Three Days

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It's really funny, right, because you guys were all like "No don't put Meg in jail noooo!" and I was like "lol prison she goes."

And also, only like three people commented that Meg was going to prison. Everyone else was like "SHE FINALLY CONFESSED HER LOVE". Which is perfectly fine, but kudos to the people that commented about the prison bit.

Three days.

Three days I had been in prison, with nothing as simple as music to entertain me. In all honesty, it wasn't as bad as I expected. Alright I take that back, it was really really really bad, but still not as bad as what I thought it would be.

Louis found a way to get me into a prison in Norway. I wasn't sure if it was good or bad, but it was one of the nicer prisons that I could have been in. Plus it was specificially made for girls aged 18-21 who had only done small crimes, like shoplifting or trespassing. I guess he didn't want me to go to one of the big prisons, with the murderers and rapists, so he got me into this one.

I looked around the little room I was in. It really was nice, it reminded me of a hotel in a keep-you-inside-so-you-don't-do-anything-else-harmful kind of way. It had a bed pressed against the left wall, and a TV at the foot of it. A shelf was on the opposite wall with a painting above it, and next to that was a desk and a window. The walls were painted a mint green, and the carpets were a grey colour. Like I said, one of the better prisons.

I had been spending most of my time in my room, just sulking. I felt sorry for myself, and sorry for the things that I had done. I knew that it was wrong, and just plain idiotic. I'm sure if anyone heard my story they'd yell at me for being an idiot, which I completely deserved. I was an idiot, a complete and utter idiot who didn't deserve her friends or her amazing life.

Not that I would commit suicide to get rid of those things, but I just didn't deserve them. For example, I had grown up with Louis, he had been a big part of my life. Even when we were little he would look out for me and make sure I was happy. So how do I repay him? By going into his house, trying to break up his relationship and eventually making him pay the government for my fines.

Then there was Harry, who I had only met recently. He was completely wonderful in every way, and looked out for me just as much as Louis did. In fact, he was the only person who was directly involved in all of this who hadn't gotten upset with me yet. He really was sweet, and for that I was thankful. I didn't deserve to meet him, especially not after the things I had put him through.

Zayn, Liam and Niall. Zayn had helped Harry and I, even when he knew what we were doing was absolutely wrong. I'm not sure if it's a good thing that he did, but I still shouldn't have someone who's so supportive either way. Liam and Niall were both so nice to me, after the courtroom they had hugged me and told me it was alright. I didn't know if they were actually upset with me, but the hug had helped.

None of those boys I deserve. There should have been another girl in my place, someone who was kinder and more considerate of other people's feelings. Someone who could give the boys what they deserve, instead of taking everything away from them.

I heard a knock on my door. "Come in." I called, knowing that the guard on the other side has his own key.

Like I expected, he opened the door himself. "You have a call. Come with me."

I followed him out of my room, letting him lead me down the white hallways. Every once in a while there was a painting, but I had already seen them all so I didn't need to stop and look.

We finally arrived in the little room where I would be talking on the phone. There was a 'mirror' on one wall, and in the middle was a table with a phone. I really didn't understand why there were so many precautions when I had only vandalized.

I plopped down in the chair, picking up the phone. "Hello?"

"How are you doing? Are they treating you well?" I was surprised to hear Liam's concerned voice on the other end, his words all rambling together.

"Yes, Liam, I'm fine." I sighed.

I heard shuffling on the other end before Niall's cheerful voice came through. "Is the food good? Have you made any new friends?"

I couldn't help but smile at their concern and the fact that they were still speaking with me. It really was sweet of them to call, I knew they were on tour and were really busy so they couldn't talk to me much.

"No I haven't made any friends, and the food is fine."

There was shuffling again before Liam spoke, "Why haven't you made any friends? The people aren't mean, are they?"

"No Liam, they aren't mean." I drew in a breath, not wanting to tell them that I've been sulking this entire time. "I just haven't had the time to make friends. I've been trying to get my way around first."

There was a pause, and something told me they were about to say something serious. "Look Meg, Niall and I aren't upset with you for what you did." Liam said.

"Not at all!" I could hear Niall shouting in the background. In other circumstances I would have smiled.

"We know you're probably beating yourself up about this, so we decided that we wouldn't make matters worse. You know that what you did was really dumb, right?"

I shook my head, Liam was being a daddy again. "Yes, I do."

"Then we don't need to remind you by being upset with you."

I smiled small, a little hope erupting inside me. Maybe not everyone was angry with me.

There was shuffling again and I knew the phone was being passed to Niall.

"Meg, you need to know that Louis is really upset." Niall said.

I swallowed. I had expected this, but somehow when Niall actually said it it meant something. "What do you mean?"

"He's angry with you, but also seems to be sad. We don't know what's going on, but you need to come home soon so that we can fix it."

"I have 57 more days, Niall."

I could hear Niall sigh. "Well, Harry's going to visit you next week."

My heart rate sped up. "He's what?"

The phone was passed to Liam. "He's going to visit you. He's got the plane tickets and everything."

"B-But why?"

"We don't know, but you might want to use that time to fix this."

With that, we said our goodbyes before both boys hung up, leaving me with a silence that I had a feeling was going to become normal.

Harry was going to visit me. I had to fix everything.

Oh and when I went to Michigan there was a very cute guy who scooped my icecream.

So.......... I'm not entirely sure if I like this part, but I hadn't updated for over a week so I figured I should give you guys SOMETHING.


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