Admit It

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Gr. I just realized that I promised this part would be more interesting. Which means that I need to do it...

I fiddle with the blanket as Harry said, "So you told me all about you growing up. But you never told me why you're staying with us now."

I sighed. "Do you really want to know?"

"Well it'd be good." Harry chuckled.

I smiled as I figured out how to start.

"Well, there was this guy that I was dating." I began, tensing at the memory. "I really liked him. A lot. And one night I found him at a party with another girl."

I looked up at Harry to see him watching me, his eyebrows slightly furrowed together as he listened. "I was angry, and jealous." I continued. "I was jealous of the girl. She had my boyfriend, she was rich, she was beautiful, she was everything I wasn't. So I decided I would get back at her, give her what she deserved."

I took a shaky breath. "I took a crowbar to the principal's car, and I was going to blame her. But the school got it on tape and found out it was me."

Harry slowly nodded, I assumed to think it over. He opened his mouth to say, "What did your parents do?"

I leaned back onto the bed, looking at the ceiling. "They sent me here with Louis. For some reason they thought that living with him would teach me to be responsible."

Harry chuckled. "Louis would teach you to be responsible?"

I grinned. "Apparently he is a good influence."

I could feel Harry laying down beside me, so I turned on my side and looked at him. "What about you, hotshot?"

"What about what?"

"What about you and your big dreams of being a singer?" I made a motion with my hands, emphasizing the 'bigness'. "How'd that come about?"

Harry shrugged. "I don't know. I just wanted to."

I nodded, then smirked. "And you also wanted to spend time with me rather than the guys."

He smiled. "That's me. The flirt. Always going for the girl."

"Meg!" Louis shouted from downstairs.

I looked at Harry, then ran down the stairs. "Yeah?" I asked once I reached the bottom.

Louis smiled. "You are taking El shopping."

My heart reached the pit of my stomach as I responded with, "What?"

"Yep. I want my two favourite girls to get to know one another." Louis took Eleanor and pulled her to his side.

"Yeah Meg!" Eleanor chirped, "We'll have fun!"

I nodded slowly. "Yeah, okay."

"You're leaving tomorrow morning, so be ready." Louis said before turning around with Eleanor, walking back to the living room.

I ran back up the stairs to where Harry was still laying on my bed.

"What did he want?" Harry asked, propping himself on his elbows.

I looked down as I responded slowly, "He wants me to go shopping with Eleanor..."

Harry smiled as realization crossed his face. "You like Louis, don't you?"

I shook my head frantically. I didn't like Louis, we were best friends. Nothing more, right?

Harry grinned and stood up, walking over to me. "Yes you do. Admit it Meg, you like Louis."

I didn't like Louis, I couldn't. Best friends couldn't have feelings for each other.

But, what were all these things that I kept feeling whenever I was around him? The butterflies? The jealousy? What were they?

The last time I had felt that was with my ex-boyfriend...


I sighed, realizing that Harry was right. Why was it that a boy that I had known for merely a day could see who I liked, but I couldn't?

"Okay, maybe I do."

Harry started jumping up and down like a child. "I knew it! I knew it!"

I clamped my hand over his mouth, glaring at him. "You can't tell anybody."

Harry nodded, my hand still over his mouth but his eyes showing excitement.

"And you can't set us up."

Harry sighed, but nodded nevertheless. I took my hand off his mouth as he said, "I always liked the idea of falling for your best friend."

I shook my head. "Harry, he doesn't like me that way, besides, he's with Eleanor."

Harry grinned. "We could always change that."

Now I need to figure out what's going to happen... but I hope you like it!

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