Chapter Thirteen

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            After going into the elevator, which amazed the humans, James walked onto a floor with multiple office cubes. He went to his and sat into an office chair while letting the borrowers onto the desktop. Finally he spoke while getting his computer on.

"You four are going to drive me crazy if you keep making mischief." He said with little emotion, focusing onto the screen. Jessica looked down at her feet.

"We were just having fun, James." She said quietly.

"Yeah, and if you were my size, that would flood the place. Lucky for you, it was only a desk." James replied bitterly.

"Look I'm sorry that I caused a mess to happen." Jessica said. "But please stop being bitter." James looked down at her.

"I'm being bitter because this couldn't have be worse. What if I had put you in a sink? You could have drowned each other. If I can't expect you to simply take a bath, how the hell am I going to-"

"James!" Called a voice. James shut his eyes and took a deep breath. It was his boss, Derek Axel, a wealthy man who owned the whole business.

"Yes, sir?" James answered in a forced calm voice as his boss walked up to his office. Derek had well kept black hair, and green eyes.

"I've got fifty registration papers that needed to be done yesterday by a person that no longer works here. They're your issue now." He said while looking through a bunch of papers and sighing. A human girl with black hair and hazel eyes was on his shoulder wearing a nice, but rather doll-like, light pink dress. Her hair was curled as well. She seemed to happily be resting on Derek's shoulder, clearly having a good bond with him.
             A stack of papers slammed onto James's desk, startling all of the humans.

"Watch it!" Jessica hissed. She received a small prod to the back by James, which pretty much meant to shut up. Derek looked down and raised his eyebrows at the four.

"Well, look at that!" He said with a smile. "I did not know you had gotten four borrowers, James."

"Borrowers, sir?"

"Oh come on, you didn't know that they're called that? You work at a place that does borrower registration papers. Did you think I made that up?" Derek seemed to be trying to be humorous about what he said. James shook his head, feeling foolish.

"Sorry, sir. Just forgot, that's all." He said. Derek shook his head.

"I told you to quit the 'sir' crap. You're such a rookie, always freaking out when I arrive." Derek said with a smile. He bent down, let the borrower on his shoulder down, and looked at the four. "Well, aren't you a nice group of borrowers." He said. ( I'm going to refer to tiny people as borrowers for now in this story since I keep on doing that due to my other stories. 😣)

"I'm as nice as a sleeping tiger is when you wake it up by kicking it." Jessica said sarcastically. James looked at her and then at Derek nervously. But his boss only laughed.

"You're a feisty one, aren't you?" He asked, ruffling her head with his finger.  Max snickered, and then found a finger ruffling his hair. "And you're most likely the one that sets her temper off." Derek joked. Maria stuck out her hand.

"My name is Maria, sir." She said politely. Derek smiled and carefully used his finger to shake her hand.

"My name is Derek Axel and it's very nice to meet you, Maria." He said. "Would you mind introducing your friends? They don't seem to like me much."

"Jessica is the mouthy one and Max is the one they truly does drive her crazy. Tyler is the the one that is shy." She gestured to the others. Derek tilted his head at Tyler.

"Must be fun being the only human borrower, Tyler." He said. Tyler shrugged but said nothing.

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