Leaving Again

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"Harry! Meg!" An Irish accent called before the door swung open and we were faced with Niall. His blue eyes went from me, to Harry, and then to Zayn. "Oh, and Zayn too. Sam wants to talk to everyone."

I nodded, hopping off the bed and following Niall out of the room. Whatever problems Harry and I were facing right now could wait until after Sam talked to us.

I wasn't worried about Sam finding out about Harry and my's little secret, because now I could tell the truth about it. I really was Harry's girlfriend. And if anyone asked me, I would just tell them the truth. So the idea that Sam might have to ask about Harry and I went to the back of my mind.

Niall fell back a bit before linking arms with me. "What were you guys doing?" He gave me a cheeky grin. "You used protection, right?"

I gasped before smacking him on the arm. "Niall!"

I was laughing though, and secretly glad that Niall was alright with mine and Harry's relationship. It was good to know at least someone approves.

Niall threw his hands up in defense. "If Zayn wasn't in the room when I came in, I would have swore that's what you guys were doing."

I rolled my eyes, linking my arm with the blond once again. We happily skipped along before arriving near Sam's hotel room. It hit me then that this was the last night we'd be spending in this city before moving onto another one. I didn't really want to leave this place, but I was excited to go to a new one.

Niall knocked on the hotel room door as I felt Zayn and Harry's presence behind me. The door swung open and Liam's tall figure stood before us, one hand resting on the door handle.

"Great, you guys are here." Liam stated, turning back around and walking over to one of the many couches in the room. "Now he can finally tell us."

I sat down in front of a couch on the floor, allowing Harry to sit behind me. Niall sat next to me- in front of Liam's feet- and Zayn sat next to Liam. Louis and Eleanor occupied a chair to the right of us, and Sam stood centered between all of them.

"Alright." Sam began, rubbing his hands together in anticipation. "So tomorrow we're leaving again."

"To go on a new adventure!" Niall exclaimed from beside me, making me jump as he extended his arm to use as a play sword. He began hitting my arm with his 'sword', making me give him an odd look.

Sam chuckled before continuing. "Yeah, shorty." Niall stopped hitting me, huffing at the use of the nickname Sam had given him. "Anyway, I happen to have a relative that lives in this new city, so we're staying with her."

Sam crossed his arms over his chest. "There's a few rules we need to lay out, first. Number one," His eyes travelled to Niall, "don't break anything. Number two, no unknown girls allowed." He looked between Eleanor and I. "El and Meg are the only girls that are allowed to be in the house. Number three, be polite. Aunt Lilian is nice, but she doesn't tolerate disrespect. Number four-"

"How many are there?" Harry whined, causing a small smile to form on my lips.

Sam glared, but didn't answer him. "Number four, you aren't allowed to leave without telling me or Lilian. Number five, no parties."

He stopped, and it was as if a horn went off, signalling that he was done.

"Why did you look at me when you said not to break anything?"

"What if the girl is really attractive?"

"Come on, we're adults. We shouldn't have these rules."

"Polite is my middle name."

"Sam, I hope you know that Liam is the only one that will actually follow these things."

"I don't break things. I mean, beside that lamp. Oh and that statue.."

"What if you meet the girl first, then can she come over?"

"We're all 18, at least. We're legal adults."

"What do you mean I'm the only one that will follow these things?"

"None of the rest are going to follow them, Sam. We're all going to unintentionally break them at some point."

"And that statue wasn't even important, I don't understand why it was in that museum-"

"SHUT UP!" Eleanor screamed, causing all the boys to look at her. I hadn't said anything, but I was shocked enough to shut my mouth. I began giggling a little bit, amused that Eleanor had the power to get all the boys to stop talking. I definitely had to try that sometime.

"Thank you, Eleanor." Sam nodded in Eleanor's direction before continuing. "Aunt Lilian means a lot to me. And you all will follow the rules, or you are going to sleep outside in the yard."

There seemed to be a universal huff that came from each boy, but they all reluctantly agreed.

Sam smirked, pleased with himself. "Good. Now go pack."

I stood up and made my way to my room, well award that both Louis and Eleanor were following behind me. I could hear the giggling from Eleanor, and it made my stomach twist.

"What do you think the house will look like?" Eleanor giggled as I pushed open the door to our room, walking over to the bed and pulling out my suitcase. I began placing my shirts in it.

"Maybe it will be a mansion!" Louis guessed, pulling out his own suitcase. I turned my gaze down, trying to block out the couple.

I managed it for a while, ignoring their gushing about going to a new place. But it didn't last long, because soon Eleanor had directed the questions at me.

"What do you think, Meg?" She asked, causing me to snap my head up.

I furrowed my eyebrows, confused as to what she was going on about. "Huh?"

Eleanor giggled. "Why do you think we aren't staying in a hotel? I mean, where is BTR even staying?"

I shrugged my shoulders, picking up the pace. I wanted to get done with packing as fast as possible so that I could go into Harry's room and away from all this giggling.

"Do you think they are staying in a hotel by themselves?" Eleanor guessed, jumping on my bed and placing her head in her hands, looking up at me.

I shrugged again, trying to ignore her.

"What's the matter?" She asked, making me look down at her. Her eyebrows were furrowed, and her mouth downturned in a frown. "You aren't talking much."

I sighed. "I'm just tired, El." It was a terrible lie, a one that everyone used. It was the universal I'm-hiding-something-but-I-don't-want-to-tell-you lie.

I looked at Louis, wondering if he knew that I was lying. He was staring at me, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes showing that he knew. I quickly averted my gaze, not wanting to look at him anymore. I wondered if he knew I was lying, or knew that I was actually upset about him.

Luckily, Eleanor turned away from me and back to Louis, giving me time to keep packing. I threw in the last of my things, finally finishing and shutting my suitcase with a bang.

Without even looking back, I made my way into Harry's room, planning on asking Sam if I could stay there for the night instead. I really didn't want to stay with the 'lovely' couple.

But a thought entered my mind as I was walking, making me shiver with a mix of excitement and disappointment.

Tomorrow we were leaving again.

First, I would like to appologize for the fact that the chapters have been rather terrible lately. I've been trying to get the story into a place where I could get the big parts to happen, and it's really difficult. I had absolutely NO idea how to do it, so as a result I made a bunch of piddly little fluff pieces.

BUT. The next part will have something happening, I swear. And thank you to everyone that still reads this story even though it's been absolute dog poo.

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