Chapter Eight

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  A/N: Let me clarify again, they are NOT in love. Nor will they ever be. James is in his mid-twenties, and Jessica is seventeen. I'm not into that shit. Sorry! Also he is not the same as another character of mine named Professor James Joshen. I just like the name James. I don't know why.

         Jessica and Max squirmed awkwardly, trying not to be squished together inside James's shirt pocket. After an awkward amount of time, they felt James stop, and remove them from his pocket. He dropped them onto the soft cushioned couch and carefully sat next to them. The two squeled, avoiding being sat on.

"Get your huge ass out of my face!" Jessica yelled.

"Shut up." James snarled. Max hissed back at him.

"Let us go, asshole!" Max hissed.

"No way, you're way too cute to leave." James said with a devilish smile.

"You said that to me, but I still left." Jessica sneered.

"Shut the fuck up, or I'll sell you off again." James warned.

"Go ahead. I'll be happy if you do." Jessica lied.

"Same here." Max said, and was not lying. Being a pet to a girl was fine by him, but a man wasn't.

"Well, since that would make you happy if I sold you, I'll just keep you two here." James told them with an evil-like grin.

"No!" Max exclaimed in defeat.

"Yep." James said popping the "P" happily. Jessica felt a little bit happy that She was staying, but ignored it.

"You're such an asshole! I can't believe I ever trusted you!" Jessica yelled. James only laughed and picked her up, holding her at eye level.

"Keep talking shit, I dare you." He warned. Jessica fake gagged.

"Ever heard of a breath mint?" She said sarcastically.

"I warned you." He answered.  Suddenly, Jessica was hanging in the air by the back of her shirt and was carried to the kitchen.  Her eyes widened when James grabbed a knife. She whimpered, thinking he was just like the first man who found her.
          Suddenly, she was in a glass jar. Plastic wrap was on the top of it. James took the knife and cut holes into the plastic carefully. 
          James bent over, and smiled at her victoriously. Then carried the jar to his room, and set it on bedside table. Max was in his opposite hand, squirming.

"Let me go, you fucker!" Max screamed. Suddenly his voice turned into a purr as James gently began to pet in between his little black ears. Then He fell asleep.

"There. Nice and quiet." James said. Jessica pounded on the glass.

"Let me out!" She exclaimed.

"Not until you behave, like a good little kitty." James said stubbornly.

"Asshole!" Jessica yelled. She breathed double-time, attempting to keep from crying. She gave up, and fell onto her knees in defeat. Her eyes sprung with tears. When James noticed, guilt stabbed his heart. He lifted the jar, making Jessica yelp. She didn't even bother to look at him. To her, she was going to be killed by him. However, James didn't. Instead, He took her out gently, setting Max on a pillow. A bit of drool came out of the little neko's mouth, making James smile lightly. Jessica was curled in a ball on James's palm.
He prodded her side, tickling her. She bit her lip, and tried not to laugh. Until James realized She was ticklish. He poked her side again, causing Jessica to laugh finally.

"Stop!" She exclaimed trying to sound angry while laughing. James smiled.

"Ticklish are we?" He asked. 

"No." Jessica lied.

"Oh really," James said suspicously.
"So you wouldn't laugh when I do this!" He laughed as he gently poked her side, making her laugh.

"Asshole!" Jessica said jokingly.

"I know I am, but you know you love me." James said smiling. Jessica stared at him awkwardly.

"Uh..." She said, looking at him weirdly.

"Oh Jesus, I didn't mean it like that!" James exclaimed, red faced.  Jessica broke out into a smile.

"I know." She told him. He rolled his eyes. Then they stayed in awkward silence for a bit. James broke the silence.

"I'm sorry, okay?" He said apologetically.

"I am too." Jessica said, sitting up.  Max stirred and opened his eyes.

"Nope." He said quickly, and went back to sleep. Jessica laughed.

"He was really hoping for Emma to take him." Jessica pointed out, rolling her eyes.

"I can tell." James said. 

"Anyway...How's life?" Jessica asked.

"Meh." James shrugged. Jessica rolled her eyes.

"You have such a way with words." Jessica said sarcastically.
Max woke up again and looked around.

"Damn it. I forgot I was here." Max cursed. Jessica laughed.

"Nice job." She said. Max looked at her in James's hand.

"Oh Jesus, you two made up?" Max asked rolling his eyes. Jessica felt her face redden.

"Shut up." She said quietly. James smiled at her.

"You guys hungry?" James asked. Jessica's ears perked up. 

"Food!" She said cheerfully. James couldn't help but laugh.

"I'll take that as a yes." James said. He carefully lifted his tiny somewhat companions and took them to the kitchen. A small human-sized table was on his counter. Jessica felt comfortable in her familiar surroundings. Max, however , felt no joy at all. He didn't know this place, and He didn't want to be there.

"How long have you had this table?" Jessica asked curiously.

"Since before I was going to get a new human." James admitted, not looking at them as He was finding some food for the two of them.

"Oh please, we all know you mean you wanted to find a new pet. Since obviously giants love having dominance over humans, because we totally aren't alike at all." Max bitterly said. Jessica looked at James, who turned and shot a look at the tiny neko boy. He didn't look mad, but He wasn't pleased either.

"I do not have you two here because of that." James said sternly. Max scoffed.

"Yeah right. Your kind lies about basically anything." Max said. James took a deep breath.

"Maxwell, I am not lying. Not all giants are the same. We are not all monstrous, cannibalistic, creatures. Some of us actually like humans, and disagree with the ways of our more vicious kind." James stated, cutting up some fruit.

"Whatever. I still don't believe you." Max said, rolling his eyes. 

"Fine. Here's some food." James said, carefully placing some fruit on their plates. Jessica thanked him quietly, and Max ate silently. James had gotten an apple for himself.
          The sound of him biting into it disturbed the two humans. It was like he bit into a bone. Jessica shot a glance at Max, who looked a bit frightened. James noticed their fearful looks.

"What?" He asked, after he finished chewing. Max snapped out of his trance, and Jessica snapped out hers.

"Nothing." They both said. James looked at them suspicously.

"Liars. Tell me what's wrong." He said. Another bite of the apple, and Max shivered. Jessica realized why He was so frightened by the sound, more than She was for sure.

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