Would You Be My Actual Girlfriend?

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Finally updated! Woooh! Let's all cheer for the fact that I updated!

Oh, and a special thank you to Liza (1DOnlyYou) for helping me with the plot line. This story has begun to become very cliche and she was very helpful in approving my ideas. :D

"Wh-What's going on?" I stuttured, moving to the side so that Zayn could walk in. He did, standing inbetween Harry and I.

Zayn took a deep breath, his eyes darting from Me to Harry then back to me again before he began, "We have a problem. Since you and Harry have began fake dating, Louis-".

I cut him off before he could finish, the words coming out of my mouth before what Zayn had said finally registered. "What do you mean, fake dating?" I questioned, trying to make it seem as if I was innocent as can be. But if you looked closely, you'd be able to see how bad of a liar I was. How I messed with the inside of my cheek after I said it, how my cheeks were slightly inflamed and my hands were figety.

Zayn rolled his eyes. "I know what you guys are doing, Meg. Harry explained it to me." He turned to me, crossing his arms over his chest. "And I wish I could stop you from doing it. It's cruel, which is why I haven't been particularily happy with you lately. But it's your guy's choice."

I looked down at the ground, his words going through my mind. What we were doing was cruel, and I wasn't very happy with it. But now that we had started, there was no way we could stop. Not easily at least. We currently had two options; tell the world now and have them all hate us, or tell the world later-with Louis possibly liking me- and having them all hate us. I chose the second.

But why did Harry tell him? I spun on Harry, my nostrils flaring. The idiot just had to tell Zayn, didn't he? He couldn't have just kept it a secret, leaving it between us without having to worry about anyone else giving us away. "Why did you tell him?" I demanded, flinging my arm at where Zayn was.

Harry shrugged. "I couldn't hold it in. And he promised not to tell."

I rolled my eyes. He promised not to tell. And that made it all the better, didn't it? "But he's one more person for us to worry about!"

"Meg." Zayn pulled my gaze from Harry. "I won't tell."

"That doesn't make it any better." I murmured under my breath, although no one but me could hear. "But what's our big problem?"

Zayn sighed again, running a hand through his dark hair. "Louis is crushed about you two."

I felt my heart rate pick up. I didn't like that Louis was upset, of course, especially becuase I had done it, but the fact that he may be slightly jealous gave me hope. "He-" I began, but Zayn inturrupted.

"It's not going the way you want." He began. "In fact, it's just the opposite. Eleanor can tell that Louis' upset, and he's going to her for comfort. It's drawing them together, Meg."

"It-it is?" I stuttered, sitting back on the bed next to Harry. I could feel Harry's hand on the small of my back, rubbing soothing circles as I ran my hands through my hair.

"Either you two are going to have to give it up." Zayn leaned against the table near the bed, "Or come up with some different tactics. Because your current plan isn't working."

I turned to Harry, looking into his green eyes. "What are we going to do?"

Harry shrugged. "First we're going to have to figure out if we want to keep 'dating.'"

I bit my lip. If the current plan wasn't working, what else could we do? I suppose Harry and I could 'break up' , but part of me didn't want that to happen. I didn't know what that part was thinking, but it was a strong part.

Harry and I could keep 'dating', but that could lead to more issues. For one, Louis and Eleanor could keep growing closer. We could also have more people find about our little lie, and that wouldn't be good at all.

How was it even possible that there would be this many complications, when we'd only been 'dating' for a little while? Celebrities were difficult.

"What do you think?" I finally managed, coming out of my thoughts.

Harry seemed to think it over, his eyes wandering the room before coming back to me. "I think we should keep fake dating."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What if someone finds out?"

"You guys could date for real." Zayn said, making us look at him. "That way you wouldn't really be lying if anyone asked."

I felt Harry's gaze on me so I met his eyes. Could we actually do it?

I decided it was a good idea. It would make things a lot easier, and then I wouldn't have to worry about lying to everyone I loved.

Well, as much.

"Megan." Harry grinned. "Would you be my actual girlfriend?"

I returned the smile. "Sure."

Blah Blah Blah. Anyway... that was a relatively good place to stop, I think? I was going to make it longer, but then I was going to end it awkwardly. But anyway, I think within the next three parts the good stuff will happen.

Sorry for the short fluff chapter, my dears. I had less than an hour to write it(: xx

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