Chapter Fifteen

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As Jessica slept curled on James's chest, she dreamt something disturbing.

~Jessica's Dream~

"Oh, Jessica~" James called. For some reason Jessica was hiding, heart pounding. James was searching around the kitchen, a malicious grin on his face. "Come on and play, my little kitty." He cooed. Jessica tensed up as a shadow devoured her. Within seconds James held her, a smile on his face.

"Let me go, James!" Jessica pleaded. "What's gotten into you?!"

"Don't you want to play? You are my pet, little kitty." He laughed and tossed her into the air. Jessica screamed as she fell back down into his hands. James was smiling, seeming to enjoy her fear. Jessica soon found the scene changing. James was standing over her. His arms were crossed, and he was looking down at her with an almost disgusted look.

"You are pathetic." He said coldly.

"W-what?" Jessica stuttered, feeling threatened by him standing over her. James smirked devilishly.

"You're afraid of me."

"N-no I'm not!"

"Oh really. What if I decided to do this?" James picked her up, and turned on the garbage disposal. He hung her over the drain, the blades making a loud and disturbing grumble beneath her. She screamed as James laughed. "Fear me now?"

"What the hell James!" Jessica screamed.

"Oops." James let go and Jessica was falling towards the black open drain, the sounds of blades getting closer and closer.

"Jessica!" A voice exclaimed as she fell. "Wake up!"

~End of dream~

"Jessica!" James exclaimed as Jessica jolted awake. She was breathing rapidly, her heart bashing against her ribcage. James was holding her while sitting up, Maria sleeping on his pillow still. Jessica looked up at him, eyes wide with tears in them. James furrowed his eyebrows. "What were you dreaming, Jess? You started to claw at random and thrash around in your sleep."

"I-I had a nightmare." Jessica said, swallowing a lump in her throat. "Y-you..." She couldn't form words.

"I what, Jessica?" James asked, concerned.

"F-first you threw me I was a toy to you. T-then I was at your feet, and you asked if I was a-afraid of you. Then you dropped me into the garbage disposal." Jessica hugged herself as she saw the dream all over again. James looked down at her with pity in his eyes. He began to pet her head.

"Jessica, I will never do any of that. Okay?" He said softly. "I won't ever hurt you purposely." He stroked Jessica's ears, comforting her.

"T-thank you, James..." She said quietly. James smiled.

"You okay, now?" He asked.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine." Jessica said. James laid back down carefully and held Jessica to him. The warm of his body and the beating of his heart lulled Jessica right back to sleep. James smiled to himself. He loved her. Not romantically though. She was a best friend to him. And he worried about her being afraid, or hurt. He worried about the others as well. But he knew, just as everyone else did, that Jessica and him had a greater bond. He hated to admit it, but she was like a pet. But at the same time, she wasn't. It was unexplainable to him.
James sighed with his eyes shut, and fell asleep. Even his dreams were tainted.

~James's Dream~

James was the size of a borrower, and Jessica was...Jessica was giant! James had a sudden feeling of fear as the girl looked at him, tail swaying.

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