Tasting Freedom

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This chapter and all chapters after have been written by the lovely MissHoranette. (Who really is lovely and nice and a brilliant writer and just asdlkfjwpeoiruwe I love her she's great)

It's been 60 days.

It's a bit of a commotion as I'm rushed from my room and given fifteen minutes to say my goodbyes. And I do. I give Katherine a big hug and promise her that I'll visit. It makes me guilty that I'm now free, and she's contained here for God knows how long. I thank all the assistants, but only the nice ones. There are some lovely people in this building, but honestly? I can't wait to be shot of it.

The dark grey walls. The empty silence. The dull loneliness. I need to see colour again, need to hear the fresh city sounds and most of all — make things right.

With Louis, Zayn and especially Harry.

"Megan Laws, this way please." I was dragged sharply by the elbow to the exit, and I could almost taste the sunlight. I heard a loud muffled din from outside and I wondered vaguely what's going on.

My eyes widened as I took in the sight of thousands of shouting girls, all sporting 'Megan Is Free' signs (some had even gone to the extent of attaching neon lights) that they waved above their heads.

"What..." I breathed, confused to say the least. I looked to my escort for some sort of explanation but right away I could see he would be no help.

I thought the 'Free Megan' campaign had fizzled out when the protesters realised the prison wasn't going to relent and release me. They did however, treat me better. I was never on dish duty and I got a bigger dinner portion almost every night.

"A car has come to take you home, Miss Laws. Your fine has been paid, the forms have been signed, you are now a free citizen."

I barely noticed as my escort left back into the hellhole, my eyes are trained on one spot, one person, one dazzling smile.


I broke out into an enormous grin, rushing forward as fast as my legs could carry me. I forgot that we hadn't been speaking and he only called once after his visit. I forgot about everything that had happened. I only focused on how I missed those eyes, that laugh.

"Megan!" He swooped me up into his arms and spun me around, much to the delight of the fans. I treasured the feeling of his arms around my waist as I inhaled his strong scent. "I missed you so much!"

"I thought you were mad at me," I admitted, looking down at the ground beneath my feet. "I wasn't sure if you'd show up."

"How else would you get home?" He grinned coyly. "And I think I've just about forgiven you." His smile slowly dissipated. "Forgiven, not forgotten."

I blushed, looking back up into his green eyes. "Did the other boys come?"

My heart sank even further into the pits of my stomach when I saw his smile drop completely. "Is Louis still mad?"

"Furious." No sugarcoating there.

"Oh." I twiddled with my thumbs. Harry cleared his throat and spoke up.

"Eleanor came."

"She did?" My eyes lit up in delight. She was so loyal, so kind-hearted. A cloud of guilt continued to rain on my conscience as I remembered the terrible things I had done to her.

"I did."

I engulfed the pretty brunette in a tight hug, trying to convey an apology in the embrace. She seemed to get the message and simply winked back at me.

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