Author Note: Other G/t books

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              I know self promoting is kind of a sad thing to do sometimes, but I just wanted to put these descriptions of the other G/t stories I have or will have out soon.

The Pet Shop Helper

Don't let the name fool you. It isn't about treating borrowers like crap and all that. It's actually about a girl named Rose Leaflet who absolutely loves and respects borrowers. She works at a pet shop only because she gets to take care of borrowers that way. But when she is told to take a borrower man that went past his limit to the food market, she's shocked. Never has she had to do that before. And she doesn't. Her boss will tell her to keep the money that she'd receive for the borrower. So instead of selling the man, she takes him home. It's winter, and she can't just let him go. Then she is told to sell a second man the same day. But she doesn't. Instead she also takes him home. After a bit of trouble with the first one, she then finds two little borrower kids. The four borrowers find that they do not mind staying, since she doesn't baby them. She buys them a house and nuts them food that they can make themselves, letting them live comfortably. Soon she's finding that not only is she worrying about selling borrowers to nice people and taking care of borrowers at home in secret, she also has to secretly take home more and more borrowers. How will she keep all of them safe? Find out.


Mollie Sandra is a Neko borrower. She lives in a tribe, or should I say, she used to. Let me explain. Mollie's tribe, as well as others, live in a high school. Each tribe owns a classroom. After her tribe tries to take down the teacher, which they refer to as the human leader, like he is Gulliver and they are the tiny people in the Disney movie, they find out that they got the wrong person. Instead of catching the teacher, they caught a student that was the only one who believed in borrowers and had been trying to find them all his life. So in trade for secrecy, they have to give a borrower to him to keep. Mollie is chosen after she gets banished for breaking the borrower law that goes against going out of the clan house during the day. She was watching human classes every day, and her leader knew. So he used it against her and traded her over. Will the human boy be nice, or will he be mean? Will he be mean and then nice? Mollie will find out. Then she'll find that it's not only the type of chemistry between the boy and her she has to worry about.

High school Of Giants

Annabelle Petal, who is a borrower with mouse ears and a tail, only ever wanted to be in school. She'd be a freshman if she was. It isn't until she is caught sleeping in an once abandoned classroom that she gets her wish. After being found by the young giant principal, who is called the headmaster, she's given a home and made student. But will the giants treat her kindly? Or will they harm her?  Annabelle will meet many different students and teachers, as well as find out something shocking. Read as the bad become good and the good end up being bad, as well as some being good and bad mixed.

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