Chapter Seven

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(I just want to clarify that Jessica isn't in love with James in a romantic way. She just loves him mutually, if that makes sense. :I)

A week passed, and no sign of James. Jessica sat on the small bed, rereading Harry Potter And The Sorceror Stone again. She now is fourteen. And She loved it. A familiar voice startled her all of the sudden.

"How much is that little guy?" The voice said. Jessica jumped up and ran to the glass, seeing James. He stood, looking a bit tired, talking to Emma. He was talking about Max. Jessica went over to the window, where Max slept soundly.

"Max!" She whispered. He was startled, and fell off his bed with a thud.

"What!" He exclaimed.

"That's James, the guy I told you about!" Jessica said, pointing at James.

"So? You woke me to tell me that!" Max yawned.

"No! I woke you to tell you that I think He wants to buy your ass." Jessica said. This made Max wake up completely.

"My ass isn't for sale, not for guys at least. " He exclaimed, still laying on the floor.

"Well, too bad. He gets what he wants." Jessica said bitterly. She glanced at James, and their eyes met. James looked back at Emma, who noticed them connecting eyes.

"Well, sir. Max isn't for sale." Emma said. Jessica knew She was lying, and Max let out a sigh of relief.

"Why not?" James asked.

"Well, I've decided that I'll adopt him." Emma said confidently. Jessica saw Max's face light up.

"I hope she's not lying!" Max said exitedly. Jessica rolled her eyes. Emma's father, however, busted in.

"Since when were you going to adopt him?" Her father asked suspiciously.

"Since right now." Emma told him.
"He's too cute to let go." Emma added. Her father eyed her suspiciously.

"We'll talk about this later." He said finally. James stood, not the least be irritated. Max was an adorable human. Giants refer Nekos as humans too.

"Alright then, I'll just continue looking around." James said.

"Go right ahead, sir." Emma said cheerfully. Jessica slunk back away from the glass as he came her way. He stopped at Max's area. Max crawled underneath his bed, and stayed there. James smiled lightly.

"Coward!" He heard a familiar little voice say. It was Jessica, standing at the window where she yelled out at Max. His smile vanished.

"You." Was all He said, startling Jessica. She quickly turned and looked at him. She looked away and walked to her bed, ignoring him. To Jessica, James felt only hatred towards her. To Emma he felt regret. To James himself, he felt terrible. But he wouldn't show it. So he played the angry card again.
"Don't ignore me, Jessica." He snapped. His forceful voice made Jessica shiver. She looked up at him.

"Leave me alone." She hissed. A sudden bell from the shop door opening caused them both to look at who came in. None other than Tyler himself. Emma walked up to him and smiled cheerfully.

"Hello sir, can I help you?" She asked, despite the bad feeling he gave off.

"Yes, is there a human named Jessica here?" Tyler asked, a sly grin on His face. Jessica immediately hit the floor and went underneath her bed.

"Now who's a coward?" Max asked.

"That's Tyler, Max!" Jessica whisper-yelled. Max's face fell.

"Sorry." He said immediately. James glared at Tyler, who returned the glare.

"Hello, James. Heard you gave up Jessica." Tyler said.

"Hello, Tyler. Heard that you need to leave." James said in a cocky tone.

"Is that Jessica behind you?" Tyler asked. James glanced at Jessica, who hid underneath the bed. If you looked from a distance, it would appear that it was empty.

"Are you blind, it's an empty cage." James lied.
"I was looking at this adorable little guy." James stated, pointing at Max, who was standing up. He quickly yelped and hid in his bed.

"Damn it. I thought she was here." Tyler cursed, believing James's lie. Jessica sighed in relief. Tyler left after that.

"Phew. Close call, huh." Max said, crawling out from his blankets.

"What was that about?" Emma asked. James explained, and Emma's face filled with anger.

"That sick bastard!" Emma shouted. Every human in the store, covered their ears.
"Sorry! Sorry! I'm just angry!" Emma apologized a lot quieter.

"If he shows up again, I'm letting him know he's banished from our store." Emma's father said angrily. As if on cue, Tyler returned.

"I saw her! You lied to me!" He exclaimed. Emma's father was about to speak before Emma beat him to it.

"Listen here you sick fuck, I'm calling the police on your sick ass. How dare you molest a human girl! Escpecially since you were one! Oh I hope that the police return your size and bring you here. I'll sell you to the meanest person I can find. You are nothing but a sick, messed up, prick who's gonna get a foot up their ass if they don't leave." Emma went off angrily. Tyler was taken back by her outburst. Did I ever mention He was seventeen too? Well, now you know.

"What the hell?" Tyler exclaimed.
"James told us everything. You are banned from here, and I WILL be calling the police." Emma said angrily.

"You have no proof!" Tyler laughed. James revealed a huge scar on the back of his head.

"Your wand can be traced back to this." James said.

"God damn it." Tyler cursed.

An hour later, the police had taken Tyler in and Jessica felt safer. Emma thanked James for lying the first time Tyler was there. Her father thanked him as well. They were extremely against giants molesting their pets. They supported having humans as pets, but were against eating them, torturing them, and basically doing anything bad to them. However, Emma isn't against smothering one in hugs and kisses, as long as the person doesn't kill or seriously hurt them. James looked at Jessica who looked at him. To Jessica, He Still hated her and just wanted revenge on Tyler. James continued playing the angry card.

"Are you going to thank me, or what?" James said coldly.

"Fuck you, asshole." Jessica spat.
"I'm glad I'm away from you!" She lied.

"Oh really? Then I guess I'll be taking you home with me. Just so I can make you suffer!" James said angrily. He was lying, of course. Emma's father was about to intervene, but She stopped him.

"He's lying." She whispered. Her dad smiled.

"Ah." He whispered and went back behind the counter.

"Don't you dare!" Jessica yelled.

"Too late!" James said angrily. Even little Max knew he was lying.
"Emma! I'll take this one!" James said.

"Go ahead. Take Max too.
They're on the house." Emma said, and Her father agreed. Max however did not.

"Wait what! NoOoOoOo!" Max yelled as he was taken out of the cage by James.

"Let go of me!" Jessica yelled.

"Oh shut up!" James exclaimed. He firmly, but gently, set each of them in his shirt pocket. Every human stared with worry, but were calmed when Emma winked at them. Telling them it was fine. She mouthed the words, "He's faking" and smiled. Jessica and Max, however, thought he wasn't and were protesting in his pocket. As he left, James secretly smiled.

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