Chapter Five

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The water was warm and comforting in the plastic bowl. At least James thought so. He had got some human clothes that were a bit too showy for Jessica, but that's all the store had. He handed the supplies to her and left the room.
Jessica took her clothes off, glancing at her scarred belly. She winced at the memory.


Jessica ran. She ran from the giant going after her. Until she was forcefully grabbed and taken. The giant was about to take her family, when her parents shot his hand. He roared and smashed them mercilessly. Jessica screamed.

"This is what happens when you disobey your superiors." The man hissed.
He took Jessica back to his home and tossed her onto a desk. He removed her nice clothing and stared her up and down. She was only in het undergarments.

"I envy the master who gets you..." He murmured. Jessica desperately tried to cover herself. When the man tried to touch her, she clawed him. Cursing, He took out his knife.

"You'll pay for that." He hissed. One bloody mark went painfully on Jessica's stomach. She cried out in pain. The skin around the wound was sticky with blood. After cleaning the blood off with his finger, the man gave her a t-shirt and shorts. The next day and month Jessica was in the pet shop.


Jessica spilt hot tears as she washed herself. She clawed her arm and ignored the burning pain of it. After that She dried off and put on a belly shirt and jeans. She glanced at her attire and felt slutty. She brushed her hair and still cried a bit. Her scar on her stomach was showing as if she was proud of it. She wasn't.
James knocked on the door and entered, his eyes covered. He made sure she was dressed before looking at her. He heard a sniffle before seeing her sad face. He went over and sat next to the table.

"What's wro-" He began, until he saw her slightly bloody arm, and the healed scar on her stomach.
"Jesus, Jessica. What the hell did you do?" He asked.

"I..." She broke into a sob. The memory kept replaying in her mind.

"Jessica..." James whispered. She looked up at him.
"Please talk to me." He said. His calm blue eyes looked into hers.

"It happened a month ago...." Then she told him all of it. When she was taken. When she was cut. Why she cut herself constantly. James, after she finished and was sobbing, lifted her up and cradled her.

"I just wish to die!" She yelled out in a sob.

"Shh, Jessica..." James said quietly.
"Your okay..." He said in a quiet tone. Jessica gripped his shirt tightly. Her cries began to quiet and she looked up at him.

"...Thanks..." She said quietly. He almost couldn't hear her.

"Jessica, I want you to stop with cutting yourself. Otherwise I'll have to get you declawed, like a cat." James said calmly. Jessica nodded. She took her knife out of her pocket and handed it to him. He threw it out, and smiled at her softly. She looked continuously down at her stomach.

"I'm sorry about the clothes, it's all the store had. Damn bastards." James said.

"It's fine..." Jessica said greatfully.

"Now, how about a movie?" James asked. Jessica perked up at that. She has not seen a movie in the past month.

"Okay...What movie?" She asked.
"Any I guess." James replied.

He took her downstairs and went to Netflix. They decided to watch The Secret Life Of Arrietty (Is that even on Netflix, I don't know. :P), which was Jessica's favorite movie. James had Jessica laying on pillow, which was on his lap. He began to pet her gently, making her awkwardly purr.

"Knock it off!" She hissed. James laughed.

"But you're so cute, little kitty." He said. Jessica remembered why she was there suddenly. She was his pet. She suddenly didn't feel as comfortable and cozy. She moved away from him.
"What's wrong?" James asked.

"Nothing." Jessica lied.

"Liar." James said, pausing the movie.

"I'm not lying." Jessica lied even more.

"Jessica, I swear. If you don't tell me, I'll let that boy take you." James threatened, but didn't mean it. Jessica believed him though.

"You wouldn't!" She gasped.

"Oh yes I would, IF you don't tell me." James said devilishly.

"You're such an asshole." Jessica told him.

"Tell me what's wrong." James said.

"But nothing is wr-" Jessica tried.

"I guess I'll go get Tyler and tell him-" James began at the same time.

"WAIT! I'll tell you!" Jessica exclaimed. James smiled in his victory.
"I...I just don't want to be a pet to you...Or anyone." Jessica said nervously.

"Would you rather be a toy, or a tasty snack instead?" James told her.

"I want everything to go back to normal, but that'll never happen. No thanks to your kind." Jessica spat.

"Well humans fought first." James argued calmly.

"We didn't enslave giants! Hell, some humans have become giants!" Jessica said angrily.

"Those people had managed to find a tree of growth. When you eat the tree's fruit, it grows you into a giant." James explained.

"I don't give a damn! I'm sick of your kind constantly trying to wipe out mine! All of us are human!" Jessica yelled.

"Stop yelling at me!" James softly yelled.

"Just kill me and get it over with!" Jessica screamed. She gasped when James lifted her up quickly. He held her at eye contact.

"Since you don't want to stay here so badly, I'm just going to sell you to a pet shop. I'll find a better and a hell more grateful human." James said coldly. Jessica whimpered slightly. She wouldn't cry though, she didn't want to admit defeat.

"Go ahead." Jessica said, her voice steady.

"I hope whoever gets you isn't nice." James hissed. Jessica hurt from his comment. She didn't do anything as he put her back into the cage she came in. She cried softly to herself as the cage was taken to a pet shop

'I hate giants.'

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