Chapter Ten

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Jessica hung over the edge of James's shirt pocket, watching as he walked to a park full of both giants and borrowers. Her ears twitched as she heard all types of voices, and could see a penned area, with a sign that said "No Giants" on it. Inside it was shrunken grass, with multiple tables and other outside things for borrowers. Little borrower children were running around, while borrowers the same age as Jessica, and older than her, were conversing with one another. James smirked at Jessica as her curious eyes danced around the park. There was benches and other things for giants as well, but it was mainly for borrowers.

"I didn't even know they had these anymore." Jessica said.

"Not all giants are heartless, Jess." James replied. He picked up Jessica, and set her by the small door inside the fence. "Go makes some friends. I'll be around." He said. Jessica suddenly felt all her nerves freeze as she walked in. She had never really spoke to many borrowers her age, or any at all. Back at the pet shop, she didn't want to even look at people. Her tail wrapped around her leg, and her ears went back. She also realized she was the only Neko borrower in sight, especially when the stares began. Her eyes avoided each gaze as she walked over to a shady spot. It was always summer in the Verononian area, and today was a decently warm one.
Jessica sat next to a borrower sized tree, which was giving just the right amount of shade, and shut her eyes for a moment. When she opened them, a borrower girl was peering back at her. She had messy brown hair that was past her shoulders with a ragged hat on her head, dark brown eyes, and a curious look. Startled, Jessica let out a yelp, which made the girl yelp as well.

"I didn't mean to startle you!" She exclaimed. "You're just so intriguing!" She added.

"Yes, because the cat ears are so weird."

"No." The girl replied, shaking her head. "It's intriguing to meet someone who trusts their owner so much." Jessica's cheeks reddened.

"James isn't my owner. He saved me from the pet shop, as well as other situations." She said. "He helped out a friend of mine too, but let him go."

"The giant let a borrower free!" The girl exclaimed. "I never knew that giants did that!" Jessica smiled shyly.

"Yeah, he's pretty nice for a giant."

"What's it like having someone care for you?" The girl asked. Jessica tilted her head and ears.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I always wondered, since I've been homeless since my parents left me here..." The girl replied.

"Sorry to hear that..." Jessica said quietly. "But to answer your question, having someone caring for you is nice, I guess."

"Do you think...Never mind..." The girl's shoulders fell.

"Do I think what?" Jessica asked.

"Do you think that maybe your friend would take me in? It's so lonely out here, and no other borrowers talk to me because I'm a stray..." Jessica noticed that the girls hat slightly moved. But she chose to ignore it.

"I'm sure he'd happily take you in...I'm sorry but I never got your name." Jessica said. The girl looked back up at her.

"Oh yeah. My name is Maria." The girl told her.

"My name is Jessica."

"C-can I go meet your friend with you?" She asked shyly. Jessica smiled.

"Of course, Maria." She said happily. She stood up and began to walk away with Maria. Just as they reached the door, a group of borrowers Jessica's swarmed them.

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