Chapter Nine

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The reeealllly long awaited update! Finally here! Also, I'm changing Jessica's age to fifteen. She just acts younger than seventeen. But still, sorry for not updating in so long! I'll try to continue to update more. Also, my old story which was once called Tiny Little People has been changed to The Pet Shop Helper. I'll put an author Note on there to explain further.


           Maxwell was taken the same night at Jessica. He screamed alongside his family. They were inside a bag, after being taken by an giant man. Hours later, and Maxwell was in a bowl. His family stood beside him in terror. The man was smiling down at them, and licked his lips with hunger in his eyes.
          He picked up Maxwell's father, and held him over his huge mouth. With a quick scream, and a disturbing crunch, Maxwell's father was eaten. Then his mother. Then his sister and brother. Leaving only him left.
          The man looked at him, a mischievous grin on his face.

"You're a cute one, aren't ya. I think I'll keep you as a little pet." The giant man said. Max gulped, and shivered.
         For the next month, Max lived through seeing many humans eaten brutally by the man. Max was forced to run in a hamster cage, play a messed up version of Hide'n'seek, and even has been tasted by the man. One day, the man took Max with him to town. He had him in his massive and uncomfortable pocket. Until Max fell out, was found by a giantess, and then was brought to the pet shop, run by Emma and her dad.


          James looked confusingly at Max, who looked as if he's seen a ghost.

"Maxwell, will you please tell me?" James asked.

"No. I don't trust you." Max told him.

"Why? I'm sorry for being so mad earlier, but in my defense Jessica was being stubborn too. Other than that, what have I done that makes you not trust me?" James asked.

"I don't trust giants. They have only hurt me..." Max said, becoming quiet.

"Max, he won't hurt you." Jessica said, setting her hand on his shoulder.

"Alright..." Max began. Then he told his story of the man who made him a pet, and the giantess who removed his shirt and took him to the pet shop.
           Maxwell cried silent tears. He cursed and said he looked stupid. James simply began to cradle him, and quietly spoke to him.

"You're okay, Maxwell..." James said quietly. Jessica watched pitifully. Max got it worse then her.

"I-I don't w-want to be a pet!" Max exclaimed.

"Hush, Max...You're not a pet." James said quietly. Max pushed away from him.

"Then what am I? You got me from a pet shop, god damn it!" He exclaimed. James sighed.

"I got you from the pet shop because you were Jessica's friend. I wasn't going to take her away from a friend her size."

"Well, you're just so sweet aren't you?" Maxwell said sarcastically. "You took me for her, not to help me at all."

"Oh? So you'd rather be back at the pet shop, and possibly go to a worse owner?" James said. Maxwell straightened.

"I don't want to be anyone's property. I want to live on my own." He said confidently.

"Alright, fine." He set Max onto the floor. "Leave." Max's ear peeked to the side in confusion. Jessica's did as well.

"W-what?" Max stuttered.

"You said you wanted to live on your own, then do so. Leave." Max stared at him blankly, then turned and ran off. Jessica looked at James with utter confusion.

"What just happened?" She asked. James shrugged.

"He wanted to leave, then so be it."

"But he won't be able to survive alone!" Jessica exclaimed. James just pat her head.

"He'll be back, trust me." He said. "He'll either get lonely, scared, or hungry. Then he'll come back."

"And if he doesn't?"

"He'll be fine."


"Jessica. He will be fine. Now calm down."

"...Fine. But if you're wrong, I won't be happy."

"I know that. You made that clear." James joker. Jessica rolled her eyes. James just picked her up by the back of her shirt. "Why are you such a bitter kitty?" He asked.

"I'm not bitter." Jessica replied with ironic bitterness.

"You're such a liar." He replied. Jessica crossed her arms and stuck her tongue out. James then smirked and set her in his shirt pocket. She stuck her head out with a playful scowl.

"I hate your shirt. It smells like you." She joked.

"Then too bad for you." James joked. "We're going out to a park where borrowers can safely hang out. I figured you'd like it. I was going to take Max too, but obviously that won't happen." He sighed, and left the house.

Short I know. But I'm really busy with school, I'm a sophomore believe it or not. I'll try to update more and fix the way I'm writing in the next chapters. Again, sorry for not updating in months!


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