Chapter Sixteen

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(2k views, you people are too nice to me I swear. Thank you all though and sorry for the wait!)

James sighed as he finished the last sheet of paperwork. Jessica began to wrestle Max and Maria watched with nervousness. Tyler watched while laughing.

"You're such a furball!" Jessica yelled at Max.

"You're a dog!" Max snapped. Jessica gasped and the two tumbled around again. James rubbed the side of his face.

"Will you two quit before you get me in trouble." He told them. Jessica stuck her tongue out at him but listened. She could tell he was stressed.

"What do you think Derek was talking about? You know, the illegal stuff he said he needs you for." She asked.

"Drugs. Probably drugs." Max said.

"But drugs are bad!" Maria exclaimed. James chuckled.

"I don't think that's it, so don't worry Maria." He told her. She calmed down, her ears no longer up and alert.

"You don't think he's going to get you killed do you?" Jessica asked. James shook his head.

"He's a pretty good man, I don't think he means harm." He said as he looked at the clock. "My shift is almost over though. I guess we'll find out soon." He told them.

"Good. You're so boring when you're working." Jessica joked. James scoffed and yawned.

"Let's just to see what Derek has to say." He told her. Gently, he picked up Jessica and the others, then went to Derek's office. There his boss was sitting and writing at his desk, little Olivia sitting patiently as she watched.

"There is such a thing as knocking, James." He said as he looked up with a raised eyebrow.

"Sorry, sir." James said awkwardly.

"Well shut the door so we can chat." He said with a chuckle. "And calm down. I'm not going to fire you."

"I would hope not." James said to himself as he shut the door then took a seat across from Derek.

"Now, you know that little pet shop owned by a girl named Georgia? The one down Main Street." Derek asked. James thought for a moment.

"Yeah, what about it?" He asked back.

"There is a girl there I'd like you to meet." Derek pulled a file from beneath his desk. Inside was a picture of a girl with a blonde pixiecut and purple eyes. "This is Rose. A young seventeen year old who happens to work at the shop."

"Why do you want me to meet her exactly?" James asked.

"This girl has been technically stealing from the pet shop she works in." Derek said blatantly.

"Wait, what?" James said quickly. "Why would I-" His boss's raised hand stopped him.

"She's been stealing borrowers who were supposed to be sent to the market. She has made a small town for them inside her home. However, she needs each borrower to be marked in order to keep them safely." Derek explained. "I can't be filling out paperwork and marking borrowers for her all the time. She needs someone to help her."

"So you need me to help her?" James asked.

"Yes. I'll pay you for it. I'll even give you and your borrowers marking licenses. That way when she gets more, it's faster for them to do so. You will come with me on the day I go to mark her current friends."

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