Chapter Fourteen

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              A girl with curled blonde and caramel streaked hair, along with green eyes, walked up to James's office.

"Hello, Katherine." James said while focusing on his work.

"Oh, James, don't be all bitter!" The girl replied with her lips pouted. She looked at the four borrowers. "Since when did you have pets?" She asked, sounding bitter.

"They're not pets, Katherine." James said simply. "Tyler, Max, Jessica, Maria." He pointed at each one when he said their names. Then he finally looked away from his work.

"I thought you said you wouldn't get any borrowers?" Katherine said.

"Well, when you left, I wanted some company. So I got Jessica. Then Max kind of showed up, then Maria, and finally Tyler." James explained. "I'm going to get the marked after work today."

"Oh." Katherine replied. "Do you want to go to the movies with me afterwards?" She asked. James raised his eyebrow.


"Well...I miss you, babe." Katherine pouted her lips. James scoffed.

"Fine, I'll go. But I'm taking these four." He said. Katherine forced a smile.

"That's fine." She said. "I'll see you after your work." She said with a wave. James waved back and sighed.

"She's pretty." Jessica commented. James smirked.

"Yeah, she is." He admitted. "Her daughter is adorable too."

"You gonna hit that?" Max asked. He received a whack in the head by Jessica. James shook his head and continued to work.
          The day went slowly, but it finished. James made his way to Derek's office, the four borrowers on his shoulder. He knocked, and was greeted by the smiling man.

"Come to mark them?" Derek asked. James nodded.

"Yeah. They all want to be marked, I guess." He said. Derek chuckled.

"I told you they'd come around. Set then on my desk. They can chat with Olivia while you and I set up their registrations." He said. James set the four down next to Olivia, and left with Derek. Olivia smiled and happily spoke.

"Do you guys and James get along?" She asked.

"Yeah." They all replied.

"He seems to like Jessica the most, though." Max commented. "Those two have a pretty hardcore bond."

"Kind of like me and Mr.Axel. At first, I didn't trust him. But then he showed me so much kindness, and he was so patient with me. It was unbelievable." Olivia told them.

"May I ask why you dress so much like a doll?" Maria asked. Olivia blushed.

"Mr.Axel likes it. He says I'm like an adorable little doll. Plus, his niece and nephew likes the way I dress, and I don't mind it. So I continue to dress like this."

"Does he make you?" Jessica asked. Olivia immediately shook her head.

"He doesn't make me do anything. My choices are my own. Well, to a point. He does have some rules."

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