The Cutest Couple

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Not fifteen minutes later, the tour bus halted to a slow stop. We had arrived in Bristol and wouldn't be leaving for another week.

Harry dragged me, linked by our still intertwined hands outside the bus, where we found Louis and Niall were already kicking a ball between them (having found a suitable location without any low walls for the ball to be kicked over and not too many people to annoy) and bantering lightly. By football standards, Louis was winning about thirty million points to three but Niall was laughing at much too much to care. Louis didn't mind; it made him feel more entertaining than really the case.

"Hey, Har. You want in?" Harry grinned and fist-bumped Niall, but pulled me safely past Louis without a word.

"Nah, I'm taking Meg to Crushed Ice. Save me a game. Nialler. I'm going to beat the crap outta you, Blondie." Niall laughed again as we left. I could practically feel Louis' gaze boring into my back but I resisted the intense urge to turn around. I let Harry pull me along a few quiet streets, where he was stopped for autographs on several occasions but otherwise unrecognised.

"This place," he waved his hand at a lively bar, different colour spotlights circling the sign, which read: 'Crushed Ice.' "This place has the best cupcakes in the world, swear on my life."

"I trust you," I smiled.

And boy was he right. The cupcakes on display looked really mouthwatering. The icing piled up on the sponge in a dainty swirl and was sprinkled with creme roses and leaves.

We were left queuing for a while, chatting about nothing in particular.

"If you don't shut up about those damn cupcakes, Styles, I'm gonna shoot you. Don't you know how hungry you're making me?" I huffed.

He feigned a horrified expression. "Prison changed you."

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up. You're mean."

"You're fit."

I flushed, self-consciously glancing down at myself. "What has that got to do with anything?"

"It was a warm compliment buried in the kind glow of my heart."

I giggled. "Steady on, Shakespeare."

"All right," he looked like a wounded puppy. Well, he tried to. The result more resembled a disgruntled frog. "I take it back."

I elbowed him. "Jackass."

I don't know how, but we ended up in the position that his chin rested on my shoulder, his arm draped around to clasp my hand.

Eventually, we were left standing at the bar counter, and Harry leant over to embrace the woman behind it.

"Hey, Zoe, how have you been keeping?"

"Still working here. How goes your miserable life, Styles?" She teased, pulling back and sweeping around the counter with a tray full of empty glasses.

"Not dancing, Zoe?" He gestured at the group of couples swaying to some reggae tune. She gave him a blank look and shoved her tray at him.

"You collect glasses, I dance."

"Would you stop your sassing and serve us? I could file a customer complaint."

"You could, but you won't because I'm Zoe Marcella and you love me regardless. Although," A large smile broke out onto her face and only then did I see how pretty she was. "It seems as though you have a new lady in your life."

"I'm Megan," I said, only just registering the compromising position we were in and trying to shrug his chin from my shoulder. To no avail, of course.

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