, unconcious. She yelped at the sight. A hooded figure walked in, a wand at his side. A wizard.
They walked over to Jessica, who whimpered and backed up. She backed up until she touched the wall. The hooded figure reached for her, and picked her up. She squealed in protest and wiggled around. This was guy holding her, She could tell by his body shape.
He carried her out, walking past James's unconcious body. She felt like crying after seeing blood pooled next to his head. The hooded guy put her in his pocket. Leaving her to be frightened in darkness.
Light blinded her as she was taken out. A boy of her age looked down at her. He had brown hair and green eyes. He was very familiar to Jessica.

"Hello Jessica, remember me?" He asked. Jessica gasped. It was an old bully named Tyler.

"T-Tyler?" Jessica stuttered fearfully.

"So you do remember? Good." He said with a wicked smile. Jessica was trembling in his grasp.

"D-did you k-kill James?" She asked, afraid to know the answer.

"No. He is just unconcious with a minor injury." Tyler answered. This comforted Jessica just a little bit. Until she saw Tyler's smile.

"W-why did you t-take me?" She asked.

"After finding where you were and who you were sold to, I knew I had found the perfect little pet." He said devilishly. Jessica trembled even more.
"I love how you're afraid of me..." Tyler said with satisfaction.

"P-please don't hurt me!" Jessica pleaded. Tyler laughed.

"I can do what I please." He said with power in his voice.
"Now, I think you need a change of attire." Tyler said, causing Jessica to shiver. He removed her clothes, despite her protests and gave her a short strapless dress to wear. While noticing her scars.

"Well aren't we a emo little kitty?" He said, as Jessica quickly put on the dress. Tyler lifted her up with and she squirmed slightly in his hand.
"You look so sweet in that..." He murmured. He lightly kissed Her body, making Jessica yelp. She clawed him, making him jump back.

"Pervert!" She hissed. Five small bloody scratches appeared above Tyler's lip.

"You bitch!" He exclaimed angrily. He slammed her onto a table, causing her to cry out in pain. Tyler realized that he could have killed her doing that.
"Damn it..." He cursed. He went to pick her up, and was quickly clawed at.

"Don't touch me!" Jessica hissed.

"Jessica, I-" Tyler began.

"I hate you! You're nothing but a monster!" Jessica yelled. Tyler slammed his fist down, causing her to shake.

"Shut the fuck up! You puny little bitch!" Tyler yelled. His booming voice made Jessica's ears ring. He lifted her up forcefully. Before He could do anything, his door busted open. Tyler dropped Jessica, letting Her hit the hard floor. A familiar voice swore at Tyler. It was James.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" James cursed.

"How the hell did you find me!" Tyler exclaimed.

"I saw your face when you knocked me down, idiot. Where's Jessica?" James said angrily. Tyler smiled devishly and pointed to Jessica, who looked like a broken toy.

"Jessica!" James said, as he carefully lifted her up.

"The little bitch scratched me, then insulted me. She got what she deserved." Tyler said coldly.

"Next time you try to take her, I will call the cops on your sorry behind. After I beat the shit out of you." James threatened. Jessica muttered something, and passed out.

Jessica awoke with a comforting warmth surrounding Her. Soft snoring filled her ears. The moonlight shined in, revealing James. Jessica was on his chest, the ground beneath her falling and rising gently. She curled up next his chest, and fell back asleep.
Morning shined in, and Jessica woke up to hearing a loud grumble from James's stomach. She felt chills from the sound. James woke up with a yawn, glancing down at his tiny companion. Jessica stood up, and stretched. Obviously feeling better from yesterday.

"Good morning, Jessica." James said. He gently pat her head.

"Morning, asshole." Jessica joked.

"Aren't you feisty?" James joked back. He lifted her up, and stood up. Jessica didn't protest this time. He saved her life, and she now knew She could trust him. He set her on his dresser so he could stretch.

"I'm hungry. Go make breakfast." Jessica ordered jokingly.

"What's the magic word?" James asked.

"Fucking make breakfast." Jessica answered. James put on a fake pouty face.

"C'mon. Be a smart little kitty." He said.

"But I'm hungry!" Jessica whined. James crossed his arms stubborly, making her groan.
"Fine! Can your please make breakfast?" She finally said.

"Say it in an adorable way." James ordered. Jessica glared at him for a bit. Then took a deep breath.

"Can you pwease make breakfast so I don't clawz your eyes out." Jessica said, in a fake cute voice. James laughed.

"Alright." He said with a smile. He put her on his shoulder and walked downstairs. Jessica gripped the collar of his shirt with each step.
Once he reached the kitchen, He set her on the counter. He had bought human-sized utensils for Jessica. He also manage to buy some human-sized food. He handed her a box of cereal with a small jug of milk. As well as a cup. She happily poured a huge bowl of cereal.

"Hungry aren't you?" James asked.

"Shut up..." Jessica said, her face burning. James laughed and made a bowl his size to eat.

"I think you need a bath." James said. Jessica choked on her food.

"How the hell do you suppose I do that?" She asked with a cough. James couldn't help, but laugh at her response.

"I could find a cup, or something. I got some human bathing items, so all I need is a makeshift bathtub." He said.

"Well, you better not look at me, or I'll fucking rip your finger to shreds." Jessica warned. James's face went red.

"Jesus, Jessica! I wasn't even thinking about doing that!" James exclaimed. This time Jessica giggled at his response.

"I know." She said innocently. James rolled his eyes. At least she trusted him.

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